Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 812:

The head of the No. 1 just finished everything that should be said, and the entire hall was instantly quiet. Ranwen's novel ?????????? `???

"You've finished talking, so how can we continue?" Many people were so defamated in their hearts, and they started to rethink.

The thing is the same as what Chief Executive No. 1 said, as long as the technology crystallization company holds the portal, no matter what kind of results they discuss here, as long as Cheng Yuan's negation there, everything they say is in vain!

This is definitely what they don't want to see, and it's also one of the reasons why some people want to pull the skin here. Many people don't want Cheng Yuan to master the portal, which is very important in the Mars project.

Some people think about their own interests, but there are still a few people who simply don't want the people to have such a vital lifeline!

Since the founding of Huaxia, there has never been any talk of delivering the country's economic lifeline to a private enterprise, which is definitely not in line with the country's purpose.

So here, a great contradiction is highlighted. This is also the reason why the No. 1 Chief wants to convene this meeting. After all, it involves all aspects. Although most people take into account their own interests, the overall meaning is the same.

That is, you can't pass the life gate directly to Cheng Yuan.

But then, the problem appeared again.

First of all, from the research and development to the establishment of the portal technology, the technology crystallization company has undertaken it in one hand, and has nothing to do with them!

Secondly, it is their unilateral thought to control the portal in their own hands. What Cheng Cheng thinks over them is completely unclear.

Finally, they do n’t know anything about portal technology. As an analogy, even if they take control of the portal from Cheng Yuan, what if they do n’t understand the related technology?

They knew very well that the portal was connected to a very large nuclear fusion reactor, and that stuff wasn't a joke!

These three issues alone caused many senior executives present to frown. What's more, how do they get control of the portal from Cheng Yuan?

Cheng Yuan wants money and money, and fists and fists! It is very hard to grasp with both hands, and it is as strong as two special alloy plates. It can knock a human head out of a hole!

Of course, not mentioning that Cheng is far more wealthy, money is not an important thing in their eyes, but Cheng Yuan's fist is more daunting than the money he has!

At least they are facing Cheng Yuan at the moment, they are a little short!

Faced with such a character, what means can they use to make Cheng Yuan surrender control?

Thinking of this, they are tangled again, do they really have to do as the number one leader said? They have long been used to the instructions of Yiqi, and they are very unacceptable to such things in their hearts!

This feeling is too unpleasant.

But even if they are upset, they can't do anything about it. At this time, Cheng Yuan is as disturbing as they are.

At this time, many people are complaining about why they were indulging in Cheng Yuan so far. If they were not so indulgent, they would not have formed such a strange situation today!

"Head, did the information provided by the technology crystallization company in your hand mention the consumption and cost of the portal in the process of use?"

As the hearts of the crowds fluttered, a man of medium stature, with an open face, with a dignified face suddenly asked.

Chief No. 1 glanced at each other, then shook his head and said, "I didn't mention the relevant content in this regard, but I don't think Cheng Yuan is a greedy person. After all, if he wants to talk about money, he is the first richest person in the world. people!"

Cheng Yuan is not short of money, everyone naturally holds a unified view.

The man nodded, his two thick eyebrows close together, and his mind was serious.

At this time, the people in the General Assembly Hall also looked down and no one continued to speak. Seeing this, the head of the No. 1 shook his head helplessly, and then said, "Since you have no other opinions, this is the first thing to do now. I am Let Li Kangbing continue to cooperate. "

After an unsuccessful meeting, everyone left with their own ideas. And through this meeting, everyone also realized that in the next Mars development project, if you want to get benefits, you must cooperate with the technology crystallization company!

But the problem has come again. Very few of them have cooperation with technology crystallization companies at home. It can be said that there is nothing at all!

For a time, many popular people only scolded their mothers in their hearts!

Not to mention what these people think now, across the Pacific Ocean, a fierce gun battle took place inside the Pentagon in the US capital, Washington.

Rockefeller Jr.'s group of Alvin had plans outside the Pentagon, but they did not expect that the cameras around the Pentagon along the street would have been controlled.

As soon as their group approached the street outside the Pentagon, they were surrounded by guards already ambush!

"Let down your arms! Don't tamper!" A group of rigorous armed men pointed at Avon with a gunpoint, and a leader, who seemed like a captain, yelled at them.

Aiwen and others looked around and found that the other party was very prepared. Not only were there three layers of encircles inside and out, but the surrounding buildings did not know how many snipers ambushed.

Faced with this situation ~ ~ The mercenaries are very clever to know what to do, and slowly raise their hands over the head, then turn to look at the captain.

"Don't be excited, we surrender!"

Ivan turned slowly, looked at the other person, and gently placed the gun in the ground. Seeing Ivan's movement, members of his mercenary squad also lowered their weapons.

Seeing Aiwen's cooperation in this way, the captain also slightly relaxed his vigilance, but instead of pretending to step forward, he continued to point at the other with a gun and said coldly: "There is!"

Aiwen shrugged when he saw this, and quickly said, "Okay, there!" He said, pulling out two pistols from both ribs and still on the ground, then two on the outside of the thigh, two on the back, and one on the lower leg. Two on the back, two in the left and right pockets ...

Finally, he took out a small black pistol from the extension of the leather shoes and was still on the ground.

"F * k! Do you guys move the arsenal?" The captain looked at the weapon in the place and couldn't help cursing.

Not only was he surprised, even the members of the Aiwen team couldn't help but be surprised: "Boss, how do you hide so many pistols, I always thought you like to use the charge suddenly!"

"Since I changed careers, I like to use small guns." Ai Wen only explained a little to his team members, then looked at each other with a smile.

"All the weapons have been thrown. Do I still need to search?"

The captain didn't make nonsense, nodded to the people around him, and soon someone dropped his weapon and ran to Aiwen and started searching.

Although this search did not find any firearms, there are many large and small knives.

"Who the **** are you?" At this point, the captain was a little speechless to Aiwen's party. These guys are almost mobile arms dealers, all hiding weapons!

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