Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 675:

While thinking of Cheng Yuan on the 1st, Cheng Yuan was also thinking about which method to use to start this annihilation of intelligent machinery plan. network

There are many plans for him, the most direct of which is the previous thought, to directly control a part of the intelligent machinery to give Huaxia a little pressure, and then the remaining things will naturally progress slowly.

As for why the intelligent machine is obviously stronger than Huaxia, but he still dares not to act. Cheng Yuan thinks with his toes to understand that it is because of himself and zero that the intelligent machine dares not act lightly.

Maybe they won't really act until they feel that they have that capital.

Cheng Yuan frowned, pondering the method.

The most direct method, although the most effective, but the subsequent response will be a bit large, and currently it is not appropriate in terms of time.

After all, Huaxia's side is too weak, and he cannot show too much.

As for the use of intelligence to give the Chinese side a sense of urgency, this matter can be used for a while.

Cheng Yuan nodded secretly, and when he was about to open up to let Zero disclose some intelligence about intelligent machinery to the upper level, Zero suddenly said, "Sir, I have received an interesting news, and this news may be an opportunity for us."

When Cheng Yuan reached his mouth, he immediately condensed, swallowed, and asked a little erratically, "What news?"

"China's grain reserves have experienced a crisis with the rapid increase in population. According to statistics, it can only support for about two years, so the upper levels have begun to discuss how to solve the food crisis." Zero explained.

Cheng Yuan blinked and some did not understand, "What does this food crisis have to do with our plan?"

Regarding food, Cheng Yuan didn't really think about it, because he could not have insufficient food. On this agricultural satellite of Hongnong, many food crops on the earth have been planted strangely, as well as a school of sheep creatures.

Although Hongnong is the first colonial satellite and claims to be an agricultural satellite, more than half belong to the science and technology area. For such a thing, Cheng Yuan did not forcefully change it. Sometimes such a thing can only be done.

With a small smile, he explained: "Although Huaxia's reserve food is consumed quickly, the food reserves of other countries have not moved, and members of Congress have put their ideas on those reserved food.

Cheng Yuan did not understand the problem of the food crisis, but he was not a fool. He was surprised: "Which foreign lawmakers will not oppose this proposal?"

"The proposal is for the British MP, Mr. Williams," said Zero, with an inexplicable smile in his tone.

When Cheng Yuan heard it, he was also speechless. "Emotional people haven't had much in the first place. No wonder they dare to speak. They are barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes."

Britain's own reserve of grain is not very large, and the country itself has a small population, so Williams made absolutely no psychological pressure when he made this proposal.

Cheng Yuan sighed, and then asked, "Which one agreed?"

"Naturally, not only No. 1 agreed, but all members of the parliament have reached a consensus." Zero shrugged back.

"Yo!" Cheng Yuan was surprised. "How could these people agree that their stocks of food are their last cards?"

Cheng Yuan couldn't believe his ears. Grain storage was the basis for their future standing. Now he agrees that after Huaxia has ransacked all the food, they will have no way out.

This point, Cheng Yuan can not figure out.

However, he only thought for a moment, and suddenly frowned, and chuckled, "What do I want so much!" After clearing his mood, Cheng Yuan asked with a smile: "Where is our opportunity?"

Zero expression suddenly became serious and replied: "According to the current place occupied by intelligent machinery, several major food-producing countries in the world are occupied by intelligent machinery. It may take a while to transport food from there. Fierce fighting. "

"However, the current number of robots in Huaxia has reached a saturated state, and it is no longer possible to increase the number, so the issue of expatriation has become a difficult point. The number one has meant to let soldiers go together."

"Let our soldiers pass by directly !?" Cheng Yuan's brow flickered.

If the soldiers were allowed to pass directly, this would definitely not work. Today's Zhan Chong has changed and is no longer a battlefield that the king of soldiers praises.

Even if it is a hundred of the world's top soldiers, in the face of intelligent robots, there is only one result, that is death!

This is not that Cheng Yuan looks down on those soldiers who have survived the war and killed, and have strong personal strength, it is really too big a gap between the two!

It was like a hundred unarmed people crashing into a wood chipper.

"This is impossible!" Zero countered at once: "Congressmen use the power of intelligent robots clearly, they cannot let soldiers die innocently, and according to my speculation, No. 1 will certainly not do so, so I Say our opportunity is here. "

Zero analysis brightened Cheng Yuan's eyes, "You mean armor alone?"

"Yes, only by letting our soldiers have the same fighting power as intelligent robots can we safely let them enter the modern intelligent battlefield."

"Then we just need to wait for the news?" Cheng Yuan was surprised. He felt very lucky. Then he thought about how to push out the armor of the soldiers. As a result, they were ready to be delivered to the door.

Zero nodded surely, "Yes, we just have to wait patiently. Now we can design a few more viable individual armors."

Cheng Yuan grinned ~ ~ This can be. "

Cheng Yuan smiled and stretched out his hand in front of him, and a holographic screen appeared in front of him. "Upload my steel armor information, let's modify it according to this."


There was a zero response, and on the holographic screen in front of Cheng Yuan, a holographic model of steel armor suddenly appeared. Next to the model was a series of related data.

Looking at the steel armor, Cheng Yuan felt a little bit of emotion. This armor was made by him after imitating Iron Man, but he used it poorly.

But this does not prevent his like.

However, now that it is used for soldiers, it needs to be changed. After all, a set of hundreds of millions of armors to arm a soldier is not just a matter of status.

But not so much money at all!

So change is for sure. However, it is necessary to consider where to change. Cheng Yuan already had some vague thoughts on this issue.

The first is intelligent control. Although everyone now has their own personal intelligence, personal intelligence cannot control such armor.

In addition, the faster the intelligent operation, the higher the energy demand, so simplification is necessary.

Secondly, the flight function is also unnecessary. In this way, not only the four energy output ports can be removed, but also the internal parts can be reduced linearly, and the cost will be reduced.

Finally, on the material, naturally, no special alloy material like him is needed, and a general special alloy is sufficient.

The material grade will be adjusted downward, and the overall cost will naturally decrease straight down.

Thinking about this in his mind, Cheng Yuan's fingers kept flicking on the holographic screen in front of him, and then the holographic model of the steel armor was separated under his control. (To be continued.)

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