Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 853:

不 Not far behind the stage, Cheng Yuan's sound amplified by the miniature microphone penetrated the old car's ears through the open window.

"This boy." Hua Lao chuckled a little. With regard to the transmission of Mars, the insider was not in the minority, but Cheng Yuan's veiled appearance made him laugh.

However, he is also looking forward to what impact Cheng Cheng will have on the audience after the announcement of the Mars plan, and what impact will it have on the audience watching the news conference live?

Looking at the reporters and the cameras beside them, Cheng Yuan knows how many people are focusing on themselves at this moment.

He smiled slightly, his handsome face was more handsome in the sun.

"Mars!" Cheng Yuan smiled and said two words very calmly. It's just that the words of these two words seem to have some prefaces, but at this moment, these two words are like magic, which makes the entire conference scene quiet.

的 The audience watching the live broadcast in front of the TV is also 愣愣, and the response is a bit inexplicable. I don't know why Cheng Yuan suddenly jumped out of Mars.

But the quick-response people immediately think of the third portal, this huge portal that has been opened, and Mars on the other side!

After a brief five-second silence at the conference site, a stunning scream, cheer, and whistle broke out instantly.

All the media reporters stood up from their seats involuntarily. Everyone's face was filled with excitement, one by one, red-eared and scared to step forward, but did not dare to step forward.

The members sitting in the front row were stunned one by one. The boiling noise behind them seemed to be automatically filtered by them, and they saw the shock in each other's eyes and the incredibleness.

Self-identified, they did not make indecent acts, but many people just grabbed the armrest of the chair, showing the blue tendons on the back of their hands, showing their inner peace.

A lot of people took out handkerchiefs and wiped their foreheads and cheeks without sweat.

As the only anchor on the entire membership table, the poet has an indecent mouth open at this time, and can almost put an egg.

She couldn't believe it. Behind that huge portal, it turned out to be Mars! It's Mars!

虽然 Although she didn't lose her state of shouting, she could clearly hear the heart beating violently and pounding on the eardrum.

This sound even masks the chaotic sound behind you!

握 "Grasp the grass, I said that Cheng Yuan's coming out is definitely not easy, and the technology crystallization company has been silent in the Martian Mountains!"


"When will the space portal be opened? I want to go to Mars to see how much it cost in the past. The rental cost of a space suit is not expensive. I need to check my bank card first."

"Don't think about it upstairs, you might not be able to go once a year's salary."

"Yeah, let's not think about the poor. Although I agree with the civilian route taken by technology crystallization companies, the true cutting-edge technology of other technology crystallization companies has never been cheap!"

Netizens have left messages to express their views in the live broadcast room of Master Shi. And this kind of thought is common to most people.

Although most of the products of 惠 Science & Technology Crystal Co., Ltd. are very beneficial to the people, no matter what class of family can buy such medicine as recovery liquid.

And the price of smart robot Dabai has also come down again and again, allowing more families to take Dabai home.

相对 In contrast, many products of technology crystallization companies are also unavailable to countless families. Take Dabai as an example, the Huimin model and the luxury model are very different in terms of materials and core chips.

There are different grades of recovery fluids. Hospitals have hospital-specific emergency recovery fluids as well as normal recovery fluids for normal use.

悬浮 Levitated sports car, let alone a minimum price of 350 million, bought a low-profile version! The high-end version has never heard of it. It seems that Cheng Yuan's wife Guo Xiaolian has a high-end one.

But Guo Xiaolian, the world's richest lady, never drove this car out, which also left many people who wanted to see it a chance.

Of course, low-profile suspension sports cars are rare. However, there are quite a lot of ordinary floating cars, which can be bought for tens of millions. All of them can be seen in China.

From these aspects, it can be seen that the technology crystallization company has taken almost all levels of the consumer class.

For the reporters boiling below, Cheng Yuan had expected that, so he didn't continue to speak at this time, just watching them quietly.

After they have digested these contents, they will consciously calm down.

However, his performance was seen completely by the audience in front of the camera, compared with the excitement and enthusiasm of the scene.

It is easier and faster for people to watch the live broadcast to calm down. Here is the difference between the senses and emotions of the live and watching in front of the TV.

"Cheng Yuan is indeed the number one in the world. Just calm down and be stable!"

"I just stood on the stage and watched you pretend! Steady!"

"Cheng Yuan's performance, can I say that he hasn't moved much in the past few years, just preparing for things on Mars? I am curious now, how did he build an equally large portal on Mars?"

"Two upstairs, don't you know that Cheng Yuan has a fleet on the universe?" Cheng Yuan had his own cosmic base early. What is a portal?

程 After Cheng Yuan debuted in his fleet, although Huaxia also tried to block the relevant news, today, with the integration of quantum networks, they can't block much!

So it is natural for Cheng Yuan to have a huge space fleet. Not only that, through this fleet, more speculative information is also circulating on the Internet. The fact that Cheng Yuan has a huge production base in the universe is also the most widely spread.

Even if some people think that the fleet was built in the cosmic harbor of Nanhai City, not many people believe this statement, and people are more willing to believe the former.

The people at the scene were thrilled, and the analysis posts on the Internet kept appearing at this moment.

After about seven or eight minutes, the scene gradually calmed down, during which Cheng Yuan also took a sip of the mineral water handed over by Guo Xiaolian.

Guo Xiaolian's appearance caused many people in the audience to raise their palms. With respect and admiration for this woman who hardly appeared before, but could not be ignored.

"It seems that everyone has already digested this information." Cheng Yuan looked at the reporters and members who were flushed under the stage, and smiled. "We have all heard of Mars, and many people and astronomers on Mars have One thing longing for. "

"Similarly, I also yearn for Mars very much." Cheng Yuan looked at the audience and talked eloquently: "Mars, in China, was called 'glaring', in ancient Roman mythology, it was called 'Mars (Mars ), And also the origin of its English name. "

Speaking of this, Cheng Yuan waved his hand sideways to the backdrop of the stage, a huge holographic projection appeared on the backdrop, and a crimson planet appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Mars is smaller than the earth, with a radius of 53% of the earth, a volume of 15% of the earth, its mass is 11% of the earth, and its surface gravity is 38% of the earth. The atmosphere of Mars is very thin, of which carbon dioxide accounts for 95%. There is 3% nitrogen, and its density is 1% of the Earth's atmosphere. "

A series of data was spoken from Cheng Yuan's mouth, and every time he said something, the relevant data was listed on the left side of the red martian on the screen.

"Actually, as early as 2008, someone proposed the Mars immigration plan, but at that time because of numerous technical obstacles, the plan was quickly announced to fail." Cheng Yuan showed a regretful look, but it was not obvious.

The people present were all doing journalism. Naturally, many people knew about this matter mentioned by Cheng Yuan, but this matter was not as good as Cheng Yuan said.

It's a scam! But they didn't come to look through the old accounts, but wanted to hear the genius in front of them.

Cheng Chengyuan stretched out a finger: "The reason for the failure of the original Mars immigration program was simple. There was only one, and that was oxygen!

Pluto Mars is a planet that has been full of fantasy since ancient times. With the development of science and technology, we know more and more about it. From the data I mentioned before, it is not difficult for everyone to see. There is almost no oxygen in the composition of Mars' atmosphere!

Oxygen depends on human beings, and Mars lacks our necessary living materials, so the first Mars migration plan is a failed proposal! "

"Even if the immigration plan fails, it does not make people give up the exploration of Mars." Cheng Yuan's words made many people nodded in agreement.

After all, this is true, because Mars is the closest planet to Earth apart from Venus, and it is the first candidate for humans to find another suitable planet!

"We all know that although Mars lacks oxygen, Mars has clay and volcanic ash that are good for plant growth, and there are also a lot of oxides and various metal ore deposits formed by volcanic activity and water impact, and it is better than the moon scattered in the earth and rocks. Metal elements are much better!

If these things can be effectively used, it is not impossible to make Mars change and live like humans.

However, the time required for this overall change is very long, and it takes 10,000 to 100,000 years! This is a hundred to a thousand times the life of a human! "

Everyone listened to Cheng Yuan's description of Mars ~ ~ one by one. Having said so much, do you want to tell us that Mars is not yet habitable?

What did this portal do? Is it for research? At this moment, everyone's minds were alive and various thoughts came out.

Wu Chengyuan naturally saw the changes in the expressions of everyone, although he didn't know what these people were thinking, but his purpose was all it took!

Xu took a deep breath, and Cheng Yuan waved at the screen behind him, and a beautiful blue planet appeared on the screen.

"Gentlemen, ladies. If this planet is now Mars, is anyone willing to be the first person to set foot on Mars land?"

In a word, Cheng Chengyuan let countless people hold their breath, everyone stared at the bright blue planet on the screen.

A question mark popped up in everyone's heads at this time. Is this Mars? It will not be Earth! ?

However, when everyone was stunned, a clear voice suddenly broke the tranquility. I saw a young daughter sitting on a member's seat in the front row, raising her white and tender arms and saying forcefully: " I want to be the first! "

At this moment, not only the journalists who were stunned, but even the members next to the girl and Cheng Yuan looked down and looked at the bold girl.

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