Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 995:

The thought of their homeland and fellow citizens being enslaved by the enemy made them even cry.

As for why crying is not death, it is because they do not have the heart to die, otherwise they would not work for the enemy here.

A group of crystal spirits continued their work with complex minds.

The task entrusted to them by Zero is simple, that is, to verify the technical information that he has not yet understood.

Their task is nothing more than that.

Therefore, Zero will not care about the idea of ​​these crystal spirits who are going to die anyway. After all, even if these crystal spirits are self-determined, they will only allow him to drag back a while to understand those materials.

Under his control, the fleet spent about a week at the entrance to the first wormhole in the Crystal Empire.

Here, the zero-control warship stopped.

He did not immediately pass the warship through the wormhole to the Crystal Empire.

Although the plan is ready, plundering also needs efficiency, so after discussing with Cheng Yuan, they are ready to build a large-scale interstellar portal.

Use portals to reduce time during transport.

This will make the looting process more efficient!

He set the battleship apart and pulled out several engineering fleets mixed in the battleship team.

"Let's get started." Cheng Yuan, who was notified, also ordered.

He's boring on Mars, but he can't go back immediately. After all, he has to stay with his family. More importantly, his parents don't let him have his own time at all.

Supervising his and Guo Xiaolian's progress every day makes him a little bit big.

Wanting to conceive also requires probability, although after strengthening, he can increase Guo Xiaolian's chances of conceiving a child many times.

The problem is, Guo Xiaolian has not been moving here, and he is very helpless.

He and Guo Xiaolian also conducted a special inspection for this purpose.

The reason why the second child was too late to conceive was also unknown.

After Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian have been perfectly strengthened, it can be said that there is no problem in wanting to conceive a child.

The reason lies with Cheng Yuan.

He is currently unable to let Guo Xiaolian conceive a child. It is not because he has a physical problem. In recent years, he has been in outer space for many years. The body has been in space for too long, which has caused some organs in the body to undergo a delicate adaptation process. .

In this process, Cheng Yuan couldn't even work harder.

Therefore, if Cheng Yuan wants a second child, he'd better stay on Mars or Earth for the next two years, so that his body can adapt to it again.

Having reached such a conclusion, the family naturally strongly opposed Cheng Yuan's continued running, so Cheng Yuan can now only stay honestly on Mars.

At the order of Cheng Yuan, the nine engineering ships were controlled to merge and move closer together, and at the same time the hulls were unfolded to form a huge platform.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining engineering ships based on this platform also expanded and expanded, allowing the area of ​​the platform to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Almost 30 minutes later, a spaceport large enough to accommodate a hundred large warships appeared at the entrance to the wormhole.

After the space port was established, a large number of intelligent robots were sent by elevators from below the space port, and then these robots began large-scale construction.

Construction of the Dark Energy Reactor started at the same time as the interstellar portal.

After the project started here, Zero controlled the fleet and other engineering fleets to enter the wormhole.

This space port's interstellar portal allows ships carrying materials to reach the frontline base directly.

At the other end of the wormhole, a space port will be built. The role of that space port is to receive the transport ships plundered from the various stars of the crystal.

As the plunder progresses, the number of space ports and portals will increase.

He wants to create the fastest transportation lane!

At the same time, this channel will become a shortcut for warships to enter the Crystal Empire.

In this case, no matter what problems will occur in the future, they will be able to support the first time, instead of wasting most of their time on the road!

Seeing that all the projects were on track, Cheng Yuan cut off communication after telling a few words to Zero.

"It's over?" Guo Xiaolian was lying on Cheng Yuan's shoulder in pajamas.

Recently, because both parents are urging, the two are working hard regardless of day and night.

"Yeah, it's over, there should be no problems in the back." Cheng Yuan stretched comfortably, the crystal spirit was disabled, and the Zerg also left. There is no problem at present.

This made Cheng Yuan feel relaxed for a while, but when he thought of the reminder before zero, he still felt a slight sense of urgency.

Maybe there will be no problems while I'm alive, but what about the future?

Will the Zerg keep turning a blind eye to itself?

Although the death of an Overseer is optional to the Zerg, does he have no friends or family as an Overseer?

His relatives, his friends, will definitely do something after receiving news of Lee's death.

At this time, he was not sure. It could be hundreds of years or thousands of years later, but he felt certain that the other party would definitely come again.

And when it comes again, it will definitely not be like this time!

Hey, who said he would be flooded when I die, but this sentence is easy to say, but it is actually too difficult to do!

Relatives, friends, and grandchildren, can you just say that you abandon it?

In those movies, the children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren.

That is also based on the situation that children and grandchildren have a retreat. If there is no retreat, you may be more anxious than them. How can you say that?

"Go to eat. My stomach is just hungry." Cheng Yuan patted his belly. These problems don't need to be urgent, at least they can delay for a long enough time after the jammer arrangement is completed.

After having lunch, Cheng Yuan pulled Guo Xiaolian to go out for a stroll.

Today, Mars City is also getting lively. As a city on Mars, Mars City is of extraordinary significance.

Coupled with the fact that this city is far more technologically advanced than other cities on Mars, this has led to many people wanting to settle in this city.

However, when Mars City was first constructed, the planned area was not large, so it could accommodate a small population.

But the size obviously cannot stop people's enthusiasm. If you can't buy real estate in Mars City, then rent a house, even if you rent a week to visit and travel!

The increase in foot traffic has also brought prosperity to Mars City, and small business vendors have begun to increase.

What makes Cheng Yuan feel speechless is that although Mars City's plan is small, many business-minded people are consciously selling goods outside the city.

With one person, there are two. Under this chain reaction, the area of ​​illegal commercial areas around Mars City is larger than that of Mars City itself!

As the current top management personnel of Mars, Founder is also not good at forcibly expelling. Only when these commercial areas take shape, the relevant management regulations and health regulations are promulgated.

As soon as these regulations were promulgated, the merchants poured into Mars like a **** shark.

What they are most afraid of is that Mars City will turn a blind eye to them. If this is the case, they will be nervous every day.

I'm afraid they will be forcibly evicted someday!

It can be said that both sides have restraint.

Regarding this, Zheng Jia, who came to Mars later, also acquiesced in this, but she only strengthened the management of the sanitation environment and directly expelled those traders who did not strictly comply with environmental sanitation regulations.

Although this process drove a large number of traders, UU reading, but more traders came in.

It is easy to follow hygiene with a little care.

Coupled with a high degree of automation, robots recycle everything from waste. They only need to pay a certain monthly fee to enjoy it. Why do they have to deal with others?

This has led to the expansion of Mars City today by more than ten times!

Also created the prosperity of this city!

Cheng Yuan hasn't visited this city he set up for a long time, so it is rare to prepare for a two-person world today.

As a result, the two were blocked by a group of people as soon as they went out.

Rushing black ants say

The magic of the new book Xuezhu has been signed, and you can rest assured to eat it.

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