Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 631:

"Of course, arrange for him to come over." Cheng Yuan told him immediately.

If Rocarlos does not come, his quantum network cannot be laid. After all, he thinks that he is still a person who will be honest.

When the two met again, Cheng Yuan found that Rocarlos was not so worried at first.

"Mr. Rocarlos, you have been here for four days. You have to know that I have been pressing the ambassadors for these four days, and I wait for you." Cheng Yuan said with a faint smile.

Rocarlos embarrassed for a while. He accompanied the laughter: "Mr. Cheng, I'm very sorry, I was so excited that I forgot such an important thing, and of course I thank you so much for doing so much for me."

Rocarlos apologized as soon as he spoke, not even finding a reason for the delay, which made Cheng Yuan look at him very surprised.

In fact, he knew why Rocarlos had left without specifying the place. Isn't it a question of support!

If support is not in place, he estimates that Rocarlos would not dare to ask Cheng Yuan to build even if he has a suitable place in his heart.

What if the smart machine is dismantled again?

However, he did not give himself a reason for this, but let Cheng Yuan nodded secretly, this talking person is just different!

"Hehe." Cheng Yuan waved his hand: "The past is over, let's talk now, where are you or your United States preparing to build a quantum network base?"

Rocarlos looked serious: "We decided before we came. Whether it was successful or not, the network base station was built in Nevada!

Cheng Yuan raised his hand and gestured. Zero immediately opened an international map, and the state of Nevada was immediately enlarged and displayed, along with some relevant information.

Nevada is a landlocked state in the southwestern United States. Nevada has a well-known desert city in the world, Las Vegas!

However, these are not the most important. Nevada is the most mountainous state in the United States. The Sierra Nevada is also located again, and its pillar industries are also agriculture and mining!

Looking at this information, Cheng Yuan naturally understood why the other party chose this place.

"Well, you can stay at the specific address, and I will immediately arrange the construction. After all, it has been so long, and many ambassadors have complained." Cheng Yuan said immediately.

This time Rocarlos did not dare to carelessly, and quickly gave the negotiated address to Cheng Yuan, and then left without leaving much.

He now wants to go back earlier. After all, the support has passed. He is also not sure what is going on in the United States when the network communication is still cut off.

What happened to the robots that were supported in the past?

Unlike other ambassadors, Rocarlos never thought of staying in Huaxia, for nothing else, because his family was still in the United States.

Speaking of his family, Rocarlos could not help but sigh. If it was not his identity, his family might have become a corpse under the fire just like countless ordinary people at the moment of the disaster.

After Rocarlos left, Cheng Yuan looked a little more dignified, he said in a deep voice: "Zero, let's start, use nano robots to speed up the construction, and how about the spacecraft we dispatched to mine, how much has been gained these days ? "

Since the introduction of nano-robots, Cheng Yuan has been extremely convenient in doing things. This convenience is reflected in all aspects of life, just like the spacecraft that Cheng Yuan has dispatched to ‘stealth’ mining.

They did not mean to let the intelligent robots carry out the slow digging and gathering with the mining tools, but to directly put the nano robots, directly decompose these valuable minerals into the same nano components, and then collect and bring them back.

"Sir, we mine a total of 2.23 billion tons of iron ore, 160 million tons of copper ore, 93 million tons of tin ore, and a total of 110 million tons of rare ore other than gold and silver ore." Zero answered.

Cheng Yuan heard the words, groaned for a moment, and then said, "All these things are put into the manufacturing of the traps and thrusters!"

Cheng Yuan issued such an order is understandable. After all, the Mars transformation plan is a very huge project. Just according to the zero orbit distribution around Mars, it requires hundreds of thousands of traps to work together to achieve the desired level in more than 70 days. To the effect.

Although the revolution of Mars will not go long in about three months, it is also a short distance. After all, the revolution speed of Mars is about 25 kilometers per second.

In addition, for millions of meteorites of different sizes, it only takes a lot of time to capture and push them into orbit. If the entire planned time is changed from more than 70 days to one year, it is absolutely sufficient.

But it is clear that this is impossible. If everything on the planet returns to normal, Cheng Yuan doing such a thing will definitely cause opposition from all mankind!

Because Mars and Earth are close neighbors! If something goes wrong on Mars, it's hard to guarantee that Earth will be affected, let alone Cheng Yuan's approach.

Millions of meteorites, but also super-large meteorites, these two or three will come down casually, all living things on the planet will be extinct!

Not to mention the millions!

If an accidental Mars is knocked out, the solar system will be chaotic!

Therefore, Cheng Yuan's transformation project can only be executed during this time period. After this time period, the resistance is unimaginable!

"OK." Zero responded and started execution.

With the existence of nano-robots today, the manufacturing speed in manufacturing factories is absolutely unimaginable. A factory can make tens of thousands of catchers a day.

Coupled with the new factory, hundreds of thousands of catchers and the same number of propellers, it only takes a short day or two, and the only thing missing is the materials.

This is one of the reasons why Zero Dare and Cheng Yuan only need to prepare for more than ten days.

After all, it takes no time to create, but it takes time to capture meteorites.

As for whether there are millions of meteorites around Mars, Cheng Yuan has never considered this question. If he really wants him to say something, he will say, let alone millions, hundreds of millions!

There are so many dust-like meteorites in the universe like cow hair. These meteorites are not visible when you look up at the night sky! Because their volume is too small, even if the light shines on it, you will not be able to detect the reflected light.

After all, the 'stars' that people can see with their naked eyes may be tens or even hundreds of times the size of the Earth.

The brighter the star, the larger the volume.

While Cheng Yuan was still frowning and thinking about the Mars transformation project, Zero suddenly said, "Sir, Mr. Yang Qiaoyuan is here ..."

"Yang Qiaoyuan?" Cheng Yuan glanced back, then said badly: "Let him in."

Soon, Yang Qiaoyuan grinned before Cheng Yuan. Looking at the familiar face with a lot of black and white teeth in front of him, Cheng Yuan motioned his head silently.

Yang Qiaoyuan smiled, sitting on the sofa with a very polite butt, and before Cheng Yuan opened his mouth, he said, "Cheng Yuan, your request was agreed above, but the director said, can your quantum technology give you Let us reveal, after all, our military also needs this advanced thing. "

"Quantum communication network?" Cheng Yuan frowned, and groaned, "The chief wants it?"

Yang Qiaoyuan nodded: "Almost, after all, the military has a quantum network to remotely control those supporting forces abroad. Otherwise, due to the incompatibility of the quantum network, it will be difficult for us to know the information abroad.

Cheng Yuan's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Yang Qiaoyuan who was grinning, thinking. After this, it is inevitable that the quantum communication network will replace the original network communication.

Cheng Yuan naturally also understood the meaning of the chief. After all, the military and government are different. The military also needs a unique set of quantum security measures. Otherwise, after the quantum network is completely popular, those hackers will be able to run on the quantum network unhindered. Is there any secret in the military?

Although quantum information is kept secret, there is absolutely no possibility of being cracked, but even so, only some top-secret technologies and information can be kept.

The military wants to protect more than that!

Looking at Cheng Yuan thinking, the smile on Yang Qiaoyuan's face also slowly converged and gradually calmed down.

"Cheng Yuan, you also understand that the rise of the quantum network is certain. It agreed to let you master the quantum network and also help you promote it. The purpose is to use these conveniences in exchange for technology." Yang Qiaoyuan Shen said: "Although This may seem unfair, but please also understand the difficulties of the country. "

Cheng Yuan slightly raised his mouth, waved his hand, and smiled, "I understand what you said ~ ~ I was just thinking about who to give you technical guidance. After all, I don't have time to treat those people. instructor."

"Hehe." Yang Qiaoyuan heard a sigh of relief, and said in a happy mood: "This doesn't bother you, our military also has an artificial intelligence, and I want to use it to become familiar with quantum networks soon."

Cheng Yuan shook his lips and looked at him playfully: "Are you sure?"

"How?" As soon as Yang Qiaoyuan looked at Cheng Yuan's seemingly non-smiling look, his heart tightened and he asked, "What is the problem?"

"Problem?" Cheng Yuan stretched his voice, a little bit more, and warned: "It's not just a problem. If you don't want intelligent machines to master quantum networks, you better not let your military's artificial intelligence contact the quantum network. core."

Cheng Yuan's warning caught Yang Qiaoyuan directly, and then he became cold all over, his face horrified: "Is there any intersection between our military's artificial intelligence and intelligent machinery !?"

If the military's artificial intelligence has any relationship with intelligent machinery, if intelligent machinery invades artificial intelligence and then controls its own robot army, then the consequences ...

Thinking of this, Yang Qiaoyuan was cold!

Cheng Yuan pouted his lips: "Rest assured that your military's artificial intelligence and intelligent mechanical intelligence are evenly matched. No one can do anything but there is no secret between them."

Having said that, Cheng Yuan knew what the truth was, but he didn't dare to tell the truth. After all, he wouldn't post it in the future.

Yang Qiaoyuan heard Cheng Yuan say this, he was slightly relaxed, but still a little nervous: "Okay, I know, I will pay attention." He wiped the cold sweat that had just leaked from his forehead, and then took Cheng Yuan left his quantum network technology with a heavy heart. (To be continued.) U

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