Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 640:

As Cheng Yuan said, less than ten minutes after Huaxia occupied the Southeast Asian Peninsula, Mayor Zhao Jun of Anhe City came to visit.

"Mayor Zhao, I haven't seen you for a long time. Rarely you can come to me." Cheng Yuan looked at Zhao Jun with a smile.

Zhao Jun also smiled, politely joked, your business is busy, if there is no important thing, I dare not bother. "

"I'm just a casual person, how can there be so many things." Cheng Yuan waved his hands, humbled his face, and then smiled and asked the mayor Zhao this time? "

Zhao Jun laughed this way, this time it is the meaning above, and the above wants me to ask about the coverage of that quantum network. "

"Oh?" Cheng Yuan frowned at Mayor Zhao. Although this matter has been agreed, the construction will also cost. Is there an urgent matter? "

Although the above intention has been guessed, Cheng Yuan will not show up in front of Zhao Jun, no --- novel. {} {}. Of course, it is not clear to Huaxia executives that they are monitoring them?

Such a stupid thing, Cheng Yuan would not do it.

Zhao Jun nodded, cautious, yes, anxious, and this matter has an inseparable relationship with your quantum network. "

With that, he said with a pained expression on Cheng. You, too, now that in addition to Huaxia and those countries that are lagging behind, those slightly more developed countries have been invaded by intelligent machines, and the war is fierce. "

Cheng Yuan nodded, his face still.

Zhao Jun didn't care about Cheng Yuan's expression at this time. He continued to use a bitter tone to say that the war had caused too much harm to the common people, and we naturally couldn't ignore it, so the senior management quickly discussed a New policies. "

"Policy?" Cheng Yuan frowned slightly, he vaguely felt as if he had guessed Zhao Jun's intention.

Zhao Jun looked up at Cheng Yuan and asked for help seriously! "

"Recruitment?" Cheng Yuan froze for a moment, then wondered what this meant? Can you talk about it specifically? Who do I want to ask for help? "

At this time, Cheng Yuan was very puzzled. Zhao Jun didn't come here for the Southeast Asian Peninsula, which made him feel strange.

"The high-level officials are preparing to send a large number of airships to pick up our Chinese citizens who are living in China. The surviving nationals have experienced a sudden outbreak of the intelligent machinery crisis. In order to cope with the invasion of intelligent machinery, we have not done this. Opportunity, I felt that such a good time cannot be wasted. "Zhao Jun said very seriously.

Cheng Yuan was surprised that he did not expect Zhao Jun to come here to say this thing, and this matter was indeed related to the quantum network.

After all, if you want to gather the Chinese people who are living in the country, you also need a certain communication method to publish the news and pass it on to everyone.

However, this incident is to be described in a totally unrelated term, ‘recruitment’?

Cheng Yuan frowned, and he thought for a moment.

Soon, he recovered from the sorrow, because he suddenly realized that it was an excuse to gather 80% of the Chinese people living in foreign countries. The real purpose may be related to the land of the Southeast Asian Peninsula.

Cheng Yuan touched his chin, secretly thinking that Hua Xia used such a method to urge, it seems that he was afraid that the real situation would directly feel the light on his face? "

Cheng Yuan shook his head and felt that the high-level officials were totally superfluous. As long as they announced their attitude in China, it showed that the Southeast Asian Peninsula had become the territory of China, and he dared to guarantee that all China would boil. This is definitely a news to inspire the people!

People are selfish. If they hear which country abroad has occupied the territories of the surrounding countries, then there must be a lot of conference talks and even controversy.

But once the interests happen to them and become the beneficiaries, they will definitely accept such a thing, and they will also support and support it.

Of course, this is also Cheng Yuan's wishful thinking. This approach of Huaxia will certainly cause a huge response, so it is also necessary to be cautious.

But there is another question, why use the word 'recruitment'.

Since the senior executives wanted to go round the corner, Cheng Yuan would naturally not oppose it. As for the problem of inappropriate words, he didn't think much about it. Anyway, he had the above intentions and thought about so much. He returned to God and immediately promised Mayor Zhao. , Rest assured, I promise that the quantum network will be opened worldwide tonight. "

There was a surprise on Zhao Jun's face, and he was a little surprised to be honest? "

Cheng Yuan nodded surely. I'm kidding me! However, as soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhao Jun with a look of embarrassment.

As soon as Zhao Jun saw Cheng Yuan's embarrassing look, the feeling of surprise just now was like being splashed by a bucket of cold water, and it instantly became cold. He hurriedly asked Dao Cheng if there was any difficulty. If possible, I try Solve it for you. "

Cheng Yuan has a little embarrassment on his face, Mayor Zhao Zhiwu, this ... The construction of a quantum network base station is naturally no problem, but if you want to spread the news all over the world, you still lack the corresponding quantum equipment. "

When saying this, Cheng Yuan was ashamed of acting skills secretly, he felt that sometimes [installation] is also a technical job!

As soon as Zhao Jun heard this, it was such a trivial matter that Cheng Yuan was in trouble. He laughed suddenly and it turned out to be this matter. This has been arranged a long time ago. When that time, please troublesome to get some small PA equipment. We These speakers will be installed in some areas. "

After a pause, Zhao Jun said again. Of course, the main place where we gather the people is in the defensive bases. After all, if we are always outside, we do n’t know how many people they can survive, and we ca n’t send teams alone. For one or two people ... "

Zhao Jun is awesome. Although he can't accept this situation, he can only accept it. After all, he can't give up most people for a small number of people.

Moreover, what he said is also true. Under such conditions, the number of people who can survive outside is really poor. What they can do is to place some loudspeakers outside, and then tell the living people to go to the defense base. .

Cheng Yuan didn't care about saving people. He didn't have the opportunity to go abroad to play. Naturally, he didn't have any special ideas for those who went abroad.

To be disdainful, not to the least. After all, people have this condition and ability, and they don't want to see the scenery abroad.

But they happened to encounter the outbreak of the intelligent machinery crisis and were left abroad, which was completely self-sustaining. Hundreds of thousands of people travelling to the country ...

At first he seemed to have heard a bit of relevant news. Anyway, after the country was completely occupied by intelligent machinery, people who arrived there could only say that it was unlucky.

Cheng Yuan looked at Zhao Jun's completely indifferent look, so he said with confidence that it would bother you and tell me about the price of these devices. "

Money, for Cheng Yuan now, has become less and less important.

Because the entire technology crystallization company is almost becoming self-sufficient, the mining and production of materials, and basic energy consumption are also used.

If he didn't have to pay his employees, he really didn't need 'money'.

Of course, Cheng Yuan also thinks about it. He doesn't dare to be self-sufficient. If he really reaches that point, unless he has completed the transformation of Mars.

Otherwise, once completely out of the indirect influence of the outside world, it will definitely attract high-level Huaxia!

This is because Cheng Yuan has reached this point, and he also pays so much attention to money, which is completely forced by ‘life’!

Zhao Jun nodded and reassured that your requirements are very reasonable. I think you can prepare the equipment you need now. When we leave, we do n’t need to waste it. "

"Good!" Cheng Yuan answered quickly.

After a good discussion, Zhao Jun left without much stay.

After he left, Cheng Yuan relaxed a little. He secretly pondered for a while. He had a lot of speculations about the practice of Huaxia's senior management. 'Recruitment' was not clear. Okay to fill the newly acquired territory.

After all, land development and construction also need people. Even if technology is more developed, if a city has no people, it is still called a city?

Cheng Yuan shook his head and set aside these messy things. He ordered zero and said that he would install quantum network base stations in various places now. Continental Europe would be installed in Switzerland, Australia would find a secure ravine, and South America would do the same. "

This time, Cheng Yuan made a decision directly without consulting the ambassadors.

After all, they are different from the United States. At least Rocarlos has brought so many useful technical talents, but they don't have any, so he can decide where to install the quantum network base station alone.

"Okay. But then, it violates the agreement between you and Rocarlos." Zero promised, reminding him.

Cheng Yuan grinned and I did not disobey. I have built the first network base station for him. If he had not been dragged on, the network base station has already been set up. I think I am very face-saving. "

"If you insist, you can say the same." From zero to not insisting on the so-called rigid agreement, after all, Cheng Yuan was right.

If it hadn't been for so long for Rocarlos ~ ~ According to their speed, the network base station had already been built.

"How much more appropriate are we going to make for that line amplifier?" Zero asked again.

Cheng Yuan thought about it, and said that 10,000 came first. Also, don't affect the manufacture of asteroid catchers and thrusters because of the manufacture of this loudspeaker and Lan Yin. "

"This is natural. According to the primary and secondary conditions of the situation, the asteroid catcher and thruster are completely ahead of Lan Yin and the microphone." Zero replied with certainty.

"That's OK, I'll go first." Cheng Yuan nodded, then got up and left the cutting-edge laboratory. (To be continued.)

Chapter 640: The unexpected

Chapter 640 The unexpected intention is hit by [*] [small-speak-net] members by hand,

() "The Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the viewpoint of the author's rushing black ants. If the content is found to be inconsistent with national laws, please delete it. The position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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