Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1011: Special weapons

ろ ろ ⺗ 裞 蛧 更 薪 最 駃 → ωωω.㈢㈢χs. て oм 』﹃ 值 鍀 Collection of online novel reading network

Time passed by Cheng Yuan's slow layout.

Near the coordinates of the jumping point when Su An left when the space suddenly twisted, an invisible energy shock erupted from the twisted center.

The spreading energy impact directly crushes the surrounding meteorites and asteroids into fine dust.

Immediately afterwards, the blue light flickered from the twisted space, and a huge gold battleship instantly opened the twisted space and appeared in this dead space.

The surface of the golden battleship lingers on the blue energy rays, and the rays automatically squeeze out the surrounding dust and ice cubes, freeing up an open space.

"Report, there is no large energy response around the coordinates, everything is normal, and hyper-curvy jumping can be performed." In the battleship, the Zerg commander sitting upright on the captain's chair reported the situation calmly.

What he didn't know, however, was that, not far from his battleship, behind a small fragmented star, a finger-sized micro-spy detection spacecraft completely recorded the situation here.

Cooperating with Cheng Yuan's order, the development of the forces received the image information of the spacecraft feedback in the first time.

Although Su An left at the beginning, considering the importance of the cosmic coordinates, he set up monitoring units where the Zerg had been.

This is to prevent the Zerg from using this coordinate to jump directly.

But he was wondering at zero. In addition to the monitoring unit, he also arranged jump and jump interference devices around it!

How did the Zerg come here?

Pressing the doubt in his heart, he quickly reported the situation to Cheng Yuan.

Zerg, come back!

Sitting at the table, chatting and smiling with his family, Cheng Yuan, who was eating at ease, suddenly saw a holographic screen popping out in front of himself.

He was also slightly surprised.

"They are back!" Zero looked at Cheng Yuan, but simply said such a sentence, and then quickly cut off the communication.

As early as last month, Cheng Yuan's body recovered.

He returned to normal and successfully let Guo Xiaolian conceive a second child. At this point, the family lived together again.

Zero sudden moves calm the lively atmosphere of the table.

"What's wrong, is it important? Or you'll be busy first?"

Rarely, Cheng Mu said something like this.

Cheng Yuan felt bad immediately. This remark was as if he were a sowing machine. The seeds were planted and they could be thrown into the warehouse and waited for the next time.

However, the situation in front of him can not tolerate Cheng Yuan's sloppyness, he nodded earnestly and said, "There is something wrong, you eat first."

Putting down the chopsticks, Cheng Yuan got dressed, and boarded his own private spaceship under the protection of a robotic guard. He left Mars and flew towards the Titan Fortress.

Soon, he came to the main control room of the Titan Fortress.

"What's the situation?" Cheng Yuan didn't dare to carelessly. The Zerg attacked again, and God knew how many troops would be brought.

If he can't get it right, he can't protect himself!

"They have been staying not far from the forbidden area of ​​life, and it is not clear what their purpose is now." Zero eyes suddenly appeared, the Zerg reappeared, the speed made him unacceptable.

According to his original estimate, at least it needs a buffer time of two or three years?

But now that they haven't even arrived for a year, they are back again!

This gives Zero a sense of crisis like never before!

In other words, the very long distance in his eyes is actually not worth mentioning to the Zerg!

If they want to come over anytime!

This is a very dangerous signal, and he can't help but ignore it!

After all, if you want to fight, you can just fight, you can just leave if you want to go!

Not to mention the other party is stronger than himself!

Cheng Yuan was also aware of the seriousness of the problem. He felt a bit big and looked at the Zerg fleet as if stationary on the screen. Shen Shen asked: "They have no other actions?"

"No, it looks like the target is the restricted area of ​​life." Zero frowned, he was a little puzzled. Is there anything special in the restricted area of ​​life that deserves Zerg so much?

Perhaps there were any special discoveries in the thousands of them in captivity?

Zero couldn't help wondering.

"Just sending some small spacecraft with similar reconnaissance function into the restricted life zone." Zero answered.

"Shouldn't they be for the metal creatures we made?" Cheng Yuan didn't think too complicated. He simply thought that the Zerg came for metal creatures.

After all, those who returned from the Zerg had seen the powerful qualities of metal creatures.

Although it is not clear how powerful the Zerg civilization is, it is undeniable that the metal creatures they created cannot be underestimated.

Cheng Yuan said so, only to realize that the metal creatures he made are also not easy!

Maybe it's really like Cheng Yuan said, the other party is going to the metal creature!

But then, zero is even more disturbing.

If the Zerg researched that these metal creatures were artificially made, they would be in trouble!

On the other side, Su An stayed in his own exclusive warship, watching every move of his colleague End.

The other party didn't take the task seriously at all, and everything looked casual.

This made Su An have to start to remind him: "Ander, you must be alert, these creatures are very difficult to entangle."

Sitting in his own battleship, Ender didn't take notice of Su An's reminder. In his opinion, Su An was an old antique and hadn't returned for a long time. Now it's not even clear what the strength of the empire is.

"Rest assured, these are some offensive targets. Our task is to capture them, not to destroy them." Ender waved his hands, confident.

Ender said so, Su An also hesitated, he would like to say that the attack power of those creatures is also powerful!

But the words came to my lips but I couldn't say it!

Not that he wanted to dig a hole for Ender to jump.

But he really didn't know how to explain.

After all, his knowledge of the empire was the same as it was 10,000 years ago. Now whether it is weapons or equipment or battleships, they have been updated for dozens of generations!

Although the technical gaps in it are stated in the data, he is not engaged in research. He said that he is at least a hundred times stronger than the original warship.

How is this hundred times calculated?

Without practice, he couldn't say why!

Seeing Suan shut up ~ ~ Ander smiled lightly and ordered lightly: "Prepare the bionet, let the fleet go in and capture."

He is not blindly confident, and his confidence is well-founded.

Before he came, the Imperial Equipment Department provided him with a weapon, a biological net, specifically used to capture these magical creatures.

When this kind of biological net encloses living things, it will release a special bioelectrical signal, which can quickly shield the biological signals inside the living things.

In other words, the biological nerve signals are rendered ineffective, making the body completely immobile!

This kind of biological network has carried out countless experiments in the laboratory, specifically to capture the special equipment of this magical creature.

The laboratory's success rate is 100%.

When the target is captured by the biological net, the entire body will stagnate and fall into a state of false death.

(м.③③χs.cóм = Old iron please remember for a second 秒 ③ 尛 裞 网)

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