Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 694:

Cheng Yuan was in a decent black suit with a tie around his neck and a pair of polished black leather shoes under his feet.

A formal suit made Cheng Yuan look more mature. The expression on Bucheng Yuan's face was slightly weird.

Although with a faint smile, two eyebrows frowned from time to time.

"Not yet used to it?" Guo Xiaolian, Cheng Yuan's left hand, saw the strange look on his face, and suddenly pursed his mouth, chuckling.

Cheng Yuan skimmed his lips: "Cough, I'll wear the leather shoes too, just a moment later."

Cheng Yuan, who is not very accustomed to wearing leather shoes, feels a sense of restraint under his feet every time he wears leather shoes, especially at the toes, the feeling is stronger.

The leather shoes slammed on the ground. Cheng Yuan didn't know how expensive these shoes were on his feet. After feeling that his feet had adapted, he went on with Guo Xiaolian.

On his right side, Zheng Jia looked at Cheng Yuan's uncomfortable look, and also laughed: "Cheng Yuan, you should try to wear more leather shoes in the future."

After hearing Zheng Jia's words, Cheng Yuan turned his head in doubt, looking as if asking why.

Zheng Jia's face remained the same, saying: "After all, on formal occasions, wearing leather shoes is better than you wearing ordinary shoes, which will give the other party a formality, respect and rigor."

Zheng Jia said this, Cheng Yuanto didn't refute, but agreed with it. Just like Zheng Jia said, his status and status now doomed him to never stay home.

Just like the banquet he is about to attend right now, this is not only for Zhao Jun's face, but also to give the people of the country a peace of mind.

His presence will surely make those soldiers train in the army with more peace of mind, and they will be more determined to enter the battlefield one year later!

"Okay, you're right." Cheng Yuan rubbed the ground with his toes again, and then couldn't get into the hotel.

As soon as Cheng Yuan came in, a waiter greeted him immediately. For Cheng Yuan's face, the other party was naturally not familiar with it anymore.

Of course, being familiar with Cheng Yuan also naturally understands some relevant information of Cheng Yuan, such as the two women around him.

Therefore, the waiter did not dare to take the slightest care, and at the same time greeted him, he informed his superiors. After all, such a task as Cheng Yuan might not be suitable if he only met on his own.

Although it means to belittle oneself in saying this, it is the case in real society, and she can only do things according to the rules of society.

"Mr. Cheng, Mrs. Zhuang and President Zheng, welcome Sanwei to Jianguo Hotel to make our hotel flourish!" The waitress bowed slightly with a sweet smile on her face as a gesture of respect.

"Oh, you're welcome. Take us to the banquet hall." Cheng Yuan nodded with a smile.

When the waitress heard this sentence, she suddenly hesitated. She didn't expect Cheng Yuan to speak so directly, didn't she ask about the banquet, who were there, should she delay the appearance time?

As a waiter in a five-star hotel, she has a lot of big names, and those people will ask her such questions when they come.

If someone older than them comes, they will enter the banquet non-stop. If the big ones haven't arrived yet, they will use some of their identities to find a VIP room and wait for them.

When she wanted to come, Cheng Yuan should be almost like this. After all, his identity is so special. As the absolute protagonist of the banquet, he should use this method to set off his status.

But I did not expect that Cheng Yuan would be completely different from what he imagined!

However, the waitress's response was also first-class. She just stunned for a short time, then quickly returned to her heart and said with a smile, "Okay, please come with me more."

Although her immediate supervisor has not arrived yet, since Cheng Yuan said that she was going in, she could not say that she had to stay here.

If this really happens, is her top boss waiting for Cheng Yuan, or is Cheng Yuan waiting for her top boss?

After instantly understanding the status and status gap between the two parties, the waitress naturally cannot afford to neglect.

Looking at the performance of the waitress, Cheng Yuan nodded secretly, and then said to Zheng Jia next to him: "Sister Zheng, you are worthy of being a waiter in a five-star hotel. This work level, oh!"

The waitress's look was clearly seen by Cheng Yuan, and he knew what the waitress was thinking about his straightforward request.

So the waitress's response made him really praise it.

"People are professionally trained. Do you think an ordinary person can come here to be a pawn?" Before Zheng Jia answered, Guo Xiaolian said aside.

"I'll just talk about it." Cheng Yuan rubbed his nose.

The voices of several people did not deliberately lower, so Cheng Yuan's compliment also made the waiter who led the way heard clearly.

The compliment not far away just made the smile on her face sweeter, but did not make her feel proud. After all, if you encounter this kind of thing, as long as you have some aura in your head, you know who is the most important.

The three members of Cheng Yuan were quickly brought to the entrance of the banquet hall. The waitress did not stay intentionally because of Cheng Yuan's identity, but left directly.

At the entrance of the banquet hall, the security guards responsible for the inspection looked at Cheng Yuan with a very respectful look. Perhaps ordinary people will show a respectful attitude because of Cheng Yuan's status as the chairman of the technology crystallization company and his wealth. .

But as real fighters, they know very well what Cheng Yuan has brought to China. He is definitely not the richest man in the world to explain.

"Mr. Cheng, please!" The leading security guard respectfully cleared away the VIP passage.

Cheng Yuan kept smiling, nodded, and pulled Guo Xiaolian into the room, while Zheng Jia on the side walked in after they walked in.

Regarding Zheng Jia, the security guards naturally did not dare to go up to check. After the three entered the banquet hall, the security guards at once took out the phone and dialed a number.

"Mayor Zhao, Mr. Cheng has gone in."

"Okay, I'm here!" At the other end of the phone, Zhao Jun's voice came, and then Zhao Jun's solemn voice sounded again: "Also, we must always pay attention to Mr. Cheng's movement from now on. I don't want to see It is dangerous to approach Mr. Cheng. This is not only my order, but also the above order. Do you understand?

"I see, Mayor Zhao, our brothers will definitely complete the instructions!" The leading security nodded solemnly, and after hanging up the phone, he turned seriously, and said, "Okay, the main characters have already entered the field, all cheer up!"

"Yes!" A group of security guards responded with a drink.

"Well!" Seeing his soldiers full of energy, he nodded with satisfaction, then took out a radio, and said, "The target person has entered the field, Group B is always vigilant, be sure to exclude all suspicious elements!"

"Group B received!"


Cheng Yuan naturally didn't know what was happening at the door because he didn't deliberately fantasize when he came in, so not many people noticed him.

And most of these people who noticed him, although they were very surprised, did not come up to talk to him.

Those who can come in now have certain identities. These people naturally have extraordinary culture. It wouldn't make any impression if they stepped forward and talked.

At this point, Cheng Yuan was looking around as if looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" Cheng Yuan looked around as soon as he came in ~ ~ Guo Xiaolian looked puzzled when she saw it, and Zheng Jia looked at Cheng Yuan in surprise.

"Ah, I'm looking for my cousin. I checked the list before. They are also invited. I don't know if they will come." Cheng Yuan explained.

As he was talking, Cheng Yuan's eyes suddenly focused on a corner of the banquet hall, where Cheng Yuan saw two men and three women.

One man and two women was exactly Cheng Zhipeng Cheng Cheng was looking for, Cheng Yueying and Cheng Yueming, but the other man and woman were Cheng Yuan who did not know.

"I found it!" Cheng Yuan grinned, without crap, directly pulled Guo Xiaolian towards them.

When Zheng Jia saw this, he wisely failed to keep up, and said to Cheng Yuan: "Then I will go inside first."

"Okay!" Cheng Yuan said back. (To be continued ...) u () "The Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the viewpoint of the author's rushing black ants. If it is found that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing health Green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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