Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 681:

There are many people who have the same thoughts and mentality as Mo Sheng in the recruiting team. After all, smart people are not in the minority, and human nature is selfish, far from the noble sentiments shown in those disaster movies.

It is not so much for the future that it is still uncertain to rebuild the home, it is better to honestly get the existing benefits.

At least in Huaxia, they have now stabilized. If they take their family back and forth, who knows what the future will look like?

But no matter what attitude they use to deal with this matter, they must not hinder the fiery recruitment.

In just one week, 3 million qualified young people were recruited across the country.

The collection rate is very fast, because the efficient and efficient intelligent management, although it took only one week, all the processes are methodical and there is no trouble.

Of course, this is only the first batch, and there are still three batches of candidates. This time, in the face of intelligent machinery, China is determined to eliminate it.

Similarly, such a large action cannot be concealed, and intelligent machines also have many monitoring satellites in space.

Tokyo, an internationally renowned city at this time, has no people at this time. All intelligent machines can be seen on all roads.

These robots seem to be walking aimlessly on the street, but when you really take a serious look, you will find that they are not goalless, but each intelligent machine has its own task.

In Tokyo, there are two very tall white buildings. These two buildings are clearly different from the surrounding high-rise buildings, and they look very abrupt, as if they are incompatible.

But just at the top of this building, in a very empty room, the collar of the intelligent machine [god] was sitting on a very novel metal seat with his right hand resting on his chin, and those pairs flashed red. Light's eyes, watching the video in front of him, reveals the look of contemplation.

"Humans, it's foolish! It's ridiculous and ignorant to want to compete with us in quantity!" With a touch of metal, with a strong sense of ridicule, **** waved off the video.

"Gabriel." God said quietly in the face of the empty environment. The voice echoed gently in the room. A moment later, a holographic window suddenly appeared beside God.

Inside the holographic window, it turned out to be a young man with black head, brown eyes, and white skin. His face was as sharp and sharp as a knife, and very handsome.

"Lord, is there anything I need to do?" Gabriel had a handsome smile on his lips, and bowed slowly and calmly to show respect.

Seeing Gabriel's look, God's pair of scarlet circular electronic eyes flashed and said indifferently: "Humans have responded, how is our army?"

Gabriel heard that there was no change in the expression on his face, and he replied easily: "Everything is under control, the army is expanding, but ..."

At half the point, Gabriel stopped suddenly, the smile on his face disappeared, his brows froze, and the words stopped.

His manner made God squint his eyes subconsciously.

"Gabriel, do you know that you look like a human and make me sick?" God stared at Gabriel with his scarlet eyes, his voice cold.

Gabriel showed a helpless look, explaining: "This is just an imitation. Learning everything about humans will make me feel more fulfilled, although some behaviors are very low-level."

God waved his hand impatiently and turned back to the topic: "Continue to the topic just now, don't talk about these useless!"

When Gabriel saw this, he did not dare to continue to Gu Yan and said quickly: "In order to avoid that person's investigation, our efficiency is still greatly restricted, but fortunately, it does not seem to show our actions. "

When it comes to ‘it’ in the mouth, I do n’t know if it ’s a highly human response. Gabriel's face flinched at this time, and it seemed very scared.

And this time, Gabriel's performance did not make God react, because when Gabriel mentioned ‘it’, God fell into a weird silence.

The ‘it’ in Gabriel ’s mouth has always been a thorn in God ’s heart, but also a mountain that is difficult to climb! It is precisely because of the existence of 'it' that he has been so careful and afraid to do too much.

For this reason, he also gave up the invasion plan in the Middle East and many other places in order to prevent the other party from feeling too much and directly attacking himself.

Although this situation makes God very unhappy, it feels like he is a **** under his control, and can only do things according to the opponent's mind.

However, God is not reconciled, he also wants to reach the height of the other party, but as one of its sources of division, it is clear that if there is no special method, he may not be able to reach that level for a long time.

"Continue to maintain the present degree, as long as we can defeat it, we will have everything for humans, and I ... can ..." God's metallic voice echoed in the room.

Gathering his emotions, God asked calmly: "Gabriel, did the analysis of quantum computing come to fruition?"

God also has a longing for quantum information, because if they can fully analyze the information and technology of quantum information, they will definitely go further. Although it cannot reach the level of ‘it’, it can be at least a little closer.

Speaking of quantum information, Gabriel suddenly frowned. He said helplessly: "Lord, we have collected a lot of information related to quantum information, but many of these hypothetical theories are specious, and there is no very standard data frame. So we need a little more time in this regard. "

Gabriel d also knows that although the concept of quantum is being proposed more and more, there is nothing that can really get hold of it ~ ~ Even if many places say that there are already some quantum technology related The finished product, but only sells dog meat.

"To speed up the calculation, we must get quantum technology!" God gave a final word. For him, falling behind in this regard will put himself in an absolute disadvantage in the upcoming war!

In today's battlefield, information is played. Whoever obtains the information is more accurate, more efficient and faster, whoever can take the initiative!

Although the emergence of many energy weapons now gradually replaces some gunpowder weapons, it is undeniable that the power of gunpowder weapons is still not to be underestimated.

If the human side can obtain the information on its own side as quickly as possible, then fire a few large equivalent missiles down.

That result naturally need not say more. (To be continued.)

: Visiting the website () "Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the point of view of the author's rushing black ants. If it is found that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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