Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 642:

The news about the arrival of the Huaxia airship team was not concealed by the senior officials of the defense base, because even if it was not concealed, it could not be concealed. ☆ Tomato ○ △ 小说 网-

And in these times when the war with intelligent machinery has just stopped, it is also the time when people inside the base walk from the ground to the ground to move.

Huaxia's airship itself is extremely bulky, as long as it is not blind, who can see it.

Therefore, when Huaxia's airship appeared, the informed Crick and the two high-level executives were nervous with excitement, but the unsuspecting ordinary people were very surprised to watch the behemoth slowly landing overhead.

The airship landed slowly. Although the landing was smooth and the sound was very light, the huge volume still raised a dazzling dust on the ground.

After the airship was completely stopped, a group of Chinese soldiers came out of the airship with guns, and many intelligent robots followed the soldiers.

Seeing such a lineup, Crick and Ben both had a tight heart.

"It seems that China is ready to respond."

The two thought about it, looked at each other, and walked towards the person who got down from the airship under the crowd of high-rises around them.

Headed by a Chinese colonel, he looks very young in appearance, at most in his early thirties.

When the young colonel saw Crick and Ben, with a serious look on his face, he saluted, and then solemnly said: "Hello, I'm the chief person in charge this time. My name is He Yao."

He Yao stared blankly at Crick and Ben. For him, the military uniforms worn on the two men looked like a dazzling array of medals, but it really looked dazzling, but for him, it was completely It's all imaginary. Even the country is almost gone, and these glories naturally follow. Fan △ Eggplant Novel Network `` `-``-`-`

Seeing this cold expression of Yao Yao, Crick and Ben did not dare to show the slightest dissatisfaction, and the two laughed one after another: "Colonel, we know the purpose of your visit this time, and we have ordered people to arrange it , But you have to be psychologically prepared, not many Chinese people in our base. "

Crick looked at He Yao nervously, fearing that his words would cause He Yao's dissatisfaction, and then he refused what he wanted to say next.

As he lingered in his heart, when he heard Crick said that there were not many people, He Yao frowned, and Shen said, "How many?"

He accepted the order this time, and hoped to bring some more people back. As one of the high-ranking members of the military, he knows the country ’s recent moves. The entire Southeast Asian peninsula has become their homeland. Such a large place requires at least thousands Tens or even hundreds of millions of people were resettled in.

Some of these people can be relocated from China, but most of them will still choose from these overseas Chinese who have returned to China from outside.

After all, according to domestic culture, leaving the country to leave the country is the one most people will not choose, unless it is a last resort.

However, China is now living and working, and with the rapid progress of technology, people's living conditions are getting better and better, coupled with the leapfrogging progress of network information, the dark side of many societies has been unrelentingly made public. ▽ `` -`

Originally such negative news would be cleared up and concealed in a very short period of time, but since Cheng Yuan, a technology crystallization company, has mastered the nation ’s network, one of these things will be published directly on the headline.

What's more, it's not the news media people, but the total control intelligence of the entire Huaxia Network. The black and white are clearly written by the cold intelligence.

In such a transparent society, the negatives have been greatly enlarged. In order to deal with such things, the above is also fierce. One thing is handled, and it is never tolerated.

In this way, although it caused quite some turmoil in Huaxia some time ago, after that period, the society as a whole experienced a qualitative change.

People are more dependent on the country, which is why Huaxia executives let him out to do this, because in Huaxia, which is now Guotai Minan, no one in China will choose to leave the country.

In order to make use of the newly acquired land as soon as possible, Huaxia chose this method, and the international situation has given them such conditions.

Since a large number of immigrants cannot be found at home, can they always be abroad?

He Yao is not a robot that can only be loyal to the command. He is actually quite puzzled. Since immigration is so troublesome, why didn't he stop intelligent machines from directly attacking the Southeast Asian peninsula?

However, he also thought about this problem. He knew his own problems well. This kind of layout and action involved him, he didn't have that vision at all. Tomato Novel Network `-```-

Looking at He Yao, who suddenly looked extremely serious, Crick glanced at Ben, and gritted his teeth secretly, and replied with a little respect: "There are only more than 6,000 Chinese and overseas Chinese in the base."

"So few?" Although he was mentally prepared, he heard that there were only 6,000 people, and his eyebrows suddenly twisted into a ball. If there were only 6,000 people in a base, then the rest of the French defense bases in France could pick up at most More than ten thousand people.

There are only 10,000 people in France. Compared with the tens of millions required, it is almost a sky and a ground!

Ben saw that He Yao's face suddenly became ugly, and he was secretly anxious, but in fact, he could not say that 6,000 people were 10,000.

"Colonel He, it's very good to survive so many people. You should also know the total number of people in our defense base, only 130,000 people!" Ben hurriedly explained.

He Yao's face was calm, "I know, but I thought the ratio would be around ten to one, but now it seems that the gap is half less than I expected." Then he sighed and looked at Crick He said, "Thank you for letting them out. I will go to other defense bases."

"Yes!" Crick promised happily. After all, if he dared to say nothing at this time, he doubted that the intelligent robots outside the base would leave with the young colonel in front of him.

However, after he promised to come down, he continued to support each other and looked at He Yao with a restless word.

"Something?" He Yao looked at the skinny old man strangely. ▽ ◇ Tomato ☆ Novel ☆ Net-`` `-

Crick opened his mouth and said Ai Ai said, "Colonel He, if you don't mind, can you also take some women and children with you, although it may make you embarrassed, please see that everyone is also human."

Crick looked at He Yao with a look of prayer.

"This ..." He Yao knew that this would happen before he came, and everyone who has the same task as him knew that for this they also watched a small meeting.

During the meeting, they also unified their calibre, saying that they would never let people other than Chinese get on the airship, but at this time looking at Crick's old face and the object he said, He Yao hesitated.

If he were to be an adult man, he would really reject it heartily.

But instead of women and children ...

Seeing He Yao hesitated, Crick was overjoyed, and he continued to persuade him, "Although Colonel Ho, although my requirements make you embarrassed, children are the future of human beings, regardless of their country, race, color, and belief, don't they? ? "

He Yao suffocated, and suddenly the corners of his eyes swept towards the crowd who were sneaking towards him, especially the children hiding behind the adults.

Although the body was dirty, the child's clear and innocent, with a little curious eyes, made him feel uncomfortable.

"Damn smart machine!" He Yao gritted his teeth and scolded in his heart, then looked at Crick and said, "Wait, I will report this to my superiors, and I will try my best."

Although He Yao did not agree directly, the meaning in his words had acquiesced to his request, which made Crick overjoyed.

He quickly looked at Ben, "Go, hurry up and notify everyone in the base and announce the news!"

"Okay!" Ben heard and ran down with joy.

He Yao didn't care about the joy of the two at this time. When he returned to the airship, he directly contacted the country.

As soon as the video communication was connected, a middle-aged man wearing major general costume laughed and laughed: "Haha, he Yao, your boy really called, I just told the old boy that Jiang was left with you."

He Yao was somewhat baffled by the size of Major General, "General Zhao, do you know what I want to say when I call?"

Major General Zhao heard the words, the smile on his face slowly disappeared, and his voice was a little more serious. "Little He, what you want to say is about picking up some foreigners to come back."

He Yao was a little dazed when he heard it, and he was surprised: "Yes, the other party wants me to pick up some women and children."

General Zhao had such a look, and he sighed: "Xiao He, judging from the information reported by the various airship teams, there are not many overseas Chinese, and the total number of zeros now totals less than 300,000! "

He Yao frowned slightly, shocked, "So little!"

"Less?" General Zhao grinned bitterly. "I can't be happier with so many people. We have already reported your request to the director. The director has also considered and agreed. In addition to women and children, you can also properly let some young men Get on the airship. "

He Yaowen said, he was surprised, although he was surprised by the above decision, he nodded solemnly, "I see, I promise to complete the task of the chief!"

"Okay." General Zhao waved a hand lightly, "You quickly come back to the end of the matter, there is a big move right away."

"it is good!"


When He Yao contacted the country, Crick had already transmitted the relevant news to the entire base. At the first time people in the base heard the news, everyone was boiling. One by one, he rushed out of the ground and looked outward. Run away.

After all, as long as you can board the airship and arrive at Huaxia, you can survive safely and you don't have to be restless every day in the defense base.

Although the news only stated that women, children, and Chinese can go up, they cannot hold the relationship between those relatives.

Although many men feel that they can't go up to ~, but they can make their wives and children live safely in China, which is also worth it!

So everyone in the base moved.

In a corner of the basement three floors, a young man was instantly excited when he heard the news. The young man had black curly hair and fair skin, with a pair of blue eyes and a tall nose bridge, although his face was dirty. Messy, but also a rare handsome guy.

The young man's name was Morris, who had been desperate to wait for his death. At this moment, infinite power was generated from his body. He stood up sharply and stood up to leave.

"Morris, what are you going to do?" As soon as Morris was alone, he saw a few young men curiously looking at him in the shadow of the corner, asking.

Morris grinned, "Morris? No, my name is Morson now, I'm Chinese!" Morris replied in extremely standard Chinese, and then left without looking back.

Behind him, a group of young people looked at Morris's back with a confused look. They couldn't understand what Morris had just said ... (To be continued.)

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