Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 668:

After Cheng Yuan said, he was ready to leave.

However, before he could take a step, the sphere said suddenly: "Actually, if you need it, I can open it for you, in your device."

Cheng Yuan stepped back, he felt a bit unable to adapt to the inheritance of alien civilization.

In other words, he has such a mentality of a small citizen? At the upper level of the country, will this choice be made for the inheritance of civilization?

He didn't understand this, but since the sphere said so, Cheng Yuan considered it for a while and did not refuse.

With a slight swing of his head, Cheng Yuan motioned for zero stop to stop the robotic arm that had just taken the long black bar.

Seeing nothing, he stopped immediately and returned the black bar to Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan picked up the black bar, squeezed it in his hand, looked at the sphere and said, "What are you going to do?"

He has all the equipment here, just don't know what the sphere will do.

"Please give me the sum chip," said the sphere, and at the same time it opened the interface of the chip that had previously popped up.

Cheng Yuan didn't hesitate, inserted the chip in his hand, and looked at the sphere.

The sphere didn't say anything. Under the notes of Cheng Yuan and Zero, it retracted the chip again, and then a connecting line protruded from the cylindrical structure in the middle.

"This is a connection data cable, you can directly create a suitable port for me to connect with your device," said the sphere.

The requirements of the sphere made Cheng Yuan hesitate a bit. If he hadn't believed before, the sphere was far from his current concept.

If the sphere is connected to its own device, will it let it steal some relevant information?

With doubt, Cheng Yuan looked to zero, "Zero, you find a large-capacity quantum computer again, you want to be blank and independent!" Cheng Yuan emphasized the four words "blank and independent".

Cheng Yuan meant to understand God with zero heart. He nodded and said, "No problem, sir, I have already arranged it. The intelligent robot arm will do what we need, and soon we will know everything."

The dialogue between Zero and Cheng Yuan did not hide the sphere. In front of it, this is also a test in disguise.

Although they are not clear whether this test behavior is useful for the existence of artificial intelligence like spheres.

But in any case, before using it, it is finally an insurance.

The production efficiency of intelligent machinery is very fast. It almost did not let Cheng Yuan wait for more than a minute, and a newly assembled quantum computer appeared in front of Cheng Yuan.

The computer has no screen, only one mainframe. The mainframe is cylindrical and white, and although the style is simple, it is very beautiful.

The most conspicuous is that in the middle of the host, there is also a port exactly the same as the data cable extended by the sphere. These are just made!

And above the port, there is also a data line.

Cheng Yuan picked up the host's data cable, shook it in front of the sphere, and smiled: "Okay, you can connect. And you don't mind my assistant entering your core?"

The sphere still did not hesitate, and replied calmly: "Yes."

Soon, the sphere's data cable was connected to the host, and the same host's data cable was also connected to the sphere.

After the two sides were connected to each other, Cheng Yuan gestured to zero.

Zero comprehension, directly control your own data flow into the sphere.

The transfer of data is a very fast process, especially the transmission of quantum data, especially.

Cheng Yuan quietly waited for about two minutes, and then he said to Cheng Yuan: "Sir, it did not lie. After it released its authority, I have controlled the inner core of it, everything is exactly the same as what it said , But we still do n’t know why the other party destroyed the fire star civilization. "

Cheng Yuan frowned and groaned: "Is there any image data it keeps?"

"No," Zero replied.

Cheng Yuan glanced at the sphere without sound and sighed, "But don't you think it's strange. Its mission is to destroy civilization. Since it is involved in combat, why do we still keep such strange instructions internally? Are they their leaders Are all fools, afraid of getting to know their cutting-edge technology after being captured by hostile forces? "

This is the reason why Cheng Yuan has been restless.

After all, what the sphere said, it felt like he was contradicting himself.

At this time, I don't know what to say, because Cheng Yuan is very reasonable. Since it holds such precious things inside, it can be regarded as a part of civilization inheritance. How can it be arranged to participate in the destruction of civilization?

"You search again carefully, I think there is still a problem here!" Cheng Yuan commanded, he felt that there must be something wrong with this sphere, and it was definitely not as beautiful as it said.

How could you meet alien technology as soon as you met, and get the inheritance of alien civilization, this can be used as the protagonist template!

The protagonist must first meet the crisis, then turn the crisis into peace, and then there is an adventure or something ...

But this time, he did not encounter any danger.

Nodded nodded, the expression on the face was also cautious, and check the sphere again.

This time, he did not just check the chip that the sphere had taken out before, but scanned it as a whole.

By controlling the internal means, Zero can finally get the structure diagram he wants by scanning the spectrum this time.

While comparing and analyzing the structure diagram, he found an area that he had not noticed before.

This area is at the bottom of the sphere. According to the description of the sphere itself, this is the place to store the smart chip, which is separate from the data area in the middle.

But since Cheng Yuan said that this sphere had contradictions and quirks, Zero naturally would not let this go.

Besides, as an intelligent life, he doesn't care about the first level of "artificial intelligence" of the sphere. If he changed to someone else, he might cherish it very much because of its artificial intelligence, and may not move. This area.

Lest you destroy it yourself.

But neither he nor Cheng Yuan are short of it!

And zero is also curious, what is the difference between the artificial intelligence of the alien civilization and the artificial intelligence of the earth! If you get the technology of alien civilization, will there be further evolution or strengthening for yourself?

With multiple ideas, Zero directly opens the bottom area and enters the smart area of ​​the sphere.

In this area, as soon as Zero entered, there was weak resistance. "Please go out, you will destroy me like this." The sphere said weakly.

The intelligence inside the sphere is very regretful at this time ~ ~ I knew that there was such a existence, it would not wake up from hibernation, and always shrank in its own protective layer.

Before, it calculated a lot, because the surrounding environment is closed, it is not clear at all how the earth's technology has reached, but it also has its own contrast.

Because when they destroyed the fire extinguisher civilization, the earth ’s civilization had just begun to take off.

In its calculations, no matter how fast the civilization of the earth develops, it will not be so fast!

Even if they can rush out of the earth, into the universe, and explore the solar system, they will not make rapid progress in the field of intelligence.

In fact, the intelligent calculation in the sphere is very correct. According to normal development, the intelligent technology of the earth is indeed very backward.

Ke Chengyuan was an accident! (To be continued.).

a () "Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the viewpoint of the author's rushing black ants. If the content is found to be inconsistent with national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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