Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 855:

"Zero, let's get started." Cheng Yuan behaved calmly and didn't deliberately lower his voice, so when he said it out, the reporters and members underneath suddenly came to the spirit and looked at the stage in a serious state.

"Okay, sir." Zero responded, and directly adopted remote control to take over all the instruments and equipment of the entire space portal control center.

的 The conversation between the two was fast, no more than five seconds in between. Soon, someone noticed that the huge portal was moving!

I saw the connection between the portal and the ground, and the dazzling blue energy spread upward along the groove pattern on the surface of the portal. The energy moves fast, spreading to almost a third of the entire portal in a blink of an eye.

This movement surprised everyone, and the poet was equally astonished. At the same time, he did not forget to point the camera at the portal that changed.

大家 "Everyone see it, the energy goes up with the patterns we saw before!" The poet's crisp voice sounded during the live broadcast, causing a large wave of netizens to discuss.

她 When she explained to the audience in the live broadcast room, the various media did not fall behind. The beautiful female reporters ran not far below the portal at an exaggerated speed and began to introduce quickly to the camera.

A variety of different languages ​​are mixed together to make the whole square once again covered by cluttered sounds.

While everyone is watching this rare scene, Zero, who controls the background, is staring at all the data generated when the portal starts.

Through the internally verified simulation data, zero was used as a reference. After confirming that there were no problems, Cheng Yuan asked: "Sir, the energy channel is full. Do you want to open the 12-section power valve?"

庞大 The huge volume of the portal and the huge demand for energy make the exterior of the portal look seamless, but the interior is strictly divided into twelve sections of internal circulation.

Each energy cycle node has a fixed fusion energy source that supplies energy.

"Go ahead, no problem, it's time for everyone to step into the long-awaited planet!" Cheng Yuan raised his mouth slightly and looked at the portal filled with energy. Cheng Yuan was really looking forward to these people. Performance.

I won Cheng Yuan's approval, nodded at no time, and the core control device opened the twelve knot power valve.

With the activation of the power valve, everyone who pays attention to the space portal can easily find that the energy lines on the surface of the portal are suddenly strengthened and the light is more dazzling.

I haven't waited for them to react to what happened, and the dazzling light converged to restore the original state in an instant. This sudden change has accelerated the heartbeat of many people.

After all, the huge monster in front of me is slightly different, and the first victim may appear among them.

"What was it?" When everyone was puzzled, the old look in the car was quite serious. He didn't know the specific situation of the portal, and he naturally thought about the disadvantage immediately when he saw this change.

As Shi Hua's assistant, Zhou Shiming has a deep sense of weakness. He feels that if it is ordinary, he can certainly answer one or two points.

But facing this portal, he really can't explain anything!

Fortunately, when they arrived here, they contacted the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and experts there have been watching the live broadcast here, and at the same time, they puzzled Hua Lao.

"Lao Hua, the Chinese Academy of Sciences explained that the situation just now was an explosion of energy. If there is no accident, the portal will start immediately." Zhou Shiming replied.

Hua Lao did not speak, and nodded his head slightly, staring at the portal where the energy gradually converged. After the energy on the portal surface converged in his eyes, the blue energy slowly overflowed from the inner wall of the portal toward the empty Center spread.

The reporters who were present at the scene were immediately attracted by this unique change after seeing the strong response just now.

似乎 They seem to have forgotten the trembling just now, everyone is holding their breaths, staring at this change without blinking and eyelids widened.

What's more, he frantically pressed the shutter in his hand, the magnesium light flickered continuously, and the changes of the space portal were recorded in the camera a little bit.

The ocher blue energy is slowly floating in the air like wavy smoke, but these energy are bound by an invisible force while floating, making them unable to spread out.

As the energy continues to drift, the empty center of the portal is gradually filled with blue energy, forming a very pure blue light curtain.

The whole process took less than a minute. When the light curtain was completely stabilized, countless people issued a slang-like exclamation.

哇 "Wow, this is so amazing!" Many people looked at this blue light curtain with a fascination. After all, this color is really beautiful!

记者 While reporters and ordinary people praised 啧啧, another part of the scientific community who had a lot of insight in this area was dark and solemn, and everyone was frowning and thinking.

"Old Liu, how do you say Cheng Yuan did this, it can restrain such a huge amount of energy, and you see that this energy is directly exposed to the air, and does not receive the impact of the air!" An academician sighed.

One of the blonde researchers speculated: "President Liu, I suspect Cheng Yuan used some kind of force field to restrain this energy."

推测 The speculation of this foreign academician is quite agreeable.

Liu Changqing glanced at everyone, all kinds of people in the crowd. After the outbreak of the intelligent crisis, the Chinese Academy of Sciences took advantage of many top scientists from many countries ~ ~ With the participation of these scientific elites, China The Academy of Sciences can say that the technological strength has increased a lot. And with the rise of science and technology crystallization companies, influenced by Cheng Yuan, scientific researchers have also received more attention.

Nowadays, the scientific research system is completely independent of Huaxia's financial department. Instead of reporting to the Ministry of Finance, they need to report directly to Hualao.

This change has also inspired many old professors and academicians who have struggled for scientific research all their lives.

"It doesn't feel like a simple force field constraint. There must be something we don't know about. The research that is not far away is too advanced. If we don't ask for it ourselves, we won't understand it!" This young man has an inexplicable sense of complexity.

Cheng Yuan didn't know what these people in the scientific community thought at this time. After seeing that the space portal was completely stable, he quickly asked: "Zero, what's the situation, is there any abnormal reaction in the energy inside the space gate?"

"No abnormalities were found, all data is normal, space transmission can be enabled, sir." Zero observation of the data analyzed for a while, the tone was inspiring.

Although they believe they will succeed, they really have a lot of excitement at this moment.

"Then you can try it now." Cheng Yuan heard and looked at the girl who raised her hand before.

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