Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 620:

After receiving the guarantee from Rocarlos, Zheng Jia was relieved. As long as the information here was not leaked out, then the next step was to perfect this temporary relief fund.

After the news announcement was ordered by Zheng Jia, Zero immediately hung on the official website.

And just in case, Zheng Jia let Zero announce the news and also put the first batch of rescue names at the bottom of the announcement.

There are 966 people on the list, with no photos, no detailed personal information, and some only have English names.

Every move of the technology crystallization company has always been the focus of all media in Huaxia. The company has a little bit of trouble and will soon be tracked and reported by the media.

Therefore, when most of China's online media saw all the sudden moves made by technology crystallization companies, they all froze.

"Technology crystallization companies are really popular. Generally, when those companies set up funds, they are greeted by a group of media reporters, for fear that others don't know the same, but technology crystallization companies ..." An elderly reporter sat In the office, watching the new content on the official website of the technology crystal company, could not help but sigh.

"Oh, the technology crystallization company has a good reputation, so there is no need to do other publicity at all!" Beside him, a young man said with a smile, while holding a mobile phone with a blue case in his hand.

The older reporter glanced at the mobile phone in the hands of the youth and shook his head slightly: "This mobile phone is so expensive, you really want to buy it. Is this your salary for several months?"

The young man heard the words and paused for a moment, then looked at him in wonder: "Lao Hu, don't you know?"

Old Hu froze: "Know what?"

"The price of Lanyin mobile phones has been reduced. Before that, there were so many problems with smart machines. The global economy has suffered a lot. China ’s currency has increased in value and the rest of the currencies have depreciated. Now a Lanyin mobile phone is only 1299 yuan! A customized version! "Explained the youth, and he couldn't help but play with the brand-new Lanyin mobile phone.

The biggest difference between Lan Yin mobile phone and other mobile phones is that it has a very advanced intelligence and a holographic window screen.

The original Lan Yin mobile phone, which originally cost thousands of dollars, has shrunk a few times. For young people who like to pursue fashion, it is naturally worth starting.

Lao Hu watched him fiddle with his mobile phone, and thought about it in his heart, "Small chapter, even if the price of Lan Yin mobile phone has been reduced, but now many things have increased in price, isn't it almost the same as it was?"

Seeing Lao Hu's face confused, Xiao Zhang followed with wonder: "Lao Hu, what have you been doing lately, don't you watch the news? We are also working in the news media. Why don't you even know these things?"

"What's up? I've been paying attention to the refugees at the border recently. You don't know how many people fleeing abroad have gathered at our borders now. Groups! I just came back yesterday and didn't pay much attention to the domestic situation." Hu said earnestly.

Xiao Zhang sighed secretly, "You go and see for yourself, this matter has been announced for several days, and after reading it, you will immediately change your mobile phone."

Xiao Zhang said, shaking his head and heading out, he went back and said to Lao Hu, "Are you going to edit or me about the establishment of this aid fund by the technology crystallization company?"

"Come on, anyway, it's just a copy without any trouble. I'll see what's going on first." Lao Hu waved his hand without returning, and then started searching for news news a few days ago.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhang grinned, and then went to edit the news.

Lao Hu started to look for news from the previous few days. For him who has been working as a news editor all year round, it is easy to find relevant news.

He directly opened his own media website and searched for information related to Lan Yin's mobile phone.

At this look, he suddenly realized the look on his face.

It turned out that the country announced a new regulation on mobile communications four days ago. The content of the regulation is to prevent smart machines from invading citizens' mobile phone information and stealing important information through old communication channels. Therefore, it will be carried out once at the end of the month. The largest comprehensive replacement in China's communications industry history.

All previous mobile phone communication channels will be cut off, and everyone can only buy Lanyin mobile phones produced by technology crystallization subsidiary Lanyin Technology Co., Ltd.!

Of course, exchanging a mobile phone is more difficult for most people who have financial difficulties, so after the news was announced, the technology crystallization company immediately issued a statement in cooperation.

The new phone will not use the so-called SIM card, and everyone will not charge any fees when communicating with others.

Lan Yin's mobile phone communication does not cost, as long as you log in to the city network with your personal identity, you can use the new quantum network.

This is a major change and a benefit brought by technological progress.

Of course, free is also relative. After all, there is a charge for the use of the city network, but this fee is almost the same.

However, Lao Hu's vision is not just about these changes and benefits. After reading the news, his first reaction was not that the technology crystallization company should be a dominant player in the communications and mobile phone industries. His vision is more important. Far away, he immediately responded, from now on, there will be no so-called anonymous card!

Because the city network login is that one person can only have one account, and this account is still registered by voice and facial recognition.

A Lanyin phone can only be bound to one account, and cannot be changed after being bound. As for the loss of the phone, this is simply not possible now.

Because of the existence of the urban network, you can open your personal holographic window anytime and anywhere to find the location of your mobile phone.

As for replacement, it's even simpler. Just buy a new phone and bind another phone with your account.

After all, an account does not limit the number of mobile phones.

And the mobile phone bound by yourself cannot be used by others, because the intelligence inside the mobile phone will not provide any services to strangers.

In this way, the system of one person and one machine is basically realized. Once this system is implemented, it will be a great convenience for the police to chase the perpetrators, and the perpetrators will have nothing to do!

Lao Hu instantly understood why the country promulgated such news. After reading it, he also had to sigh. It really is that technology has changed society and technology has changed the world!

In the past, such a situation is simply unthinkable.

And now, it has come true!

Lao Hu closed the webpage and murmured, "It looks like I need to change my phone." He took out the Apple 8 just out of his pocket this year, and his face was very tangled.

Unlike Lao Hu's focus, other media people copied the latest news from the technology crystallization company and added some of their own language, which was directly linked to their own media website.

They have also left their own opinions on the practices of technology crystallization companies, such as supporting, agreeing and so on.

The comments of netizens below are different.

Most people still agree with the technology crystallization company's approach. After all, for humanitarian reasons, it is right for them to host refugees and provide them with a safe living environment.

But there is another person who is unwilling. They directly criticized Cheng Yuan and the technology crystallization company's approach with harsh words.

One netizen standing in the opposition queue cursed like this: "Cheng Yuan, do you know how many people in Huaxia are undernourished and ca n’t afford a room? You do n’t go to help your family, but you also run to help foreigners How does life and death have anything to do with you, do you say that you are mean? "

"The landlord is right. We in Huaxia have an old saying that Fei Shui does not flow outsiders' fields. You have your elbows turned out. Is the meat of foreigners fragrant, and you rush to lick it?"

"The people above are too horrible. What's wrong with Cheng Yuan? He helped out of humanitarian reasons. Does Cheng Yuan donate less to the domestic child rescue fund? But it still does that every time. Many children can't afford to go to school and ca n’t eat enough food. Is this the fault of Cheng Yuan? How much did you donate?

Besides, this part of the population was affected by the war, which led to displacement. It ’s not that they have a good body but they do nothing!

See you scolding here ~ ~ I very much doubt that you are the ones who are happy and miserable. I don't know how to support myself with my hard work, and complain here every day! "

"For the upstairs, Cheng Yuan did the right thing. He just helped some people. And Cheng Yuan's donations to the country are not less than one point!"

Proponents of opposition on the Internet began to spit at each other, and while the news spread widely, it also penetrated into the ears of Huaxia's senior management.

After receiving this news, they did not have doubts, but were very relieved. After all, Cheng Yuan's approach is equivalent to relieve them of the pressure. Nowadays, more and more refugees are coming over the border of China.

How to resettle these refugees is also a headache for them. After all, so many people simply consume food and drink. Now the only thing that makes them feel lucky is that, at least not in the south.

Zheng Jia has been staring at this response. She didn't pay much attention to the comments on the Internet. All she wanted to know was what the above reaction was like.

In the next few days, the reception of refugees officially came into the public's sight. To this end, Zheng Jia had to reopen a field not far from the company to house these 'refugees'. Not only that, she is also going to bring some refugees back to the north. After all, she has to do a full set of acting, which can make people believe!

Fortunately, there was no response from above, which made Zheng Jia relieved greatly.

Cheng Yuan, who was also paying attention to this incident, was also surprised that Zheng Jia actually handled this incident in such a way. Although he had to actually take some war orphans for this purpose, it did not hurt him much.

On the contrary, there are still some benefits. After all, the children who are raised from childhood will become the real usable people in the company! (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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