Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1089: Come again

The universe itself is a huge, irregular shape, like water droplets falling on the ground, with no trace of law to follow.

News carried a convoy in a hurry, following the coordinates recorded in the database.

This convoy, consisting of a main frigate, 22 cruise ships, and two fortress main battleships, will protect the scientific research ship in New Zealand.

When the fleet started a leap and the carrier Blue Ray left, someone reported the news of News.

"Overseer, Lord News has left." A Zerg soldier respectfully reported to the tall figure in front of him.

Su An turned blankly and said lightly, "Let him go and tell the controllers what he is doing. We don't need to do much."

In the Zerg Empire, the Overseers and Controllers belonged to two departments. To put it directly, the Overseers belonged to the military system and the Controllers belonged to the government system.

As an Overseer, Su'an can be completely out of control.

After all, the two departments are relatively independent but deeply involved. They belong to the kind that no one can do without.

For Su An, he didn't want to go back to that galaxy. The galaxy felt too weird. Not to mention the crystal empire, it was the mechanical human civilization that made him feel very uncomfortable.

The weak human civilization itself relied on mechanical force to support the colonization of the universe!

Although he was surprised in his heart that those weak humans would believe in mechanical intelligence so much, but each civilization has its own characteristics, which may be the specificity of human civilization and not necessarily.

"By the way, are you ready to observe the worms? If News meets human civilization, remember to record the whole process. I would like to know how the other party quietly destroyed our fleet."

Although internal image data was also transmitted back then, it was impossible to guess what the other person did just by looking at the content of the image.

Su An himself has always suspected that humans have used a weapon that cannot be easily detected.

"I will prepare another clone, and it will be useful." With a dignified command, Su An narrowed her eyes to think about her plan.

If he succeeds, maybe he can go one step further.

He wants to be the High Warlord, he is to be the highest power under the Warchief! Thousands of years of delay really made him frustrated for a while, but when he recovered, he was extremely unwilling.

If it has been normal, he should have gone further in ten thousand years!

Not to mention the high-level overseer, the middle-level overseer can still sit!

Although the existence of the controller will limit his rights to a certain extent, the controller does not control the army. Compared with them, after becoming a high-level warlord, he has more power to speak!

In the event of an accident, he is definitely better than the commander of the commander!

Although the probability of an accident is extremely low, Su An also discovered the existence of angels and demons when looking at the situation of the empire during this time.

And the recent changes are clear to him. The demons they created have betrayed, because some people are eager to make quick progress, and they have added genes that have not yet been thought through!

Of course, he didn't know the specific situation and didn't want to know it. After all, for him, even if the institute's people put the information in front of him, he didn't understand it.

The betrayal of the demons instantly disrupted the Empire's god-making plan, and sometimes Su An himself was confused.

Why can't you wait patiently? A little bit cannibalize those angels, and finally capture them perfectly, and plan a happy ending for the God of Creation?

Although they do not have the same long life as the angels, they can still do so for tens of thousands of years.

What is the impatience at the top?

For Su An, who has not really entered the core power circle, these doubts are pressing on his mind like a haze, making him very uncomfortable.

It also strengthened his determination to go higher.

He didn't like the feeling of being blinded!

Red mining area.

As the number of trials increased, the expectations on Cheng Yuan's face also disappeared. But he did not lose patience. After all, he knew very well that many unexpected results were irreproducible.

Because the probability is extremely low, maybe one billionth, or even smaller!

It is almost impossible to try to reproduce through such experiments with such a low probability!

But even if the probability is very low, Cheng Yuan still needs to work hard. Because you have been working hard, there may be gains. But even the effort is gone, that is absolutely no gain!

"Thirteen thousand and seven hundred thousand experiments, the result: normal."

"There is no breakthrough in the space gate."

"You can add a piece of data content for super-light speed particles. Under the relative environment, adding magnetic field interference, super-light speed particles will have unknown fluctuations. Specific information requires more similar data comparison."

The super-light particle experiment is not simply trying to open the door to the universe of angels. Cheng Yuan knows the gap between the two sides. If he does not have enough strength in his hands, he is simply not qualified to participate in the war between the three parties!

The existence of super-light particles is one of his methods. If he can make super-light particles into weapons, then he is qualified to participate.

Whether it is an angel or a zerg, he needs to face it.

"Didi Didi Didi !!!"

Suddenly, a rapid sirens sounded.

Cheng Yuan's thoughts were interrupted, he looked to zero.

"There was a jump in energy fluctuations in the broken zone. Someone entered there through the jump. A total of twenty-six energy sources should be a small fleet." Zero Yi reported seriously.

At the same time, he frowned. The broken zone is now full of swirling energy vortexes, and the aftermath of the planet's destruction has not yet calmed down.

Neither he nor the Crystal Empire will venture into this dangerous zone ~ ~ In addition to them, only Zerg can come here!

"Maybe the Zerg, prepare for first-class combat." Although it was not 100% certain, the unknown fleet that suddenly jumped over was enough to make him pay attention. "

Cheng Yuan was also stunned. Although he did not confirm the identity of the other party, he had to take the zerg seriously.

He clearly remembered that there were Zerg warships in his hands!

Although he said that he had installed a lot of interference devices in the solar system to prevent any jumps, this would prevent the Zerg from surprise attacks.

But if the other party comes upright, he is helpless.

"Equipped with a virus, be vigilant," Cheng Yuan reminded.

At this moment, the monitored energy source began to move, but the direction of the movement caused Cheng Yuan to face each other.

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