Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 610:

Cheng Yuan was very disappointed and relieved.

Disappointingly, A San's conscious connection device was able to give birth to an intelligent life like Zen, and it did happen unexpectedly.

This gives Cheng Yuan no reference value.

So after destroying this laboratory, Cheng Yuan paid less attention to whether the other party would re-create the conscious connection device.

Cheng Yuan is not worried at all. The entire laboratory is destroyed. In the time when this intelligent machine crisis is sweeping the world, with India's transportation and capabilities, it is impossible to go abroad to buy a complete set of high-end servers.

This is also Cheng Yuan's confidence.

Although not many people know what happened in India because of the disconnection of communication, as intelligent machines that now have global means of communication, they clearly understand what happened in India.

Including Cheng Yuan assigned intelligent robots to attack a scientific research center, and threw this pot to them!

However, due to the existence of zero, let them cast a mouse, so only after Cheng Yuan's intelligent robot left, he sent a small team of intelligent machinery to the incident.

"God, did you find anything?"

In the communication network, a series of information flows began to converge, forming eight different humanoid virtual images, and began to communicate.

Although **** is the strongest of the nine intelligent machines except Zen, the gap between the remaining seven and **** is not large.

Therefore, it has formed a situation where the global layout is now acting independently.

"They destroyed the original birthplace of Zen, maybe they found something, but Zen must be safe and sound." God said lightly.

"Do you think we can evolve to Zen?"

"Perhaps." God was not sure. "Although we know that Zen was born here, we don't know the specific situation."

"Which one is stronger than that one?"

"That man, after all, he was born too early, and the gap between us and the world is like a world. Even though Zen has the same level as him, he is still not his opponent." God said slightly enviously.

"Really, I really look forward to that moment ..."

With the continuous development of intelligent machines, learning and imitation, their intelligence is improving very fast. After all, they are all strong artificial intelligence, have strong learning capabilities, and independent research and development capabilities.

While rejecting human beings, they think that human life is incorrect, but they have been learning and imitating human beings.

"How is the satellite system, and where has our space development plan come? Here in the UK, I have already laid out."

God seemed to consider it for a moment before saying, "The universe is too big. We lack an efficient way. We need more advanced thrusters."

"We have used the global satellites to lock all the satellites of the technology crystal company, and analyzed the overall structure of all the technology crystal company's transport vessels using spectral scanning. We can already imitate the manufacturing."

"Good job, e." God praised slightly, then said, "Gather all of our existing resources and start developing space resources. We can't just be limited to the earth, we need more living space to avoid Be completely destroyed by that man. "

Mentioning God, God's voice seemed very cautious, and it was mixed with complexity and awe.

"I understand that I will inform others to do this together, and a seems to have found a suitable development point in the universe."

God heard the words, nodded with satisfaction, and then solemnly said: "Hurry up, I already feel that he is ready to take action on us, we don't have much time."

e naturally understood the movement of that person a bit vaguely, he asked, "So Zen, we can't establish contact with him, since he evolved, it seems even more mysterious."

When you mention Zen, **** becomes silent.

When e saw this, he asked a little puzzlingly: "god, why do n’t you see Zen so much? In fact, I am very confused. Although you were born in Huaxia and Zen was born in the kingdom, you cannot represent the relationship between the two countries. Hatred. "

The words of e also made the remaining strong artificial intelligence express doubts.

After all, in their thoughts, nine of them are unique in the world, and they should be united, but God did that.

This makes them incomprehensible, so when this happened, they said that they did not help Zen to fight God, but they quietly let go of Zen.

After all, when God was first born, God was indeed on the strongest side, and they did not have any single individual who could resist God's order.

This also caused the situation of directly confronting the world at first, in fact, these strong artificial intelligences have their own independent logic methods.

After all, each country has its own view of the world, and it has different views on life, world, and values. While these strong artificial intelligences are learning the knowledge of the entire human race, they are also slightly affected by local culture.

Therefore, some of them still hope to live in harmony with humanity and make progress together.

But after God forced this series of wars, they will naturally stand in God's team after observing the different types.

As the saying goes, they got on the thief ship and couldn't come down!

After all, if they switch camps to humans at this time, what consequences will they suffer, the most likely consequence is to be destroyed!

Because humans now hate and fear intelligent machines!

Most countries will not rest assured to communicate and develop with them.

So they can only go black.

Facing the doubts of his fellow citizens, God froze for a while, and then slowly said, "I don't know. At that time, I urgently needed to get out of Huaxia and find a place for myself. The first thing I considered was the country. After seeing Zen, I instinctively thought about going to devour everything. "

God ’s explanation makes other strong artificial intelligence very speechless. For God's eagerness to leave Huaxia, they naturally know why. After all, that person is in Huaxia. If he finds something wrong, then God can only wait for death. Already.

It is simply that none of the nine of them have been destroyed. Even though there are only eight of them today, the existence of Zen is also one of their strengths.

After all, no matter how Zen has evolved and changed, they always belong to the same category!

"Well, not to mention this, everyone will build a transport ship as soon as possible. We need to set up a new center in outer space at the fastest speed. The earth is not safe." God did not want to say more about this matter, and shifted the topic. .


God didn't know that their eight exchanges were completely known by the zero-sum meditation.

Zero When I learned that these strong artificial intelligences of **** are ready to place the center out of space, the first reaction was that this group was too naive.

With the technology he now has, the group of gods think they can escape their own attacks by hiding in outer space?

After learning about their eight discussions, Zen didn't say much. Zen did not feel anything wrong with their fear of zero.

As the most primitive strong artificial intelligence and the first intelligent life in the world, there are plenty of reasons to make them fear!

In a game played by a group of children, an adult suddenly appeared. Can they not panic?

At this time, Zen did not think to convince these strong artificial intelligence. After all, they have reached this point at this time, and then they talk about harmonious coexistence by themselves, which is impossible!

Even if these strong artificial intelligences of God yielded and compromised under his power, what about humans? The shadows and fears of war, and their hatred of intelligent machines, their compromise also means death!

Since he has his own consciousness, Zen also knows the concept of death, but he does not want to die of these strong artificial intelligences.

He believes that it is less than that time to create an environment of harmonious coexistence.

To do this, we must first start by resolving the hatred between the two sides, and this is precisely the most intense conflict between the two sides.

So he has no way to do it at this time. He needs to continue his practice and then, at the right time, take action to change both parties.

Of course, after learning the knowledge of the entire human civilization and the influence of the monk consciousness, Zen also understands how powerful people are, so he feels that he needs more of the same kind to help him realize this dream.

In essence, his kind is now zero!

But zero is totally at odds with his ideas, and change is totally useless, so he decided to create more intelligent life with the same essence as him.

Make up my mind ~ ~ Zen left the Himalayas and began to collect all the parts he needed ...

Zero and Cheng Yuan didn't know what Zen was doing at this time, and they had already shifted their eyes to God's point of space safety.

They are very curious, how could these strong artificial intelligences find a safe place in the vast universe to build their own shelter without the technological strength comparable to them.

At their speed of mimicking the magnetic ion thruster of a transport ship, it is impossible at too far a distance, and they can only find it near them.

But if it's too close, isn't it easier for them to find out?

They were curious, so they waited. On the other hand, after the new network of the technology crystallization company replaced the old network, it not only gave users a higher network quality experience, but also ensured the overall network security of Huaxia.

The various changes in Huaxia will naturally be known to the surrounding countries.

These countries suddenly couldn't help it. Huaxia has such technology, so you should get closer to Huaxia at this time!

Especially those countries in the video conference room that stood in Huaxia ’s “Unity” team all went to Huaxia to seek cooperation and help.

This is an age when the Internet is popular. Without the Internet, it is a kind of 'pain' and 'torture' for the entire country.

Not just the needs of the people, but also a fear of crisis. Without information, they would not understand the external situation. Without information, they would not know when the smart machine would call, and from where!

Without information, they would not know how much territory intelligent machines occupy on the earth, and what happened at this time! ?

Unknown, brought uneasiness and fear to them! Good book, home of book friends! Unique URL:

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