Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 626:

Since Zero mentioned this technology, Cheng Yuan will naturally pay attention to the details, and he will soon watch the movie again.

After watching it, Cheng Yuan frowned for the first time: "Zero, this reformer doesn't seem to suit us."

Judging from the performance in the movie, this direct-to-ground nuclear penetration transformation method is a forced burning of nuclear energy and an overdraft to change the environment of the entire planet.

This approach will make the life of the entire planet rapidly shorten, and how long the earth can still run is far from certain, even if the so-called experts on the network estimate that the life span is hundreds of millions or billions of years, it is impractical, inaccurate.

But once this stuff is used, Cheng Yuan is sure that the life of the earth will definitely not exceed one thousand years! Why so sure? That's because Cheng Yuan got relevant technical knowledge from the film.

This kind of super-gravity that can distort space and generate a black hole once penetrates the core of the earth, then the core of the earth will burn crazy in a short time.

Moreover, the energy of the earth's core is not transferred from the interior of the earth's core to the surface during combustion, but is directly sucked into a small black hole created by the entanglement of two gravitational forces!

The existence of this black hole is extremely short. Although it will not cause great damage, it can also sweep away most of the energy of the earth's core.

In this way, the life of the entire planet will soon be shortened, so Cheng Yuan is very sure how destructive the gadget is to the earth's core!

But those thoughts flickered in his mind, and he didn't wait for the opening to speak, and murmured, "But ... we can change it!"

As Cheng Yuan pulled his hands toward the void in front of him, a virtual three-dimensional space map appeared in front of him, and the space map contained nothing.

Cheng Yuan held an arm, then raised his hand and gently touched it in the middle: "Create a ground core here, and then we set up two high-energy gravitators at the two north and south poles. Right, we are simulating the volume of Mars . "

With Cheng Yuan's actions, three-dimensional images appeared in the virtual space, with a red lightly rotating surface in the middle like a lava-covered core. Then a blue circle outlines the core and serves as the surface.

On the ground surface, two gravity points were constructed on the two straight points.

"Initiate gravitational penetration." Cheng Yuan looked at this brief simulation and calmly instructed.

After his voice dropped, two white solid lines rushed directly from the two gravitators to the core of the earth, and then bumped together, forming a small black hole instantly.

The black hole lasted less than a second and then died out.

When the gravitational rays project the gravitational rays again, the black holes form again, and then reciprocate.

Cheng Yuan carefully watched the change between the two gravitational forces and the earth's core.

The simulation requires data, but these data are far away, and even if it is zero, it cannot be calculated. After all, human understanding and cognition of the earth's core is basically zero!

The so-called cognition here does not refer to how big and hot the earth's core is, and what is inside, but a very detailed data.

For example, what kind of response does it receive when it receives an impact force? Both Cheng Yuan and Zero need a lot of very detailed data for simulation.

Therefore, the current simulation shows that there is no change in either the gravitational force or the earth's core. The only data that can be obtained is that the material inside the earth's core is constantly decreasing, and what reduction of these substances will change the entire planet , But it was blank.

"Well, we don't have anyone and data." Cheng Yuan spread his hands, a little helpless.

Obviously, there is nothing to say about such a result, and he is very silent.

Because of this data, even if they are capable, they will not be able to collect it. After all, there isn't even one experimental target. Although there is one under his feet, Cheng Yuan hasn't had brain damage to the underlying core to operate. In case of a good deal, there is no room for recovery!

For a while, the transformation of Mars was deadlocked.

After a while, Cheng Yuan had no choice but to turn off the holographic simulation and sighed: "Hey, even if we have the technology, we have no actual data and we can't do anything!"

"I was just wondering whether to use the gravitational entanglement effect to allow Mars's core to perform irregular activities and reactivate it. Now it seems ..."

The Martian Earth's core is now in a semi-frozen state. This approach can activate it well, but although the idea is good, without the basic data support, Cheng Yuan could not do anything at all.

Or can't do anything.

"The Mars transformation plan is on hold?" Hesitated.

Cheng Yuan frowned, and he was naturally looking forward to the transformation of Mars. But the transformation is very difficult. To be honest, with his current scientific and technological strength, it is not enough to transform!

Cheng Yuan nodded somewhat hard: "Let ’s put it down for a while, we still need to accumulate strength. Even if we can activate the core, how long will it take for the whole transformation and prediction?"

"From the re-emission of carbon dioxide and oxygen, the thickness of the atmosphere has increased, and the ozone layer has formed. The atmospheric link alone, how long do you think it will take us?"

"According to natural evolution, Earth has spent 30 million years. Even if Mars is smaller than Earth, it will not decrease much this year."

"Thirty million years, how much can it speed up even if we intervene?" Cheng Yuan smiled bitterly, the time was not unknown, and he was startled.

Of course, Cheng Yuan also knows that it is not necessary to carry out all-round transformation directly, or it is possible to establish a large ecosystem like [Hong Nong] on Mars.

But the problem is that such an ecosystem must also have a relatively stable environment. Mars hangs a super tornado, and it is impossible for such a planet to establish a stable ecosystem!

In this way, the problem came again. To eliminate such a tornado, Mars' atmosphere must be reformed, and then Cheng Yuan's tangled problem returned to the original point.

"Sir." Just as Cheng Yuan gave up, Zero suddenly said, "I have a feasible method."

Cheng Yuan lifted his eyelids: "What method?"

"We can try to use the meteorite impact to reactivate the Martian geonuclear activity. As long as the collision is under our control, there will be no problems. As long as the geonuclear is activated, the remaining transformation problems will be much more convenient." Zero Answer Road.

"This way, you want to activate the earth's core through a meteorite. How big is a meteorite that needs to pass vibration through the earth's crust to the center of the earth?" Cheng Yuan frowned slightly and began to think about the feasibility of this method.

Zero said: "It doesn't have to be too big. We only need to guarantee a certain volume of meteorites and their number and impact frequency. You must understand that as long as the meteorites can produce a magnitude of about 8 on the surface, they can be pulled to the center of the earth. "

With this being said, Cheng Yuan immediately became excited. It is undeniable that although this method is somewhat troublesome, it is currently the only method that Cheng Yuan can reactivate without destroying the ground core.

However, this method will cause great damage to the surface of Mars, and the extent to which it can be achieved is unknown.

"Let's try?" Cheng Yuan felt a little bit tickled. Anyway, doing so would not affect the earth or cause any loss.

And now is a rare time. After all, the global network is cut off by intelligent machines. No one in outer space knows anything until the new quantum network is reconnected.

"If you are sure, we can try, but before I try, I need to do a rough data calculation, calculate the volume and number of meteorites, and the frequency of impact."

Cheng Yuan's eyes flashed with firmness, and he immediately clapped and decided: "Let's move, now is a great time, the connection of the quantum network is still five days away, and the new satellite launch will take a lot of time. I guess we will Only half a month, can you do it? "

Cheng Yuan looked a little dignified. Although he said that Mars does not have the so-called ownership right, if Cheng Yuan did such a thing rashly and was found, he would definitely be criticized by some people.

Not only that, it ’s not exactly the same as a meteorite impact incident in the United States when pulling a meteorite into Mars?

Therefore, Cheng Yuan must speed up the incident ~ ~ He absolutely believes that after the quantum network re-covers the world, countries will definitely request the launch of brand new satellites to ensure their own information security.

The main thing is that he believes that with zero computing power, the entire calculation will not take much time, but the problem is that the capture of meteorites is not an easy task.

Although there are numerous meteorites in the universe, the problem is that the universe is so large. Although capturing one is easy, it is troublesome to transport!

"Sir, in order to ensure time, from now on, we will make all efforts to make asteroid catchers, no limit!" Said Zero.

"Okay, you can arrange these things, the sooner the better!" Once a decision is made, Cheng Yuan will naturally not have any hesitation. He said that he agreed immediately.

When he responded, Zero immediately started the manufacturing plant of the satellite base, and also started the manufacturing plant built in the universe.

The two factories started at the same time, and the speed was naturally fast.

At this time, Zero also began to do its best calculations, in addition to leaving the necessary precautions, it concentrated all its resources together.

This time it's calculating a planet, even if it's zero, don't dare to carelessly.

When Cheng Yuan made his decision, a black car with a military license slowly came to the gate of the technology crystal company at the entrance of the technology crystal company.

A familiar figure came out of the car: "Oh, this hasn't happened in half a year, and the change is too great, right?" The man looked up in surprise at the white high-rise building of the technology crystal company that was directly into the sky.

Amazed, the man took out a Lan Yin mobile phone from his pocket, dialed a number, and then smiled and said, "Cheng Yuan, I'm back, I'm surprised!" (To be continued.) Good book, Book Friends Home! Unique URL:

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