Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 810:

After the introduction of zero, Cheng Yuan realized that the most critical problem of emotions lies in the energy source. The efficient and clean energy of nuclear fusion reactors can be said to be in the hearts of high-level officials.

But again, the danger of nuclear fusion reactors is also deeply rooted in people's hearts. Once a fusion reactor has a problem, the consequences can be said to be extremely horrifying.

Although precautionary measures have been prepared for the danger of nuclear fusion reactors, that is, when the reactor itself is subject to strong vibrations, irregular changes in the internal temperature, and fluctuations in energy relays, etc., which can cause threats to the reactor itself, The emergency stable shutdown measures will be initiated automatically.

But as said before, there are some things that Cheng Yuan can't solve by closing his mouth. Even if the above people knew the danger of the nuclear fusion reactor and knew that Cheng Yuan had the ability to prevent the danger, but how could they talk about the conditions in front of them, how could they easily relax?


Things are also the same as Cheng Yuan's thinking and zero worry, although the high-level has long had an agreement with Cheng Yuan on the development of Mars.

However, once this matter really started to be implemented, the internal interests started a new round of controversy within the senior management.

Whether large-scale fusion reactors will go wrong has never been their concern. Because everyone present knows that nuclear fusion reactors will not easily go wrong, just like nuclear fission power plants now.

What they care about is what benefits they can get from the Mars development plan! Although Cheng Yuan and the country have an agreement.

But that was an agreement with the country, not with them personally!

If they are placed before the smart machinery crisis has erupted, they may consider the international situation and the domestic impact.

But now, the Huaxia family is the only one, and it can be said to be the only healthy country in the world. Under such circumstances, whose ambition is not eager?

What's more, who can't move without benefit! After all, this is not a trivial line of interest, but a major event involving a planet!

"Head, I think we need to have more say and development rights in the development of Mars!"

Nearly a hundred people sat in the General Assembly Hall, all of them stared at the chief leader on the main seat, their muscles were tense, and their moods were surging. After Cheng Yuan started the portal plan, they have been waiting for this moment to arrive.

Although Cheng Yuan did not make it clear whether the portal could be successful, in their impression Cheng Yuan never did anything unsure.

Since Cheng Yuan has come up with something like a portal, it shows that he has full confidence.

So they care more about the distribution of benefits on Mars! Although they haven't seen a new face of Mars so far, the information revealed from the space agency.

Mars is completely renewed at this time, and it is almost no different from the Earth, even several times better than the environment of the Earth!

Except for Huaxia executives here, the rest are basically representatives of various industries. Although the smart machinery crisis has caused the collapse of many industries, the failures in this crisis are mostly private enterprises, and these have a national background. Businesses have not been affected too badly.

Although there are still some private companies here, these companies belonged to the top companies in the past, and their existence has an important effect on the order and economy of the entire country.

So for these important companies, even the state has to let them continue to exist, in case the intelligent machinery crisis will have a deeper impact on the country.

Among the people present, there were those who knew the inside story and naturally looked eagerly. Even if you do n’t know it, after you enter here, you will understand the actions and related situations of the technology crystallization company.

They also looked at No. 1 eagerly, waiting for his instructions. As for the question that the unknown person asked for more development rights just now, they would not care.

What they care about is what kind of allocation will be given to them by the Mars developing countries this time, and how much will they allocate themselves?

As for Chief One, he looked at the fiery eyes around him with a headache. The Mars development plan itself is an enormous project.

It is impossible to leave it all to the country itself. After all, no matter what you do, the benefits and risks coexist. What he has to do is to expand the benefits and reduce the risks!

So how to reduce the risk requires careful consideration.

The benefits of developing Mars are boundless. After all, even if Mars is not as large as Earth, it is not small. The interior must have rich mineral resources and even brand-new special resources not yet available on the earth.

But while the benefits are huge, there are many problems. The most direct problem is that although it is certain that Mars is rich in resources, it is not everywhere. It is a super vein if you step on it. What about rotten land or a small vein that doesn't match the income?

Therefore, the preliminary survey, supporting facilities, peripheral logistics and other preparations are all problems.

In view of the too many issues and requirements involved, after a discussion with nine people including the No. 1 head, they decided to convene today's capable business people to discuss this issue.

Chief No. 1 glanced at the person who asked for more benefits. He didn't answer the other person's words, but instead said, "Everyone, regarding Mars, this is a brand new challenge for us."

"Before that, we had never done similar work, so this was our encounter and our practice."

"So, I decided that on the issue of Mars, we should invite Mr. Cheng Yuan, the chairman of the technology crystallization company, to come here for a detailed discussion. As for this time, we will first allocate the development and distribution of Mars ...

On the first opening, I mentioned the technology crystal company, and the meaning is very obvious. The matter of Mars development is plainly the matter of the country and the technology crystal company!

Theoretically, you have no possibility of participating at all!

The number one leader just clicked and made many people look pale. At the same time, some people's faces suddenly became gloomy.

For them, the behemoth of the technology crystallization company is definitely a big mountain over their heads. Whether it is armed force from its own wealth or hands.

Even if the country faces great pressure from technology crystallization companies, right?

And hearing the words of No. 1 made Cheng Weidong's face just a little blue and white, and his slightly fat face squeezed together.

To others, Cheng Yuan is an irreproducible legend that makes people admire and worship, but for Cheng Weidong, Cheng Yuan is the most hateful person!

The people in the Cheng family didn't even know that they acknowledged their ancestors, but they just didn't know what to do! Of course, he thought about this idea in his heart.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is the wealth of their Cheng family and Cheng Yuan, forcing the two parties to contact each other. The result was ruthlessly rejected.

Therefore, many people in Cheng's family are like Cheng Weidong, jealous of Cheng Yuan's ignorance, and jealous of Cheng Yuan's achievements and wealth.

At this time, it was not only Cheng Weidong, the rest also realized that there was a technology crystallization company in the development of Mars!

In other words, they have forgotten the technology crystallization company from the beginning! It's not that they underestimated the technology crystal company, but that the technology crystal company was too scary!

Although there are not many streaming videos of the battle between Huaxia and Intelligent Machinery, everyone knows that the technology crystallization company holds an unparalleled and powerful fleet!

With this fleet in existence, even Huaxia must treat Cheng Yuan carefully!

When they think of technology crystallization companies and Cheng Yuan, they twitch in their hearts and let them discuss the distribution of benefits with the state, because the state needs them to take part of the development risks for themselves.

As for the technology crystallization company, many dangerous jobs and jobs that require severe labor have been replaced by intelligent robots, and there is no need to ask them to cooperate.

Although the country also has technology, there are not enough resources to create so many robots to replace workers to work, and the country's intelligent robots can at best assist.

On the other hand, when the technology crystal company showed their fleet, as long as it is not blind people can guess, the technology crystal company must have a huge base outside the earth, and there must be a complete ecological line in that cosmic base!

Not only that, why does the country suddenly announce the development of Mars, and not only does it cooperate with technology crystallization companies, but also the technology crystallization companies account for the majority in the distribution of benefits?

What this shows is that everyone here is clear-minded! What's more, a red planet like Mars suddenly became a planet suitable for living.

What role does the technology crystallization company play in this? Some people feel shuddering at this, they can hardly imagine that this technology crystallization company has quietly changed the entire Martian ecology with its own strength!

What kind of technology and strength is this? They dare not imagine!

In particular, Mars is so close to the earth ~ ~ It can be said that it is very easy to observe, but there has been no relevant news.

What is involved in this, they dare not even ask!

The head of the No. 1 and the other eight people looked at each other with a touch of sorrow in their eyes. Although the name of the technology crystallization company was easy to use, the original people who were in a rush were quiet when they took out.

But at the same time, they also sighed in their hearts that the crystallization of science and technology has developed into an enterprise that they are not in control of.

"As for the allocation, we will give you an indicator. You can compete reasonably. As for the specific development issues, I will invite Mr. Cheng Yuan to come here in a week, and we will discuss them in detail. How to develop one after all A new planet, I don't think everyone here knows? "

As soon as I heard this sentence, more than 90% of the people in the room were confused. Not to mention, I didn't know. As soon as they mentioned it, they immediately reacted. This sentence was really fine.

Perhaps the topic of developing a planet is so shocking that they all forget it. Maybe they are outstanding in a certain field, but they really do n’t know anything about the development of the planet!

And there is still a big problem between Earth and Mars, and that is the distance! Even if Cheng Yuan made the portal, how is the cost of this teleportation calculated?

They don't believe that Cheng Yuan will be so kind to provide them for free. If the cost of transmission is very expensive, plus the initial investment, this carefully calculated, their fiery heart will immediately cool down.

If it weren't for the number one leader's reminder, they might have hit their heads as soon as their heads were hot! Developing planets is not so casual!

Thinking of this, their faces are even more ugly.

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