Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 823:

Donghai City, the triangle portal space base, a sci-fi futuristic silver-white shuttle-shaped transport spacecraft descends from the sky. The spacecraft is only seven meters in length, but the whole structure is round and the outer paint is extremely polished. It shines in the sun. Glare reflected light.

The spacecraft stabilized on the tarmac at the space portal base, and the hatch opened. Four intelligent robotic bodyguards came out from the inside first, and Zheng Jia, in a white suit and skirt, came out seriously from the inside.

Behind her, a young female assistant followed.

After bidding farewell to Guo Xiaolian, Zheng Jia took the company's transport ship directly to Donghai City, but because it followed the air route.

There is still some supervision on space control, so the road was intercepted once more.

If it weren't for the technology crystallization company logo on the spacecraft, the local military might have hit her directly.

This made Zheng Jia very speechless, but at the same time, she suddenly realized that although the technology crystallization company is developing very fast, there are still things that can't be bypassed.

Although many things were special because of the threat of intelligent machinery before, there is no such thing as aviation control.

But now peace is in place, and some places naturally need to be restrained. Before they could open one eye and close one eye, it would be nothing, but this situation could not last.

After coming down from the spacecraft, Zheng Jia thought about whether to say hello to the people of the Civil Aviation Bureau. Soon a metal-colored intelligent robot came up with a light step and bowed to her.

Zheng Jia glanced at the intelligent robot without speaking. I saw the other person's electronic eye gently swept at Zheng Jia, "Identity authentication, Zheng Jia, president of the Technology Crystal Company, has confirmed that the highest authority is open."

At this time, Zheng Jiacai said, "Go to the Donghai branch."

"No problem, Ms. Zheng Jia."

The Donghai branch of the technology crystallization company is actually a space transmission base in the triangle area, not far from Zheng Jia ’s spaceship.

The company's branch is very large, but it's well-formed and not too special. After arriving at the office, Zheng Jia immediately contacted her assistant Yu Hongtao.

Zheng Yu didn't know much about this Yu Hongtao.

The only thing I know is that this person is quite capable.

But now she doesn't care how powerful Yu Hongtao is, and she should never arbitrarily do something she should not do.

It's best not to touch it!

Yu Hongtao has been anxious since yesterday, but he also relaxed a lot when he thought that he had done all the things yesterday.

At least I have a way out, so I won't worry about my future life.

Just after having breakfast today, he saw a silver-colored spaceship roaring over Donghai City. After seeing the spaceship, he instantly realized that the company's senior leaders had arrived.

Before he waited for a long time, his cell phone rang.

Taking out his mobile phone, Yu Hongtao took a deep breath and Shen said, "I'm Yu Hongtao."

"Manager Yu, please come to the office of the company's branch office. President Zheng has already arrived. She wants to see you."

The sound was crisp and beautiful, but Yu Hongtao felt very heavy, making his breath suddenly stagnate. Although he was ready before, when the time came, he found that even when he was ready, he would still be nervous when it was time to be nervous!

"Manager Yu?" There was a doubt in the hair of the phone.

Yu Hongtao returned to God, and quickly replied: "Sorry, I'll be right there!"

Hanging up the phone, Yu Hongtao hurriedly left the house and drove towards the space transmission base.

Along the way, Yu Hongtao's heart was also quite unsettled, whether it was Tao Ying's sighing yesterday or Zheng Jia who was about to meet today.

This made him nervous.

Even if he feels that he has prepared himself for the future, can the reality really go as he wants?

Although there are not many people in Donghai City, once the technology crystallization company enters, it will definitely attract a large number of people.

And things are not so simple. So far, the technology crystal companies and the state have not disclosed the specific role of these space portals.

Once their role is announced, it will definitely cause uproar again, even if he himself is not clear about the specific role of these portals.

Can the products of Technology Crystallization Company be simple?

Never will!

Whether it is artificial intelligence or robotics, or holographic imaging technology and biology, the company has always been far ahead of the world!

And this time it's the same!

So Yu Hongtao can be sure that once the real role of the space portal is made public, it will have a greater impact.

By then, Donghai City will definitely be overcrowded. Can I still protect the resources in my hands at that time?

Yu Hongtao suddenly felt a cold sweat, he suddenly realized that he was able to buy land and real estate so easily, not because he had a lot of credit in his hands!

But because of his identity! The identity of the head of the Donghai branch of the technology crystallization company!

He is a technology and technology company, representing the interests of technology crystal companies in Donghai City, so no one will choose to live with him.

And in some things, the door of convenience will be opened, but if he doesn't have this layer of aura, what will happen?

Thinking of this, he felt guilty for a while.

Soon, his car slowly drove into the space portal base. As soon as he got out of the car, he saw a beautiful young woman standing at the door of the branch building.

"Manager Yu, President Zheng is in the office. Let me take you in." The woman said to Yu Hongtao when she saw it.

The other side's tone was neither indifferent nor respectful, which made Yu Hongtao wonder for a while what Zheng Jia's attitude was.

But what is certain is that this woman was brought by Zheng Jia, and maybe it was Zheng Jia's assistant and the like. This woman's attitude more or less represents Zheng Jia's attitude.

But the opponent's tepid tone really tangled Yu Hongtao. How did President Zheng plan to arrange him?

"Okay ~ ~ let's go in quickly, don't let Zheng Zhengduo wait." Yu Hongtao didn't dare to think too much and said quickly.

The female assistant turned her head and turned to lead the way.

When the two entered the office, Yu Hongtao saw Zheng Jia sitting in a chair with a serious look and four silver-white robots behind her.

"Mr. Zheng, Manager Yu has arrived."

Zheng Jia nodded, Wen Sheng said to the female assistant, "Qin, you go out first, let me talk to Manager Yu."

After Qin left the office, Zheng Jia looked at Yu Hongtao.


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