Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1094: Who's sure in the future?

"Technology Crystal Company What is it going to do?"

"It means Cheng Yuan or Zheng Jia?"

"Don't you say that the current family member of the technology crystallization company is Guo Xiaolian?"

In the serious and bright conference room, the noisy talking made the entire conference room like a messy market, and the old man sitting in the middle of the table shook his gray eyebrows.


咳 He coughed into the microphone softly, and suddenly the discussion in the conference room gradually reduced.

"You, we are not discussing what the technology crystallization company is going to do, what is their purpose!" The old man nodded his finger on the rosewood desktop and said solemnly, "What we want to discuss is what we should do!"

Uh ...

Just this morning, the technology crystallization company suddenly sent them a message that would shock them.

三年 After three years of exploration, they discovered the alien star field, and have also established a space portal directly to the alien star field!

The old man was shocked when he first received the news. Since the alien spaceship appeared in the solar system and was captured by Cheng Yuan, they have been studying alien technology all the time.

But three years is still too short for them!

They also only researched a little fur, and more technical knowledge was obtained through the technology crystallization company.

This makes them frustrated while discovering the gap between themselves and the technology crystallization company.

Obviously, this is not a good phenomenon.

But they can do nothing about it. Starting from Cheng Yuan's elimination of intelligent machinery, the status of both sides has changed dramatically.

Coupled with the development of Mars, this change is more stable.

As for the technology crystallization company, they have no way at all, and can only follow it slowly to develop and research.

Moreover, they followed suit to study, not only did not shorten the distance between the two sides, but also made the gap between the two sides' technological level increasingly wide.

到底 Why is this in the end? The old man couldn't tell.

的 Scientific research center people can not answer.

Every time he asks the reason, the answer he hears every time is: "We are not Cheng Yuan!"

回答 The answer made the old man very upset, but he agreed with the answer.

After all, Cheng Yuan is unique.

But now, the old man can't sit still.

We are still digging into the technology that lags behind you, and as a result, you have touched the alien's hometown!

Can this still progress together?

What's more, isn't the main goal of Smash Gate recently to develop Saturn's rings and establish a second Saturn base?

How is this going! ?

The old man had countless doubts in his heart. He looked at the people in the conference room and said, "The message sent by the other party is not a discussion or a formal description. Whether we decide to act with him or not, we will not waver Their decision! "

A general looked at the old man solemnly, and Shen said, "He is preparing to fight against aliens! This is a war between civilization and civilization. He alone cannot represent all humanity, and he has no right to decide. ! "

The righteous words he said, but there were no emotions.

Because this general is very clear, when a person stands at the highest point, his decision is equivalent to the decision of everyone else!

This is like the new policy issued above. The policy has come down. Is the following objection valid?


Even if you have it, you have to hold it, and then slowly adapt to the new policy!

this is the truth!

In his eyes, Cheng Yuan is such a person now. His decision is equivalent to the decision of all mankind!

老人 Just now the old man made it very clear that the news was not to discuss with them, but whether they cooperated or not, he would execute according to his own will!

The others looked at the general inexplicably and did not speak.

"I think we should act with him. This may also be our opportunity. As far as I know, Cheng Yuan will never do anything unsure." Liu Changqing stood up and looked at the old man seriously.

As the dean of the Academy of Sciences, and also the earliest group of people who had contact with Cheng Yuan, Liu Changqing thought that he knew a little bit about Cheng Yuan.

他 In his opinion, Cheng Yuan would not have done such an action if he was not sure.

Cheng Chengyuan is a genius, but also has genius pride and a series of problems.

Such as waywardness, self, and freewheeling.

But Cheng Yuan has never been a man of arrogance and vision.

The old man looked at Liu Changqing who spoke and asked, "If you cooperate, what do you think we should do? Don't forget the gap between the two sides!"

When talking about the gap, the old man's face changed a little.

They also learned a lot of technology behind the technology crystallization company, and they also bought production lines from the technology crystallization company.

But they still have too little power!

In recent years, even with full development, there are only 120 space warships in hand, and they are not those warships that can carry out long-distance attacks. At most, they are hovering near low-earth orbit or distant orbit to deter other countries. .

How can such strength be able to fight against alien civilization! ?

"Cheng Yuan should have considered it long ago, otherwise he wouldn't explain to us that there is a portal that directly leads to the alien star domain." Liu Changqing was very sure on this point. "As for the quantity problem you are worried about, As long as we participate in the operation with Cheng Yuan, then we are afraid that Cheng Yuan will not come up with more technology? "

The words of Tamarix Changqing let everyone light up, and then communicated in a low voice.

The old man was thinking about what Liu Changqing said.

Since Cheng Cheng wants to get them involved, he must also understand their current situation. With their strength, there is no condition to fight against alien civilizations ~ ~ so in order to let them have such conditions and strength.

Wu Tie will certainly support them in some form.

Taking this into consideration, the old man's heart moved, but at the same time he knew more, once he agreed, they would be more passive in getting along with Cheng Yuan!

But does it matter?

The relationship between the two parties has already been so long after Mars appeared. Is it necessary for him to become more passive?

Rather than worry about this little gain and loss in front of you, it is better to look at the future!

As long as you keep up with the fast-moving train of science and technology company, I am afraid that there will be no chance to change the current situation in the future! ?

Cheng Chengyuan is a genius. He leads the technology crystallization company, and it is he who makes the technology crystallization company!

But no matter how genius Cheng Yuan is, he is human!

As long as he is human, will there be a day when he grows old, and will his descendants be as talented as he is?

Maybe possible, maybe impossible!

But it doesn't matter. The old man believes in the existence of genius, but he doesn't believe that Cheng Yuan himself is just a genius. It is impossible that all his descendants are as brilliant as he is!

He just has to be patient!

Although he can no longer see the future, he firmly believes that the future will definitely change!

Temporary backwardness is only temporary!

Who is sure of the future?

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