Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 821:

At this time, Yu Hongtao didn't know what would happen to him in the future. He was now full of pride, although the current Donghai City was a bit desolate.

However, he believes that after this news broadcast, the space portal in Donghai City will definitely attract the attention of many people.

Even some citizens of Donghai City will return from the field again. After all, these people have lived in Donghai City for a lifetime.

If it were not for smart machines, they would never leave their hometown. Moreover, the intelligent machinery is not completely destroyed, but at least the country has begun to rebuild Donghai City, which means that Donghai City is safe.

Now the news reports every day about the progress of reconstruction and restoration of Donghai City and other coastal cities, which can increase the confidence of returning people.

The main thing is the technology crystal company!

What does the technology crystal company represent? Now just ask a clear-headed person and he can tell you a little bit.

Everyone knows that as long as they can work in a technology crystallization company, life will be absolutely worry-free. And after joining the technology crystallization company, it is much easier for men to find people.

If the technology crystallization company really settled in Donghai City, it would be a huge opportunity for Donghai City. This will not only bring economic take-off, but also ensure the safety of Donghai City to the fullest extent.

At that time, all intelligent machines hit Anhe City. As a result, Cheng Yuan quickly dispatched several Gundams to destroy the advanced robots of intelligent machines.

Until now, the special Gundam photos and videos of the technology crystal company are still circulating on the Internet. Therefore, the current technology crystallization company is like Dinghai Shenzhen, where it can bring huge benefits to the local area.

As long as all of the original residents of Donghai City return, it will definitely promote the economic environment here, plus the existence of technology crystallization companies.

Maybe it can make Tokai's economy even further.

By then, the house and land in Donghai City will definitely be more valuable. His investment in Hong Tao will definitely make a lot of money!

Yu Hongtao chose to cooperate with Li Kangbing with the idea of ​​bringing more income and benefits to himself, and Li Kangbing's purpose was for the redevelopment of Donghai City.

The two people can be regarded as coincident, Li Kangbing just talked a little about the villa and immediately changed the topic.

"Manager Yu, how did your company react after this news was released?" Li Kangbing asked with a smile. After he always saw that the chairman of Cheng of the technology crystallization company saw this news, he should have a faster access to the space portal. Make adjustments and prepare for things.

The smile on Yu Hongtao's face was stagnant, but he reacted immediately and replied calmly: "The company hasn't said anything yet, but I think it should be a good thing."

Yu Hongtao laughed dryly, although the expression on his face did not change, but his heart began to panic. If it was not for Li Kangbing's unintentional question, he would have forgotten to report to the head office!

Li Kangbing no doubt suspected of having him, he nodded and said, "This will do. With your company's assistance, I believe Donghai City will soon be able to restore its former prosperity, or even deeper."

At this time, Yu Hongtao was crying in his heart. Of course, he knew the impact of the space portal and also the future changes in Donghai City.

The point is, he doesn't know if he can stay!

With a reluctant smile on his face, Yu Hongtao didn't have the thought to come over at first. After perfunctory with Li Kangbing, he hurriedly left the other's office.

Seeing Hong Tao leaving in such a hurry, Li Kangbing took a stun, he was puzzled. ‘Is this the manager to say a few words to himself? ’

He asked his assistant in amazement: "What is going on with the manager today? I was so anxious to go. I also want to talk to him about the supporting construction around the triangle."

The space portal sounds tall, and he understands the role of some space portals, so he is very concerned about this.

The space door is completed, and the surrounding supporting facilities will follow up naturally, but how to build it and what needs it can be discussed with Yu Hongtao, the person in charge of the technology crystallization company.

But now the other party left so hastily, which made Li Kangbing frown after being surprised.

"I'm not quite sure, maybe there is something important to the manager that I haven't dealt with." Li Kangbing's assistant shook his head and answered, his tone was a little uncertain.

Li Kangbing sighed and thought for a moment, then said, "Let's do this first, it's the same thing as the manager coming next time."

As soon as Yu Hongtao left the city government building, his phone rang.

"Sir, does Tao ’s call need to be connected immediately?" Yu Hongtao's smart assistant sounded a crisp sweet sound. He used to feel comfortable when he heard this voice.

But now he felt cold all over! Because Tao Tao in the mouth of the intelligent assistant is his immediate superior and the person who arranged him to Donghai City!

Wiped a sweat that was unnecessarily on the forehead ~ ~ Yu Hongtao twitched and said, "Come!"

The call was connected, the holographic screen was lit, and a somber-looking middle-aged man appeared in the picture. He stared at Hong Tao for a long while, and then sighed until Yu Hongtao was so stunned: "Manager Yu, President Zheng Your behavior this time is very dissatisfied! "

"Although your starting point is good, the company that pays close attention to the issue of space portals, sent you here because of your trust in you, but you can see what you have done? Can you just report it? So hard? That's the trick! "

Mr. Tao stared at Hong Tao with a very hard look. If he said that before, he would need a special person to cooperate with the implementation.

But now that science and technology are so developed, a report is spoken out of his own mouth, and then the intelligent assistant is responsible for revising it, and it can be done.

As simple as this, Yu Hongtao couldn't do it!

This makes President Tao feel very angry and helpless. He is very optimistic about Hong Tao, but the impact of this incident is too great.

He didn't expect to be known directly by the company's big boss. Although the big boss never participated in the management of the company, the words of the big boss were in the company.

No one can refute what he said! This is also the biggest feature of this private company of technology crystallization company! Without the so-called board of directors, everything in the company is a word of Cheng Yuan. What he said, the people below can only follow what he said.

Although Cheng Yuan can be regarded as a golden mouth, few new instructions may not be uttered for a few years. Most of them are Zheng Jia, the president who manages the company.

But this time the big boss has just spoken, and the person who recommends Hong Tao is him Tao Ying! This made Tao Ying very angry, and at the same time he was very embarrassed.

He did not know if the company would be involved in himself because of Yu Hongtao's!

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