Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 808:

"More serious?" Cheng Yuan's face suddenly changed, and he asked nervously, "What happened there?"

Since it is not a problem of the repair of the interstellar fortress, what can be worse than this? Cheng Yuan thought of the reason almost instantly.

"Willn't it be the civilization that destroyed the centaur galaxy civilization?" Cheng Yuan looked ugly at Zero, with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

Nervous, fearful, or something else?

Zero Jiang Chengyuan's expression looked in his eyes, he nodded solemnly: "Yes, from the internal database of StarFort-Titan, we found a large number of related video records. Among them, there is a partial picture of Chen Chen.

"Just now, I compared the information I got from the Titan with our own. The gap between us and that unknown golden civilization ..." With that said, the tone of zero was extremely heavy, he said: " Incalculable! "

Cheng Yuan pumped his skin, beeping the dog, and couldn't estimate the result. This shows that the other party can destroy them casually!

Cheng Yuan rubbed his eyebrows, and Shen Sheng asked: "Not to mention the gap between the two sides, does Titan's database indicate the other party's attitude towards other civilizations. Is it an active war plunder or a chance to make good?"

Cheng Yuan has always been cautious about the unknown civilization that can destroy the centaur civilization, because he holds the core of the crystallization of science and technology. As long as there is enough time, he is confident not to fear any alien civilization.

Although he is vigilant, he will not have any negative emotions because he knows such a civilization. After all, if the other party is really prepared to destroy human civilization, the energy cannon that destroyed the planet would have solved the problem.

After all, human beings do not have enough powerful power to support the exploration and development of the outer planet, even if it is at that level.

The so-called junior level here refers to the technological strength that Cheng Yuan has. If it is placed in the previous situation, even the entry level has not been reached!

And Cheng Yuan ’s question can only be traced with regret: "Sorry, sir. According to the recorded data in the Titan One database, we cannot draw any valid conclusions. In the Titan One, some of the information is only a part Data on the battlefield. "

Cheng Yuan was a little disappointed, but then he was puzzled and wondered: "If not, why do you say the worse news?"

If it wasn't for the other party to call, what could be worse than the news?

Cheng Yuan was puzzled, but at this time zero smiled, "Sorry, sir. Because we restarted Titan's control room, a signal was sent during the restart. Due to hardware reasons, we did not have the ability to intercept, so ... ... "

Spreading his hands, he looked helpless.

Why did this happen for a long time? Is this a serious consequence? Cheng Yuan thought about it and found that it was really a little bit serious.

Although they did not know where this signal would be sent, nor did they know what the signal was, in case it was discovered by the golden unknown civilization that destroyed the Centaur galaxy.

Isn't that to tell the other side clearly, is there still a sin? Thinking of this, Cheng Yuan had a headache. Looking towards zero also brought a touch of helpless bitterness.

"This result is indeed a hundred times better than the news brought by Titan, but isn't it uncertain, maybe this signal is useless, after all, the entire civilization has been destroyed."

Cheng Yuan comforted himself, after all, it ’s better to think better than to think bad.

"Zero, don't worry about that signal, as long as it's not an alien calling, what are we afraid of. The most important task now is to repair the Titan Star Fortress and bring it back!"

There was a twitch in his mouth, and he was a little speechless about Cheng Yuan's ostrich mentality, but he was speechless, and he also thought that the mentality of stinging was the best.

After all, the unknown civilization is too far away. Rather than thinking about what may or may not be the future. Might as well be down to earth now.

"I see, sir. We have mastered the main control room, and the next work will be relatively simple. As long as there is not much loss in the energy storage compartment, the repair work will be completed in about two months."

Nodding nodded, indicating understanding, and also gave Cheng Yuan an approximate time.

Two months, it is not long, but it is not short. The time is within Cheng Yuan's acceptance range. Although Titan's volume can be compared with the earth.

But don't forget, it's not ordinary humans working there, but robots, and the Titan Star Fortress is so large that it is impossible to have no maintenance system inside.

As long as the intelligent robot repairs the main energy channel, it can comprehensively repair the entire Star Fortress through the main control room.

So it is not exaggerating to expect zero time.

Letting go of this slightly heavy topic, Cheng Yuan will be more relaxed in the next days. Don't worry about him in Donghai.

No one would refuse to invest in a technology crystallization company, and there would be no slouch.

Today's technology crystallization company is arguably the most influential company in the world. This is not just reflected in technology products.

In the reconstruction work, the shadow of technology crystal companies can be seen everywhere.


United States, Washington, Pentagon.

This mottled building, which has been abandoned for several years, is gradually gaining popularity at this time. Since the passage between New York and Washington has been opened, almost no one has entered this confidential building.

As the actions of American leaders have become larger, even people in the Chinese government have noticed. Such things should have been as secretive as possible.

However, today's new American leader Louis Elder is acting uprightly ~ ~ Although his actions are not bad for the American people, they are good news.

After all, is this gradually recovering the lost ground? But in John Rockefeller's eyes, this is not good news.

As Louis's moves got bigger, he naturally stared at this one every day. And through such unobtrusive behavior of the other party, he felt that the other party must have acquired something in the Pentagon to become so confident.

"Ivan Bryner." Little Rockefeller sitting in the villa's hall screamed softly, and immediately a bodyguard with sunglasses stepped forward and bowed to Rockefeller.

"Boss, what do you want?" Ivan bowed his sturdy body and lowered his head to the side of Little Rockefeller, waiting for his boss's order.

He was originally a bodyguard hired by the Rockefeller family from Blackwater. However, after the outbreak of the intelligent machinery crisis, he became the exclusive bodyguard of Little Rockefeller.

And he also willingly followed Rockefeller Jr., because he knew that in this world, there is no better ulcer than following a rich boss.

"Bring your brother to Washington to find two people for me. Here are their photos and information. Take a closer look if there is a chance to bring them over." Rockefeller Jr. flashed a cold mang in his eyes, his fingers lightly in front of him. Tap it a bit.

Immediately, two holographic screens appeared in front of Aiwen. There were two people's heads in the screen, a bald man and a blond hair brother.

Taking a closer look at the photos of the two, Aiwen took out his mobile phone and swiped at the screen with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, then nodded respectfully to Little Rockefeller and said, "Guarantee to complete the task, boss."

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