Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 845:

庞大 The huge volume of the space portal is destined to be small, and the huge movement will certainly attract a lot of attention and attention from all parties.

After Xun came out of the control center, Cheng Yuan found Zheng Jia who was still watching the Mars landscape video with Guo Xiaolian, and then told her about it.

Zheng Jia, who hasn't returned from the scenery of Mars, still has an unshakable shock on her face. She can't believe it. The picture in the video is Mars!

The Mars in her impression is definitely two completely different planets!

"Boss, this matter is easy. We just need to invite various media, but we still need to inform the people in advance before informing the media." After returning to God, Zheng Jia thought seriously and said.

她 In her eyes, since the company has already cooperated with the company, notifying them in advance is not only for them to visit, but also the first formal discussion between the two parties on the Mars development plan!

The approach of Cheng Yuan can only be regarded as a preliminary contact, and there is no communication between the two parties in this matter.

Thought of this, Zheng Jia also explained with Cheng Yuan why he should inform the people in advance.

Cheng Chengyuan didn't care much about this. For him, even if the two parties cooperate, they are the ones who dominate. Moreover, he has completed the layout of Mars, and now there is nothing missing.

The only thing that is missing is the original promise.

"It's up to you to do this by yourself. When did you start talking to me, I'll preside over this test in person." Cheng Yuan told him, glancing at the thoughtful Guo Xiaolian beside Zheng Jia, then Leaving with zero.

"Sister Zheng, Cheng Yuan has left everything to you, and I happen to have something to discuss with you." After Cheng Yuan left, Guo Xiaolian immediately came up.

Zheng Jia frowned, and looked at Guo Xiaolian who came to me with a smile: "I said that your young couple wouldn't be good to discuss, one by one."

晓 Guo Xiaolian was a little embarrassed at once, Jiaojiao said: "Sister Zheng! How can I, although it is related to the space portal, but you do not need to deal with it, I will do it alone."

"What is it?" Zheng Jiaqi said.

"It's a matter of company members. I discussed with Cheng Yuan on Mars. I plan to invite a group of members of the company as the first people to land on Mars. Of course, this is just a quota. It's up to them to go." Guo Xiaolian said truthfully.

"A member of the company." Zheng Jia realized that this was indeed a good idea, but she did not feel that her company's membership treatment was not good.

After all, the company's approach is similar to that of other company members, not the best but not the worst.

"It's really possible to do this. Do you want to invite a group of people to watch it in the public test?" At the same time, Zheng Jia also guessed what Guo Xiaolian wanted to say.

Guo Xiaolian was not surprised that Zheng Jia was able to guess her thoughts. She smiled slightly and said, "It was this idea. At a public test press conference, let Cheng Yuan directly say our plan, so that we can promote it. The whole plan. "

In the next few days, the technology crystal company began to prepare a series of issues related to the public test of the space portal.

He is not in the company, but Cheng Yuan, who is with his parents and daughter at home, is watching TV in the living room.

"On September 8th, according to the information released by the United States NASA, a series of outer space observation and inspection cooperations with China's Astronomical Administration will be reached. NAS Director Rickman Thurspo said that this cooperation will fully complement the relationship between China and the United States Make up for the purpose of common progress. "

同时 "At the same time, this is also a new starting point for mankind to turn its attention to space."

When Cheng Yuan heard the news, he didn't think of anything, but he looked strange.

Hua Xia's technical strength in cosmic astronomy, Cheng Yuan is clear, what cooperation with the United States to achieve common progress on both sides is simply nonsense.

He said that the United States is absolutely leading China for decades in this regard!

What technical strength does Hua Xia dare to say that cooperation between the two sides can play a role in common progress? This kind of deception can also deceive ordinary people, and Cheng Yuan knows 10,000 unbelievers.

He even believes that this cooperation is definitely what Huaxia executives used! Perhaps China did not dare to do so before, but now that China is the leader of the world's largest coalition regime, it naturally dares to do so!

Cheng Chengyuan put down Yating, her daughter in her arms, motioned to her parents, and returned to the room.

"Zero, what happened to the cooperation between the Astronomical Bureau and NAS?" Cheng Yuan quickly asked after contacting Zero. Although he did not care about the cooperation between the two sides.

But he is not a fool, thinking of Zheng Jia's previous report, he immediately thought of Mars!

Apart from his current focus on Mars, he is the most concerned above. The other people who know the matter, even if they know about Mars, have no ability to pay attention to the situation of Mars in real time.

"A very ordinary cooperation. Although this cooperation also has a strong reason for China Xia, but the result is quite good. What's wrong, sir?" Zero to very calm.

"Nothing, just curious." Cheng Yuan touched his chin and asked, "Do you say that Huaxia can use the power of NAS to observe Mars?"

Null considered the parliament and shook his head: "No, although they can indeed see Mars with the help of an astronomical telescope, they can only see one, but it is impossible to go further."

Having said that, he paused, and then said, "In addition, when we reformed Mars, we destroyed all the satellites and tools used by Mars on Mars. Unless the other party re-launches a past, it is impossible to observe it in detail. Mars. "

程 While Cheng Yuan and zero exchange, in the United States far across the ocean, a group of NAS staff and a group of Chinese representatives helplessly holding a black screen.

‘The message“ Signal communication cannot be connected ”on the black screen surprised everyone with disappointment.

"Sorry, Lee. Maybe something went wrong with Mars, or where did it change when the smart machine occupied it ~ ~ We can't contact Mars Explorer now." The gray-haired researcher apologized.

"I don't blame you, Jensen. We can see what Mars looks like at this point, it is the first goal." Li Rui sighed without much loss of emotion, he was more concerned about the screen next to the black screen.

On this screen, there is a water-blue planet very similar to Earth!

Li Rui's words also surprised a lot of American researchers. How could they never have thought that this aqua-blue planet turned out to be Mars that they have always paid attention to!

If it hadn't been calculated many times, it was confirmed that this planet is indeed Mars. They thought that when there was another planet in the solar system they didn't know!

瑞 Li Rui took a deep look at the screen, and then reported the situation observed here to China. And he did not tell Jensen not to tell the situation here.

Because he knows, even if he tells us, the news can't be blocked, it will still be spread.

What's more, even if the news spreads out, he doesn't care. Today, except China Huaxia, who is able to bring people to Mars, other countries can't!

Even the United States!

And he also wanted to see, what kind of reaction would this visible but intangible feeling have!

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