Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 671:

Although it can't be said that they can directly operate on intelligent machines, some contributors are still available. network

Such as forcing the disconnection between intelligent machines to make them confused, or changing some very important commands.

These are all Cheng Yuan can do in private.

However, all of this requires a premise, that is, the human side needs to have sufficient capital to compete with intelligent machines. Intelligent machines have their huge number of mechanical troops, so the human side naturally needs the same force.

Whether on individual units or on fleets!

Now, when it comes to individual soldiers, the highly intelligent robotic forces of humans are naturally stronger than the intelligent mechanical forces, but the number of opponents is huge.

On the human side, it is not comparable to the army of intelligent machines in quantity.

Even Cheng Yuan doesn't have that many intelligent robots.

Therefore, the participation of human soldiers in the war has become doomed. However, letting the soldiers go to war is not to say that they should use their flesh and blood to fight against the steel torrent of the intelligent mechanical forces.

Some things such as tanks, battlefield fortresses, and armored vehicles are also needed, but this is not enough. If these things were put before, they were definitely the main force on the battlefield.

However, since the emergence of intelligent robots, war punishment has become more flexible and changeable, and the mobility of intelligent robots is far from being comparable to humans.

What's more, things like tanks are just like targets in front of intelligent robots.

These things can only be used in fixed battlefield defenses in future wars. If you want to attack, individual combat will be more important in the future.

Of course, this single soldier does not let you carry a gun and rush forward to confront the robot. There is still a little change here.

For example, Cheng Yuan's gaze was unconsciously looking in one direction.

There, a set of armor with metallic luster was quietly placed there, and a blue energy reaction furnace on the chest slowly operated to provide energy.

Individual armor.

In order to fight against millions of intelligent mechanical armies, not only intelligent robot troops, but also soldiers with individual armor are required.

Only in this way can we not fall behind in terms of quantity.

With the idea in mind, the next thing will be easier. If the process is not far, I will not deliberately tell the above, I want to create a set of single-armor armor that can be produced by the soldiers.

In this case, no problem will be suspected, let alone ulterior motives?

So Cheng Yuan needs a chance.

This timing is naturally his own creation, but before creation, he needs to make some preparations. After all, there is no shadow of individual armor.

"Zero, we have something to do." Cheng Yuan smiled slightly.

While Cheng Yuan was planning to be clear about intelligent machinery, Huaxia executives sat together to discuss the topic of Mars.

After learning from Cheng Yuan that after the transformation of Mars has been completed, everyone's mood is very complicated and contradictory.

Excitement is affirmative. After all, the change of Mars is equivalent to human beings opening up a second habitable planet. How fascinating is this?

But they are also worried.

The distance between Mars and Earth is too far, although in the solar system, it is very close, after all, it is two adjacent planets, but in terms of current technology, it is too far away.

When I got there, it was like the Emperor Gao was far away. How can I send someone there?

Based on the current state of the earth, the person who was managed by the acupoint in the past is almost equivalent to taking control of a planet. This is a deadly poison with absolute attraction for anyone who has enjoyed power.

Therefore, at this time, they have been arguing about this issue. Who should be suitable for management in the past?

When these big brothers discussed who sent them, Liu Xianghua outside the conference room was in his heart. Although he sat on a mahogany chair calmly and calmly, he felt a pinch under his buttock, making him slightly restless.

Liu Xianghua was very embarrassed at this time. He didn't know how the big brothers inside arranged themselves, would he let himself be managed by Mars?

Just as he was restless, the door of the meeting room opened, and a number of high-level bosses came out of it with the number one.

Liu Xianghua glanced vaguely at the crowd, and now these high-profile figures now have a solemn look on their faces.

Seeing what these people looked like, Liu Xianghua sighed.

He is also a person who is good at looking at things and looking at the crowd, and he knows that in a short time it is impossible to discuss the results.

After all, it's Mars, so you have to be cautious.

"Little Liu."

When Liu Xianghua was thinking wildly, No. 1 Chief suddenly said, "You did a good job this time, and the next thing about the development of Mars immigration is left to you to contact with Cheng Yuan. You must take this matter seriously, understand ?"

No. 1 had a solemn admonition ~ ~ Liu Xianghua was in a tight heart, and then he secretly rejoiced. Although No. 1 did not express his position clearly, this sentence meant that he was very inclined to himself!

Liu Xianghua converged and nodded heavily: "Understanding, long, I will definitely complete the task."

"Well," No. 1 nodded, and then said, "You go out first. I'll call you and tell you if something happens."

"Okay, long." Liu Xianghua answered, and turned away without hesitation.

After he left, an old man behind No. 1 suddenly said, "Long, I will leave it to Xiao Liu for the time being. I remember that the report did not say that it will take a while for Mars to complete the transformation Well, we still have time to discuss. "

Long nodded, "It's really a while." But then he turned sharply. "But if we negotiate the same progress as now, this time will not be enough!"

No. 1 took a deep look at the old man, and then stepped out.

The old man was so embarrassed by the number one, but the embarrassment just passed away. After all, there is too much relationship here, and even if this old face is not necessary, he has to fight for aldehyde benefits for himself.

The other seven people had the same thoughts as the old man, so no one broke him, or watched his jokes, but just kept up.

After Liu Xianghua stepped out, he didn't stay much, went directly to his home, explained a few words to his family, and set off for Anhe city.

Now that Chang has given an order, he decides that it is best to be ready at any time in Anhe City.

In this way, if there is anything, you can contact Shang Chengyuan as soon as possible.

As soon as he came to Anhe City, Cheng Yuan received the news, and his mouth fluttered, "We are waiting." (To be continued.)

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