Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 662:

Judging from the current situation, Cheng Yuan's intelligent robot squad is in an absolute advantage, because these alien creatures seem to only use the most basic melee attacks, and their defense also relies on their own **** tissue like armor.

However, whether it is their attack or defense, they are vulnerable in the face of the armed robot team.

Their sharp claws cannot leave a trace on the steel body of the intelligent robot, and their defense cannot resist high-tech energy weapons.

At the same time, in terms of strength, speed and insight, they are all at a disadvantage. In the face of the intelligent robot team, the only thing they can do is escape!

However, the situation analysis is correct, but the real exploration is still cautious.

Such things as capsizes in the gutter abound in human history, so Zero was very careful. After the ten teams dispersed, these intelligent robots took out a flat disc from the back waist for the first time.

The disc is very small, about eight centimeters wide, with a metallic body, a blue energy ring around a centimeter inside the edge, and a slightly darker button on the top.

"this is?"

Seeing that the intelligent robot pulled out new equipment, Cheng Yuan was curious again, and his eyes turned to the side of zero.

Zero immediately explained: "A small prop for exploration, with a suspension device and a spectrum scanner built-in, as well as a small graphic analysis and intelligent control program and alarm, and its driving energy is a graphene battery. The flying speed is about 6 meters per second, a very ordinary prop. "

Cheng Yuan nodded, such a tool is indeed a very common prop for him now, but for some people, this kind of thing is simply an artifact.

Did not care, Cheng Yuan continued to watch.

The smart robot installed the button on the top of the disc, and then gently tossed the disc forward.

After seeing the disc being thrown out for two meters, it suddenly stopped in the air, and then started to rotate. As it rotated, a strong blue light was emitted from the blue energy ring. The blue light scanned the walls and channels, followed by the disc '嗖' flew out.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Yuan pointed at the disc that left his eyes in an instant and asked, "You control this little thing?"

"No, there is a small orientation determination program, which will determine the position by itself, and then perform a detailed scan." Zero return.

"Oh!" Cheng Yuan was stunned, didn't speak, and continued to watch. At this time, the intelligent robot team has dispersed and began to explore alien buildings.

The structure of this alien building is very simple, and the door they opened is in the middle of the passage, so the ten intelligent robot teams are divided into two groups of left and right for exploration.

Because of the existence of the scanner, the intelligent robot moves quickly. After all, if the scanner finds an enemy, it will promptly remind them enough to respond.

But this time, Cheng Yuan's viewing experience is not very good. After all, this exploration team is dedicated to combat, so many auxiliary equipment are not available.

The most intuitive thing is that there is no lighting equipment, all intelligent robots directly use night vision to enter it, so the picture that Cheng Yuan now sees is a green.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Yuan frowned slightly. "Zero, can't you install one in advance?"

"Sir, when the other party attacked us for the first time, it attacked an intelligent robot equipped with lights. I think these creatures may have a special response to light, so night vision is the best choice." Zero Explained.

Then, without waiting for Cheng Yuan, he continued, "Moreover, as long as we control the core of the entire building, we can find energy supply devices, we can restart the energy, and we can see it clearly."

Cheng Yuan pursed his lips and said, "Okay, then let's do it first."

The screen is dark green, this color is not common, so Cheng Yuan looks very uncomfortable at first, because not only the dark green in the picture, but some corners are also mixed with black.

Such a picture makes Cheng Yuan even more uncomfortable.

Rubbing his eyes, Cheng Yuan worked hard to adapt himself to this screen. After all, the eyes have some adaptability to light, as long as they are used to it.

Therefore, although Cheng Yuan was uncomfortable looking at first, he gradually accepted the picture over time.

At this time, the five smart robot squads going to the left have come to the internal metal gates that the mining team had destroyed.

Here it is still black as usual. Through the night vision device, Cheng Yuan can see a pair of green eyes behind the door. It is dense and dense like the compound eyes of a creature on the earth. .

"I'm going, so much!" Cheng Yuan opened his eyes wide and couldn't help exclaiming.

At the moment he shouted, the eyes of the masters roared in unison, and then each one flew out from behind the door and rushed towards the intelligent robot squad.

Faced with the attack of these creatures, the intelligent robot team did not panic, they barely thought, and shot with a gun.

In the case of intelligent lock, there is almost no deviation.

The blue energy rays hit the alien creatures and directly penetrated the opponent's body. Almost one face to face. In front of the intelligent robot army, a lot of corpses were piled up.

While attacking these fluttering alien creatures, some intelligent robots can also take some time to make up for those alien creatures that have fallen to the ground but have not yet died.

However, although the intelligent robot army cleaned up quickly, alien creatures that can come out of the gate seem to be endless.

The intelligent robot also retreats while playing. After all, if it sticks to its place, the passage will soon be blocked by the body of the alien creature, which will cause some trouble.

And the same thing happened on the other side.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Yuan froze, he blinked and looked at zero.

"What's wrong, sir?" Feeling Cheng Yuan's gaze, he asked curiously.

Cheng Yuan hesitated, and then asked, "Zero, don't you think it's strange, that the sound can spread even under vacuum?"

He roared before his death, but he heard it clearly. When capturing the first alien creature before, Cheng Yuan didn't realize the problem.

Because he feels like watching a movie, there is a dub!

In those science fiction movies, in a vacuum environment, the battleship explosion can make a blast, so he subconsciously ...

But now he realized the problem.

"Sir, this question requires us to perform some experiments to get the answer, but the sound is not no longer able to propagate in a vacuum, and only needs to change the way to do it." Zero back.

With that said, Cheng Yuan immediately understood that although the sound could not propagate directly in a vacuum, it could change into another form.

For example, change the parameter of sound change from molecular carrying form to electron carrying mode, and then change the electron with the sound changing parameter to propagate the sound in a vacuum through the form of electromagnetic waves, which is the radio we use.

As far as the current human technology is concerned, it is only possible to spread sound in a vacuum.

But the creatures in front of it have upset this.

This made Cheng Yuan have to say with emotion: "They can not only survive in a vacuum, but also make sounds directly in a vacuum. They are really perfect materials. Are you right, zero?"

"Yes, if we dissect them and conduct a detailed study of their physiological structure, maybe we can also make a method that can directly allow humans to simply communicate and survive in the cosmic environment, which will be extremely important for our space development. . "

"Since you think so, kill more and take the corpses back to study." Cheng Yuanjian also agreed with his own thoughts, and raised his mouth.

"Yes, catch some live and go back, after all, those who are dead will have more research value."

He nodded and promised: "No problem."

The simple words of one person and one life determine the fate of this newly discovered alien species. And this is just the most basic law of nature, weak meat and strong food!

If the position is reversed now, these extraterrestrial life is so powerful that humans cannot resist, even if there is an intelligent robot.

And they also have extremely high intelligence. In that case, they may do such things in order to understand the physiological structure and characteristics of human beings.

Because for them, humans and ants are a concept, and they can be killed at will.

"Then let's do this first, then send some intelligent robots in, clear the passage first, we first occupy the four corners in the structure, and then rush into the middle." Cheng Yuan ordered.

"Okay, but I think we can also send another team to dig in directly from above. After all, Phobos itself can be abandoned, it has no value." Zero said.

Cheng Yuan froze, and then patted his head, "How long will this take?"

"According to the rock formation analysis, it may take about two hours." Zero return.

"Well then?"

"It might take an hour, or less." Zero glanced at the side-by-side battle on the holographic screen and said seriously.

"Then let's go in ~ ~ Cheng Yuan ripped the corner of his mouth, and after that, he turned off the screen in front of him, got up and said to zero:" Let's go, let's go and see your new body. "

"Don't you watch?" He looked at Cheng Yuan in surprise and turned off the holographic screen.

Cheng Yuan stretched his back. "For an hour, I've been watching how weak I have been, or just look at the new body you made for yourself and where is it?"

"In the manufacturing room below the lab." Zero replied.

Cheng Yuan's footsteps paused, he wondered, "Why don't you put it on Hongnong?"

"Sir, the core transfer is a huge project, and my core is still in this building," Zero explained.

"This way ..." Cheng Yuan said nothing, and walked towards the manufacturing room with Zero. (To be continued.)

: Visiting the website () "Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the point of view of the author's rushing black ants. If it is found that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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