Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 649:

Morris was very curious to look at the surrounding environment at this time. This is a broken city, surrounded by collapsed buildings. -`--

Countless dust between the ruined walls rises with the breeze.

"Here ... is Huaxia?" Morris' eyes widened, his eyes filled with disbelief. In his imagination, shouldn't Huaxia be a safe place without war?

Why does it look like it just went through a war here?

Is this really Huaxia?

When overlooking the sky from last night, what about the city that glows in the night?

After staying on the airship for two days, Morris didn't stay in the small room he had allocated. He always looked out through the porthole from time to time.

There are many people who are as dazed as him. When they see this dilapidated city in front of them, they are also very puzzled. Is this the place that Huaxia arranged for them?

But neither Morris nor anyone around him did not ask the soldiers who had guns to maintain order.

Although they were a little flustered, they were honest. After all, this place is very unfamiliar to them. If you are afraid of running blindly, if you do n’t say you ca n’t go out, what can you do if you run out?

Moreover, if Huaxia wants to do something with them, it is not necessary. Now the world can be said to be shrouded in the dark clouds of war. In such a chaotic era, tens of thousands of people who disappeared will not be noticed. Fan △ Eggplant Novel Network `` `-``-`-`

The most important thing is that in the place less than two hundred meters in front of them, there is a huge simple plastic board room. In front of the plastic board room, there are many Chinese people wearing medical staff clothing and some intelligent robots standing there. Beside them are some supplies for daily life.

Although these things do not have a clear text mark, they are placed on the table, as long as those who have no problem in their eyes can definitely see them at a glance.

Morris didn't hesitate, and when everyone looked around blankly and curiously, he immediately trot over.

"Hello, sir, please show your identity proof, we will provide you with the corresponding living materials, and at the same time will give you a suitable job. After the city is re-established, this will be your place to live in the future."

As soon as Morris approached, a smart robot promptly uttered a reminder.

"Proof of identity?" Morris paused, then quickly took out a magnetic card from his jacket pocket and showed it to the robot in front of him.

The magnetic card is brass-colored, about the size of a bank card. The intelligent robot glanced at the magnetic card, and then said, "Mr. Morris, Huan Yin came to Nanxia, ​​China. According to the identity information, you are 21 years old and one person. The economics major you studied is not suitable. We now need to give you temporary work arrangements for ordinary construction workers. Is there a problem? "

Morris frowned and shook her head silently. Tomato ○ ☆ Novel △ Web ☆ -`-``--`--

The most ordinary construction worker, plainly speaking, is the most ordinary construction site worker, doing the most tiring and heaviest work. If it was put in the past, Morris, who was a relatively wealthy family, would definitely not do such a decent job.

But his mind was sober, he knew that such an arrangement would never be changed by his own will.

But he still asked, "Can I change one after that?"

"Certainly, Mr. Morris. When the city is rebuilt, you will be free to choose your job, and China will give you the most basic social security." The intelligent robot replied briskly.

With this answer, Morris breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that if he had been doing this kind of work for his small arms and calves, he would probably not be able to support them.

Just change it!

With this in mind, he received his daily necessities, some washing utensils and lunch boxes for eating, and two sets of standard clothes that could be changed and a sleeping bag.

After taking things, Morris's staff here arranged to a flat square that was opened up. The square is very large, and there have been rows of simple houses on the second floor.

"This is the place where you will live in the future. The place where you live temporarily has already been arranged for you, and follow the instructions. Fan △ eggplant net` `` -``-`-` ”The staff left in a hurry after speaking, Leaving Morris with a grimace.

Morris looked at the back of the staff member and opened his mouth. He wanted to ask where the instructions were. He didn't see any sign. How did he get there?

Is it possible to find a place to live in?

Just as he was puzzled, suddenly a striking green arrow appeared at the forefront of the field of vision, the arrow flickering.

The sudden arrow made Morris startled. He looked at the arrow in front of him in surprise, hesitated, and walked forward in the direction of the arrow.

Holographic technology, this technology he has already seen in the airship, although it was extremely shocking at the time, but the shock at that time was far less intense than it is now.

After all, the holographic technology in the airship can also be explained by some micro-devices. Now where is the holographic arrow in front of me in this open place?

I didn't see any projecting equipment in the surrounding simple houses!

There are many more people who are just as shocked as Morris. Millions of people are shocking the technology shown by Huaxia. After all, they have only seen such technology in movies, and they are completely like this in real life. have not thought.

However, after such technology was demonstrated, their hearts, which were slightly flustered, were unknowingly calm. ☆ `` ---- `-`-`-`

Huaxia can invest such huge capital to make such a high-end equipment even in such a broken city, so it will definitely not do anything to them.

Successively, after three days of arrangement, the millions of people who had been taken over were considered temporarily settled. Considering that these talents had just arrived, Huaxia was still very humane and did not arrange them to work immediately.

Instead, let them rest for two days and get acquainted with the surrounding environment and people.

In the past three days, these people have been completely settled. Although the overall environment here is not very good and the surrounding buildings are destroyed, at least they do n’t have to be frightened every day and they do n’t need to starve and eat. pause.

Those who have experienced suffering naturally cherish their present life even more.

With this kind of thinking, this also gives Huaxia's managers a little more relaxed work, after all, they are also worried that if there are too many people, there will be various problems.

This is the best situation today.

After the break, these people start their new lives and jobs.

Although the screening arrangements for intelligent robots may be slightly inappropriate, at least 99% of the personnel work arrangements are in line with the current situation.

Subsequently, Huaxia Nanyang Province began a vigorous reconstruction plan.

The entire reconstruction plan is huge, first they need to level all the original buildings, and then build a new city on this ruin.

Secondly, the reconstruction also involves many aspects, such as the original street conditions and underground facilities in the city, which require a comprehensive inspection.

Finally, there is the problem of population arrangements.

Millions of people cannot be arranged in one place. They are divided into many parts and then allocated to the main cities of the original countries.

For the reconstruction of Nanyang Province, this topic is the topic that attracts the attention of Chinese people in addition to the crisis of intelligent machinery.

Therefore, relevant reports appear in the news from time to time.

These events also gave the Chinese people new topics, and in these days, Cheng Yuan's Mars transformation plan was officially launched.

Because of the problem of preparation, the delay was almost ten days later. As the speed of manufacturing the catcher and the propeller is getting faster and faster, the preparation is naturally accelerated.


400 million kilometers away from Earth, Mars, which is only half the size of the Earth, slowly moves along a predetermined trajectory. In front of it, countless meteorites of various sizes come together.

This is an extremely large artificial meteorite belt that stretches for millions of kilometers. The surfaces of these meteorites are attached to triangle machines of the same system. The machines are in the shape of isosceles triangles. It was emitting a faint blue light.

On the earth, in the cutting-edge laboratory, Cheng Yuan looked seriously at the two screens in front of him, one of which was a slowly moving red planet, and the other was a dense small meteorite belt.

Looking at the two sides getting closer and closer, Cheng Yuan's breathing quickly became unconsciously, his hands clenched tightly.

"Zero, how long is it?" Cheng Yuan asked in a deep voice.

Zero replied calmly, "Thirteen minutes left, sir."

"Well." Cheng Yuan nodded, staring intently at the screen.

As time passed by, the distance between Mars and the meteorite belt became closer, and suddenly the picture in front of Cheng Yuan flashed.

The contents of the original two screens playing different screens have become the same.

"Sir, it's started," Zero said immediately after the picture changed.

As soon as his voice fell ~ ~ Cheng Yuan saw a meteorite rushing straight to Mars under the impetus of the propeller!

嗖 ——!

The speed of the meteorite was very fast, and it rushed into the atmosphere of Mars in a blink of an eye. Because the atmosphere of Mars is very thin, the meteorite did not burn much and hit the surface of Mars severely.


Although Cheng Yuan couldn't hear any sound through the picture, when the meteorite hit the surface of Mars, the huge impact force in the eyes and the huge dust generated later made Cheng Yuan unconsciously think of this impact in his mind. sound!

The impact of this meteorite was like a signal, followed by the dense meteorite crashing straight into Mars under the impetus of the propeller!


A huge roar suddenly sounded in Cheng Yuan's ears, Cheng Yuan looked startled, and suddenly stood up from his seat, "What's the situation?"

"Sir, for a more realistic restoration, this is the sound I simulated based on the impact analysis of the meteorite." Zero returned. (To be continued.)

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