Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 636:

Rockefeller Jr. was a little nervous with excitement.

He didn't know if Cheng Yuan would agree to his request. After all, he and Cheng Yuan were only partners of Shangshan, and now everything behind him is gone. The word [partner] is like a joke.

Once he dies, then Cheng Yuan, the part of his interests, can easily get it, and he doesn't need to share his disappointment.

Such things have been seen in Rockefeller Jr. for more than 20 years.

So he now looked at Cheng Yuan across the holographic window, waiting for Cheng Yuan's decision.

Cheng Yuan didn't know what Rockefeller Jr. was thinking, but he could see that Rockefeller Jr. looked nervous at this moment.

"Are you nervous?" Cheng Yuan asked rather meaningfully instead.

Rockefeller Jr. sighed in his heart, sinking into the bottom of the valley instantly, he smiled reluctantly: "There is always a state of war here, and I am afraid that the entire defense base will be breached."

Looking at the little Rockefeller's uglier smile than crying at this moment, Cheng Yuan laughed in his heart, even more ridiculous, he pretended to be very surprised: "That's really bad, I think you're in a bad situation right now . "

Cheng Yuan said nothing about the help, and spoke about it.

It's a pity that Cheng Yuan's acting skills are not good. His contrived appearance was seen through by the little Rockefeller who had been staring at him.

Seeing Cheng Yuan's hidden joke, he immediately understood that he had been tricked. But even though he knew he was being played by Cheng Yuan, he was very happy.

Because Cheng Yuan's performance means that he will not let himself go, and he can return to the safe and comfortable China from this chaotic place!

He patted his forehead very silently: "Please, Cheng Yuan, when is it time, haven't you heard the sound of gunfire that keeps ringing here? If you are late, you won't see your best friend. And your daughter will cry because she lost a young and promising godfather! "

"My best friend? The godfather?" Cheng Yuan drew a corner of his mouth and looked at the serious, unassuming Rockefeller. "Your cheek is really thick, my daughter doesn't need your cheeky godfather, Rest assured, the spacecraft will arrive soon, but only after the war on your side is over. "

When Rockefeller Jr. heard it, he felt completely relieved. These people were saved. He said that he would wait for the war on his side to come over, but it made him nervous.

He wondered, "Is there anything wrong, can't I come over now?"

In his thoughts, it is naturally better to leave as soon as possible. After all, God knows that he can still survive this time. After all, he heard the news. This time, the intelligent machinery came menacingly, although they also had the assistance of Huaxia's intelligent robots. , But the difference in quantity is really too great.

He really wasn't sure that this battle, they could repel intelligent machines.

Cheng Yuan shrugged: "Sorry, I can't send a robot capable of combat, I think you should understand, so only a small transport ship was dispatched. The only weapon of the transport ship is a cluster gun, and I ca n’t give you enough security protection on the battlefield. "

After a pause, Cheng Yuan said in a deep voice: "Although my spacecraft is strong, do you think you and your family can safely reach the interior of the spacecraft on the battlefield where the war is raging?"

Cheng Yuan's last sentence let Little Rockefeller choke. He glanced at the old people in the room, then shook his head bitterly, "No."

"It's good if you understand." Cheng Yuan looked at the smiling little Rockefeller and advised earnestly: "John, don't worry, you have to believe in the Z1 robots I designed, they are very powerful! You just need to wait for this now The battle is over, then take your family to the transport ship, and then two minutes later, you will find yourself back in this safe land. "

"Okay, I see." Rockefeller Jr. gritted his teeth and nodded heavily.

Cheng Yuan smiled and comforted: "You only need to understand. The spaceship will contact you through your mobile phone. You just need to wait quietly." Cheng Yuan then cut off the communication.

After Cheng Yuan cut off the communication, the Rockefeller Jr. family looked excitedly at the Rockefeller Jr. sitting in a chair.

"John, you have a good friend." The old man sitting on top said with relief.

Rockefeller Jr. shrugged: "Cheng is a good guy."


Cheng Yuan didn't know it. Rockefeller Jr. had sent himself a good man card. After finishing the call, he switched the screen to zero and played the offensive situation of the intelligent mechanical army.

He wants to see where intelligent machinery has developed now. After all, the two sides are already deadly rivals. Although it is not clear how the other party's technology is developing, it is necessary to pay necessary attention to the development of the military.

"Sir, the scope of this offensive of intelligent machinery is in Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Australia. Within Asia, because of China ’s strong defense, they have concentrated their firepower and began to attack South Korea and Southeast Asian countries; the scope of Europe has reached 80% In the Americas. "

After switching the screen to zero, the three huge screens took up almost all the space in front of him.

Cheng Yuan has not paid much attention to the battlefield situation of invasion of intelligent machinery. In addition to his innate advantage, it is because after he returned, the intelligent machinery has stopped a large-scale attack, and only sporadic battles started occasionally.

He will not waste time paying attention to this piecemeal battle, and this is the first time he has seen a large-scale invasion of intelligent machinery.

To say that at this time, Cheng Yuan said that it was absolutely not fake. When he was manufacturing Z1 robots long ago, he imagined the overwhelming swarm of robots.

But I didn't expect that his thoughts would be displayed by the intelligent machine. To be honest, he saw the dark piece through the screen, such as a group of ants like a group of intelligent machines, and he began to doubt in his heart that Huaxia ’s intelligence Can the robot army be defeated?

Because this is no longer a gap between individual strengths, but a gap in quantity! More ants can kill elephants, not to mention so many robots?

However, after the two sides contacted each other, Cheng Yuan was slightly relaxed at the bottom of his heart. Although the number was much smaller, the intelligence level of the higher level made Huaxia's intelligent robots smoother in coordination and the combat effectiveness shown was extraordinary. .

He took a brief look at the battlefields in Europe, the Americas, and Australia, and found that there were no major obstacles, and he turned his eyes to Southeast Asia.

For Southeast Asian countries, Cheng Yuan doesn't have much favor. Those people are basically white-eyed wolves and people who don't remember well. Let the intelligent machine go.

But it can be destroyed, but the vacant territory cannot be given to smart machines. After all, large areas of Southeast Asia are bordered by Huaxia. If they are occupied by smart machines, it will not be a good thing for Huaxia. Maybe it will also cause Huaxia border cities. Of the panic.

Not only that, Southeast Asia also has a lot of resources. These resources can't afford smart machines for nothing.

"Zero, what does China think of the situation in Southeast Asia?" Cheng Yuan stared at the battlefields of Southeast Asian countries, where the situation was almost one-sided.

The armed forces of Southeast Asian countries can be said to be smashed in the face of intelligent machines and have no resistance at all. Although many of the private warlords there are better, they are similar, and they are destroyed by intelligent machines in just a few moments.

According to the rate of occupation of intelligent machinery, Cheng Yuan suspects that in a day, the entire territory of Southeast Asia will be occupied by intelligent machinery.

"Sir, the Chinese government has not responded yet. It should be discussing policies." Zero said.

Cheng Yuan heard that and nodded silently, but he was a little strange: "Zero, I remember that the ambassadors of Southeast Asian countries are also on our list of quantum network protocols. Since they have all come to Huaxia, why haven't they asked Huaxia to arrange the deployment of intelligent robot troops? ? "

Zero is also surprised by this, but he can't guess people's minds even if he is strong, and can only give a vague guess: "Maybe they think that intelligent machines will not attack their land before they successfully invade China. Well, after all, smart machines didn't move them even if they passed by. "

"Uh ..." Cheng Yuanyi felt that such a possibility was really possible, but it was certainly not that big. After all, so many countries and so many visionary people could make such naive mistakes.

But these do n’t matter anyway, anyway, whether they support or not is irrelevant. Cheng Yuan looked at the rapidly advancing army of intelligent machines and touched his chin. benefit."

"Okay, sir."


While Cheng Yuan was preparing to gain some benefits in Southeast Asia, Huaxia executives have launched an emergency meeting. Although they have not been equipped with a new quantum network satellite, the old military satellites are still operating ~ ~ So, They know the situation in Southeast Asia.

For Southeast Asia, China has long coveted. As a neighbor of China, China will naturally take a certain amount of vigilance against the countries in Southeast Asia.

In an era where war cannot be taken lightly, Huaxia's strategy is naturally to make good economic relations, and then conduct trade transactions in various aspects through the geographical location of both parties.

However, the various practices of Southeast Asian countries have made Huaxia very dissatisfied. Therefore, when the support forces were distributed, although the ambassadors of Southeast Asian countries also raised support requirements, they were rejected by Huaxia as having no extra troops.

After all, the countries in Southeast Asia are not fools. The intelligent mechanical units are strolling around their doorsteps. How could they not be vigilant.

It's just that they really don't have any military strength to resist intelligent machines, so they have always given themselves a psychological comfort when they haven't seen it before.

After China's rejection, they did not dare to say anything. After all, China is now the veritable world's largest country, both in the economic and military fields.

And after the outbreak of the intelligent machinery crisis, the United Nations has survived. Even if he wants to condemn Huaxia from a moral point of view internationally, there is nowhere to say.

Faced with the invasion of intelligent machinery, I can only watch and wait to die.

"Head, when do you think it would be better for us to send troops?" In the large conference room, Huaxia executives smoked cigarettes leisurely, and the atmosphere in the conference room was very good.

No. 1 thought about it carefully, tapped his finger gently on the table, and laughed: "When they are over, and then send a robot army to pass, then there is no resistance, so we can accept it completely!"

The head of the No. 1 smiled slightly, and expressed the aspirations of the nine people present. (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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