Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 837:

"Let's go and take a look." Cheng Yuan gently patted Guo Xiaolian's shoulder, Wen said.

"Well," Guo Xiaolian responded, and the two left the apron hand in hand.

When she arrived in the building, Guo Xiaolian's footsteps stopped suddenly. She looked at the spacious and bright rooms and the exact same layout as Anhe City, and she felt like she was still in Anhe City.

"Is it very unexpected?" Cheng Yuan smiled, dragged Guo Xiaolian to make a few laps in each room, let her look inside and out.

"I didn't expect this place to be so similar to Anhe City. Unfortunately, I found some different places." Guo Xiaolian laughed after turning around.

Hearing this, Cheng Yuan froze and glanced at zero.

"Where is it different?" Cheng Yuan asked in amazement, but at the beginning he had explained with zero, and must ensure that it is exactly the same as Anhe City.

But now that Guo Xiaolian is here for the first time, there is a difference between the two places, which has to make him curious.

Guo Xiaolian smiled and pointed to the floor-to-ceiling window of the room: "Although you have arranged the entire room in the same way as Anhe City, you must not forget that it is always much larger than the Anhe City building."

Cheng Yuan and Zero looked at the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room at the same time. Pieces of processed blue star gray glass were tightly stitched together. From a distance, they looked like one body, and there was nothing wrong with it.

After looking at them for a long time, they didn't see where there was a problem, which made them feel depressed and frustrated.

"Zero, compare the two places yourself." Cheng Yuan muttered softly.

Zero looked at Cheng Yuan very seriously and said, "Sir, the design here is entirely based on cutting-edge experiments in Anhe City. Although this building is larger, on this level, it is external or internal. Built to the standards of Anhe! "

Guo Xiaolian smiled and watched the two whispering there. She didn't mind. For Yuan Yuan and Zero's appearance as twin brothers, she was a bit uncomfortable at first. Cheng Yuan is very similar in appearance.

No matter how you behave or how you speak.

Cheng Yuan's behavior is very easy to follow, and his speaking is also casual. Saying something good is to be unrestrained, and saying straight is to have no sense of etiquette at all.

Relatively speaking, zero is very rigid. He has been affected by Cheng Yuan from the beginning, and he is more and more like a qualified noble steward with his own learning.

"You don't need to mutter there." Guo Xiaolian interrupted the two and whispered, saying with a smile: "Where do you think about the specific differences? Where do we go first?"

She is very energetic now and is looking forward to a trip around Mars.

Cheng Yuan and Zero face each other. Cheng Yuan believes in the rigor of Zero, and he will definitely not go wrong. But Guo Xiaolian vowed again and again, which made him speechless.

When Xiaolian shifted the subject, he naturally responded quickly: "This is no problem. I specially prepared a spaceship for excursions, which will allow us to experience the different scenery of Mars."

He didn't wait for Guo Xiaolian to respond, he quickly took Guo Xiaolian's arm and took the suspension elevator out of the building.

After Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian left, they rushed to compare the construction data of this building with the data of the cutting-edge experimental building in Anhe.

But after several comparisons, nothing went wrong.

It made him wonder.

When he was about to start from other directions, he suddenly received Cheng Yuan's text message. "

"Began to test the overall condition of the portal, and to build a large particle adder at West University 6, although our original light experiment was successful, it can also be said to have failed.

This time I need a stable light particle. "

"Understand, sir." Zero solemnly answered, but as he responded, he hesitantly asked: "Sir, although there is no problem in checking the portal, should we be more careful about the problem of light particles, I worry……"

"Are you worried about the monster inside the alien space door opened by the light particles?" Cheng Yuan, who was already sitting on the spacecraft, carefully glanced at Guo Xiaolian, who was looking at the outside scenery. After confirming that she did not show her behavior, she continued to say : "That was just an accident. You can't be sure that the next space door opened by the light particles will still connect to the other space?"

"This ... I can't guarantee it, either." Nodded.

"Furthermore, although the monster at first looked very scary, it was still blown up into fragments by the high impact of light particles, which means that these monsters cannot survive in the particle adder."

Cheng Yuan's voice sank. "Zero, you have been with us. You should also be aware that we are not safe around us. Whether it is a huge centaur galaxy civilization, or the existence of a centaur galaxy civilization, it can be easily done. Destroy us now! "

"Although we have acquired a huge Titan fort, can such a war weapon alone give us peace of mind?"

Zero stagnation for a moment, a little depressed, "No, sir."

Neither he nor Cheng Yuan knew the huge scientific and technological civilization gap between the civilizations of the two sides. This is not something that one or two years of exhibitions can catch up with.

And the Titan fortress they acquired was still a war. Even such a huge fortress was destroyed in this civilized war. One can imagine how powerful the other is.

He did not forget the signal that was projected at the moment the War Fortress was activated.

What kind of changes the interception signal will bring to them in the future, for better or worse, they need to be adequately prepared. This city cannot be delayed!

Not to mention defeating the opponent, at least they must have the ability to protect themselves, and whether this ability is to resist the opponent's attack or escape is within their choice.

"Then, execute the command now, zero. We need light particles to bring us greater changes. We can break the existing scientific cognitive scope through light particles!" Cheng Yuan said decisively!

When people say that light is the fastest and nothing can go beyond it, this is the knowledge limit of an era.

It's like more than forty years ago, scientists and some medical professionals declared that the limit of motion that human muscle fibers can withstand is 1o meters per second.

But this statement was quickly broken, and with the development of sports, athletes broke the so-called limit of 1o seconds again and again.

This immediately changed many people in the scientific community, changing 1o seconds to 9 seconds and 6o.

Then, when this statement was broken again, this time became 5 seconds!

So is it true that the words of scientists are the truth? If the words of science and technology scientists are the truth, then this truth should let people keep breaking innovation!

Scientists say that light cannot be overthrown, and the existence of more light is theoretically nonexistent.

But this is only theoretically non-existent, because they have not seen what they know can be preserved under the motion of light.

So they think it doesn't exist!

But is this true? In fact, even the technologists who say these things are not sure of themselves!

"Let's go out ~ ~ The moment Cheng Yuan and Zero finished talking, Guo Xiaolian returned to her seat and looked at Cheng Yuan with a smile.

Cheng Yuan looked at Guo Xiaolian's smiling face, and his heart suddenly felt warm. The feeling was not that Guo Xiaolian was looking at the scenery outside, but that she knew that she was explaining things to Zero, and had deliberately made room for him.

Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence? As soon as he finished speaking, Guo Xiaolian was fine?

"Thank you, let's go, play a good circle on Mars, let you see the unique scenery that only Mars can see!" Cheng Yuan hugged Guo Xiaolian and said a kiss on her forehead.

Guo Xiaolian also snuggled in Cheng Yuan's arms, "Yes." A happy smile on her face.

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