Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 606:

Is it because of the fear of zero that it has not invaded those areas that have urban networks, or because of the fear of zero that has not penetrated the relatively important places such as transportation systems.

Of course, this is his own personal guess, which is impossible to say.

However, he has to act now. After all, cutting off the signal is irrelevant at the beginning, but after a long time, he will definitely be in trouble.

No. 1 considered for a moment and said to his secretary, "Xiao Zhang, please help me contact President Zheng of the technology crystallization company and tell her that we have a business to talk to her."

Xiao Zhang heard that, it should be immediately.

But when he contacted Zheng Jia, he was very surprised. What time is it now, and he is still talking about business? Shouldn't we do something special at such a crisis?

However, No. 1 and Xiao Zhang's thoughts are different. Although it is a global crisis and many things can be handled specially, he still does not want to take any coercive measures in the face of a technology crystallization company.

Because that would cause even more trouble!

Even if he can force Zheng Jia to set up signal base stations in those cities, but without zero control, the satellite on his head cannot be connected to the signal base stations on the ground.

Once Cheng Yuan knows this, the consequences will be great. For Cheng Yuan, he knows it very well, and the mentality of protecting the calf is very serious.

No one is bullied into their own heads.

What's most frustrating to him is that since Cheng Yuan developed space, some of their restrictions have become smaller for Cheng Yuan, and just before, Cheng Yuan announced the relevant information of Hongnong, and he understood.

If he persecutes Cheng Yuan in this regard, he can immediately go to space to develop without any worries!

As for interception, he never even thought about it. No one in the world can match the aerospace technology in the hands of Cheng Yuan.

It only takes a few seconds to fly from earth to space. How can such speed be intercepted?

Therefore, at this time, he still needs to deal with technology crystallization companies in the form of business! Besides, now that their relationship with Cheng Yuan is so good, he won't just neglect the relationship between them.


At this point, Zheng Jia was sitting in the office, surprised, covering her mouth, watching the shocking scene at the resistance base.

From the beginning of the battle between the two sides, the short soldiers met, long-range confrontation, until the last Z1 robot detonated the energy source.

She could see it all!

Although intelligent machinery shields the global network, it cannot shield zero networks.

So Zheng Jia still learned this information.

After all, during this time, although the country is still peaceful, there has not been much change. But many people are talking about the crisis of intelligent machinery.

After all, this crisis that swept the world is very eye-catching!

Therefore, Zheng Jia, the world's premier technology company president, will naturally try his best to learn about this news.

She didn't understand the war. In her eyes, the explosion of Z1 was not done by her own initiative, but was destroyed by the army of intelligent machinery and then triggered!

When she saw an outbreak equivalent to a small underwriting, she was naturally shocked.

After watching one place, she started to look at the situation at another base, but she just asked Zero to change places, and the mobile phone on her desk suddenly sounded.

When she saw it, it was a strange number.

"Sister, the secret number from the capital may be a high-level department, do you want to pick it up?" The internal intelligence of the phone reminded Zheng Jia the moment he picked up the phone.

When Zheng Jia heard it, he immediately took it seriously, turned off the video, and said, "Connect it."


The phone was connected, and a holographic window appeared in front of her, but the person who appeared in the window surprised Zheng Jia, "Head?"

No. 1 saw the surprised Zheng Jia and smiled slightly. "General Zheng, this is the first time you have met. You should also understand the recent situation. Not long ago, intelligent machinery occupied the global signal network. We need technology. Crystal's technical assistance. "

Zheng No.1 stayed open, she didn't know the signal that the intelligent machine had invaded the world!

"Zero, is this happening?" She's always had a smooth network here, naturally she didn't feel it.

"Yes, smart machines have encroached on all signal networks, including radio and satellites," Zero answered.

Zheng Jia got the answer, nodded solemnly, and said, "Head, what kind of help do you need? But why not contact the boss directly?"

This is Zheng Jia's curiosity. Isn't it best to directly contact Cheng Yuan for such a thing?

No. 1 coughed a little, and said a little embarrassingly: "Our satellites have also been occupied by the invasion. Now, except for your company's products, other products cannot be contacted. Now if you want to contact Cheng Yuan, you must use satellite signals. We can't get in, so ... "

Zheng Jia also instantly understood the meaning of the number one. The feeling was that the signal from him had also been invaded by intelligent machines. No wonder he would hit him here.

After thinking clearly, Zheng Jia smiled and said, "Head, let me contact the boss for you."

"Also." No. 1 nodded.

After Zheng Jia agreed, he said to Zero: "Contact Cheng Yuan."

"no problem."

On Hongnong, Cheng Yuan just lay down for a long time, and suddenly he said, "Sir, there is an important phone call that needs your answer."

Cheng Yuan opened his eyes and wondered, "What is it?"

"It was the request of Huaxia's senior management. The intelligent mechanical invasion occupied the global signal network. Now all signals on the earth are cut off, and all countries have lost the ability to connect quickly." Zero explained.

When Cheng Yuan heard the news, he was startled, "So fast, is there any problem with our network?"

"Of course!" Zero proudly said.

Cheng Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "Why did the chief seek me this time?"

"It's up to you to handle it yourself. Do you need to connect it?" Zero asked again.

Cheng Yuan got up, got dressed and came to the lobby, and said, "Connect."

The call was connected, and two holographic windows appeared in Zheng Jia's office, one was Cheng Yuan, and the other was No. 1.

"Head, do you have anything to do this time?" Cheng Yuan asked in advance.

Regarding Cheng Yuan's attitude, No. 1 nodded inconceivably, and then described the matter again, then said, "I want your company to deploy signal base stations throughout the country. I believe that with your technical strength, this It's easy. "

"Of course, we won't let you do this for free, we will buy these devices at standard prices."

Cheng Yuan's eyes flickered, he was quite surprised, he thought that No. 1 would use this special period now, let him do it for free, but he did not expect to pay for the standard price!

Of course, the behavior of No. 1 did not make Cheng Yuan react too much, and he soon wanted to understand why No. 1 did it.

He groaned for a moment and replied, "Head, this period is also quite special, and your requirements are relatively simple for us. Even if the standard price is ok, I'll give you half price."

Cheng Yuan did not do so kindly, but he was learning that the global network had been taken over by his hands, and the flame that had been suppressed in the heart was burning again.

Unified global network!

How tempting is this?

He had the same idea before, but there were too many network operators, and one by one, he would be protected by local forces.

So Cheng Yuan buried this idea in his heart, but now, intelligent machinery can completely break this situation.

Let all the old-style networks be eliminated, and now his Internet era will come!

He will participate in urban reconstruction, and it is also the time for him to lay out the urban network. And Cheng Yuan estimates that the scope of this smart crisis is more than that.

This is just the beginning!

Because the intelligent crisis has just occupied those places, many projects have just begun construction, and intelligent machines will fully utilize all the resources they occupy.

At that time, it was the time when the strongest power of intelligent machinery broke out.

No. 1 took a deep look at Cheng Yuan ~ ~ and then nodded heavily. Although he could not understand Cheng Yuan's thoughts, he could understand the situation in front of him.

In the case that the old network is unavailable, the technology crystal company has become a big company!

And this range is certainly not limited to Huaxia. Now that the links between countries around the world have been cut off. If you want to re-establish the links, naturally, the help of technology crystallization companies is indispensable.

Therefore, in the subsequent development of technology crystallization companies, they will definitely become larger and larger. In order to rebuild information channels, countries will definitely pay a lot of money.

These costs, whether they are money or resources, are not small gains for a technology crystallization company.

After all, the one-stop production line of the technology crystallization company has enough capacity to carry out later refining and processing of resource minerals.

Thinking of this, No. 1 sighed deeply.

The development of a technology crystallization company is what he hopes to see, because it will become the pride of Huaxia and a symbol.

However, the technology crystallization company is developing too fast, and he does not want to see it. When a company grows and grows out of control, it naturally does not conform to their behavior style.

But now, even if you don't want to.

Without technology crystal companies, then they will face the threat of intelligent machinery.

After all, although they do have an advantage in force, on the other hand they do not have the power of intelligent machines.

Just like now, if no technology crystallization company exists, then Huaxia will face the same distress as other countries.

Therefore, the number one at this time is very contradictory, and in this contradiction, he has to make a choice. In other words, he only has one choice at this moment! (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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