Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 482:

In the eyes of the president, as long as intelligence and energy keep up, the body design of the robot is the simplest. ?

The reason why Huaxia can launch so many robots so quickly is not because they have mastered high-end intelligence and advanced energy?

And they are not short of energy now, what they lack is intelligence!

Low-level intelligence cannot be as flexible as Huaxia's robots, while high-level intelligence experts have made no progress.

This naturally made him very upset.

If Cheng Yuan knew his thoughts, he would definitely give a thumbs up and praise, insightful!

This idea is very correct. The manufacture of the body and shape of the robot is not difficult. The difficulty lies in intelligence!

Whether it is manual control or intelligent control, a sufficient level of intelligence is indispensable. If it is manual control, then you need an intelligence to assist you.

It's like Iron Man.

In this black-tech film, the appearance of Iron Man naturally produced many imitations, and they also wanted to create a war weapon of their own country.

But no one succeeded. From here, you can see the difference. In addition to the problem of driving energy, how important is an intelligent hub!

Not only this US president, but also other countries. Now a robot exhibition in Huaxia has put all countries in the world into the mania of robot manufacturing.

In foreign countries, no matter which media, they uniformly believe that this military parade is a robot demonstration and a military robot demonstration!

This recognition also made the topic of robots a global topic once again. For the first time, the topic of robots was caused by intelligent robots.

Its appearance has entered society into the era of intelligent machines, and intelligent robots have begun to appear in people's lives.

The second robot topic was the emergence of Z1 robots and the entire fleet of ASEAN fleets instantly destroyed by the thunder.

This time, this is the third time!

And with the hot topic of robotics, Cheng Yuan's name once again entered everyone's sight. Even though most of this robotic show has nothing to do with him.

All are the results of the efforts of the Chinese experts, but this does not prevent others from associating things with him, because the source of all this comes from Cheng Yuan!

What makes them most jealous is that all the topics about robots come from Huaxia, not them!

Naturally, the hot agenda of the outside world is far from idle and he has nothing to look at. At this time, he is carefully checking the information of the black robot.

The name of this black robot is black cricket. The source is that the surface armor of the robot is coated with a black cricket powder coating. In Cheng Yuan's view, it has no use other than to make the robot's appearance more beautiful.

Instead of using decorative surface coatings, it is better to use some useful things, such as some invisible coatings, or anti-magnetic interference coatings and the like.

Cheng Yuan poked his mouth, and then continued to look at it. The contents of the robot have not changed much. After looking at it, Cheng Yuanxian's black robot is an enlarged version of the Z1 robot, and then put a layer of shell on the outside. !!

The only difference is the replacement of nuclear fission energy with more powerful fusion energy!

Cheng Yuan twitched his lips, and suddenly felt a little disappointed. He had thought that there would be some new flowers, and the result was really like a piece of cake. He had an unparalleled ability to learn cottages and change shells)!

Because of the large increase in volume, although the blackbird robot looks flexible in its previous performance, if this robot is compared with the Z1 or g-type robot, there will definitely be some slight gaps.

"However, this difference is not too big a problem, no wonder the appearance is fair." Cheng Yuan thought.

In terms of weapons, it is not even necessary for Cheng Yuan to pick up the faults, and also increase the body size, but it is really difficult for these experts. Instead of using better energy utilization, instead of adding ten times the energy in the melee energy weapon to activate And quadrupled the amount of energy.

Are they not afraid to burn all the internal wiring?

This point made Cheng Yuan spit out the most. After reading the black cricket's overall data, Cheng Yuan's only evaluation was that he was large enough but not practical.

Can not perfectly match energy weapons, more suitable to use gunpowder weapons and pure metal melee weapons.

From this point, its power has fallen by a notch.

This point seems to be uneconomical for Cheng Yuan, but it is only a unilateral evaluation. Whether this blackbird robot is really not practical must be viewed in combination with the actual situation.

For now, this huge robot is enough to deter many mischievous people.

Therefore, even if Cheng Yuan degrades constantly, he cannot change this fact.

With a sigh, Cheng Yuan didn't know what to say. He turned off the relevant information of the blackbird robot, and Cheng Yuan went down from the laboratory.

Now that the satellite is on track to build, the anti-gravity launch pad is also hiding from those experts' rapid construction. All he has to do now is wait.

After going downstairs, I took Chen Yu toward Zheng Jia's office. He wanted to ask how the Yangpu Economic Development Zone was doing.

As soon as Cheng Yuan came out of the elevator, as he passed the office area, he saw the employees around him staring at him with an extremely enthusiastic look.

Cheng Yuan ignored these eyes directly, walked towards Zheng Jia's office with an air of demure, and did not forget to observe the situation of the employees around him.

However, he took a look around, and suddenly he was surrounded by local Huaxia employees, and he did not see a foreigner, which made him very confused.

He remembers that global recruitment has already begun, why is the company still in this state?

Cheng Yuan walked into Zheng Jia's office with doubt.

"Boss, why are you free now, just come back from here, do not take a few days off?" Zheng Jia smiled when he saw Cheng Yuan.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Yuan looked at Zheng Jia who smiled suddenly, touched his face, and said to Zheng Jia wonderingly, "I look funny?"

He took a look at his clothes. His upper body was short-sleeved with blue and white stripes. He wore a pair of orange-yellow patterned shorts underneath, and called an ordinary pair of sandals.

This dress is so ordinary, what ’s so funny?

Just when he was puzzled, Zheng Jia smiled happily: "I didn't laugh at your dress. I was just happy. The boss of our company was a long-talking figure and was invited to the tower."

Cheng Yuan sighed and said silently: "I thought what was going on, what's so happy about it, how about keeping you in charge of things over Yangpu Kai District?"

"Very smooth, Fang Jing's ability to handle things is very good, but unfortunately it is a waste of putting you to take care of your life." Zheng Jia said calmly, and at the same time a look of regret appeared on his face.


Zheng Jia's words made Cheng Yuan a little embarrassed, but he never thought about giving people to Zheng Jia. Although he had no other thoughts on Fang Jing, but Fang Jing had been with himself for so long, he was used to the usual room Jing helped herself feel that the chores of life were properly handled.

And Fang Jing's ability is really excellent, some things have been done for him without his orders. How could such a good assistant let go.

Besides, for another person, he is not used to it!

Not only is he not used to it, the people in the Security Department are busy again. After all, his assistant must be qualified first, and he has no bad records.

Most importantly, this person must be capable!

There are not many such people, so Cheng Yuan ignored Zheng Jia's regretful look and sat down on the chair that Chen Yu brought him. He said firmly, "If I want to have a quiet room, I will let her give you more. Help. "

Zheng Jia gave Cheng Yuan a white look, and said badly: "Aren't you afraid that Xiao Lian is angry?"

"How come, I didn't do anything, Xiao Lian was angry." Cheng Yuan replied.

Zheng Jia was speechless for a moment, and said with a lip: "Who always knows that there is a big beautiful girl around me."

Cheng Yuan had nothing to say this time, and he was not stupid. He naturally understood the meaning of Zheng Jia's words. The boss is young and promising, and the assistant is young and beautiful. Even if there is nothing here, it will be passed down by outsiders.

Even now, Cheng Yuan can see from some small media on the Internet some news about his catching up with Fang Jing.

If the process is not far away, he will not pay attention to the news of these bloggers. He switched the topic and asked: "How is the situation of Lan Yin mobile phone, has any unexpected situation emerged, and the progress of the new factory?"

Zheng Jia gave Cheng Yuan a white glance ~ ~ It was nonsatisfying to directly diverge from the topic like this. Isn't this gossip thing more interesting?

Zheng Jia really wanted to find someone to chat with at this time to relax. Originally, there were Fang Jing and Guo Xiaolian in the company. She also had a place to chat with.

But now Guo Xiaolian went back to raise her baby, and Fang Jing ran to Yangpu again. She couldn't find anyone who spoke. After all, as she is now, no one in the company dares to chat with her.

Who would not talk to her as a president unless you think you are too comfortable in the company!

But when she was out of the company, she couldn't even talk to those who were inflamed.

Therefore, this time when she met Cheng Yuan, she naturally had a good chat. Unfortunately, Cheng Yuan simply gave her a chance.

Zheng Jia said with a formula: "The thing about Lan Yin's mobile phone is still going well. The frame, earpiece, camera, and microphone have all found the corresponding outsourcer and have begun production."

"The remaining screens, display tubes, chips, batteries and other important aspects are produced in-house by Lanyin Technology and then uniformly assembled, so there is no problem at present."

Cheng Yuan nodded. Of course, the project on outsourcing accessories is naturally irrelevant, and the important things must be produced by themselves.

In this way, not only can we speed up production, but we can even out some benefits and bring benefits to society.

This sounds a bit unbelievable. After all, even if you even spread out some of the benefits, you are also earned by those outsourcers. Is it related to the benefit of society?

But the fact is exactly what Cheng Yuan thought. If Cheng Yuan does not outsource parts, then some contractors will not have orders. Without the order workers, they will not be able to start work. Where does the wage of the workers who do not start?

So this is also indirectly driving social farming! (To be continued.)

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