Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 862:

After lunch, Cheng Yuan took these people away from Mars.

Although many people are unwilling to go back so early, they still want to see more places. But Cheng Yuan didn't want them to do anything.

"Mr. Cheng, have you ever thought about setting up a Mars tour group?" After returning to Donghai, a reporter quickly raised his microphone while no one was approaching Cheng Yuan and asked.

It seemed worried that Cheng Yuan was unwilling to answer his own question. The reporter did not wait for Cheng Yuan to speak and explained: "You see that more people can understand Mars before the formal immigration, which will also be of great benefit to future immigrants. is not it."

Cheng Yuan stopped and turned to stare at the reporter.

If there is a substantive look that makes this reporter feel a sudden pressure, the heart is half a beat fast.

"Mr. Cheng, this ..."

When he was about to explain something, Cheng Yuan smiled suddenly and said, "You have a good idea, I haven't really considered it before. But tourism can't be anxious. After all, there is no place to live there, and there is no corresponding one. Ancillary facilities said that tourism is still too early. "

Cheng Yuan even answered himself!

At the same time, the reporter was relieved, and immediately seized the opportunity to continue to ask: "Will you invest in this construction, and can't the Martian city just be used as a temporary residence?"

Cheng Yuan smiled and waved his hand, saying, "That city is an industrial city, which is used for basic industrial construction and will not be opened to the public.

As for tourism development, we will definitely do it. But I won't get involved in this matter, someone will do it in the company. "

After answering these two questions, Cheng Yuan ignored the reporter who was about to rush up behind him, and Zheng Jia left in a hurry.

The two returned to the office together, and as soon as they pushed in the door, they found Guo Xiaolian drumming her cheeks to eat there.

"Cheng Yuan, why did you come back so early, I thought you would stay at night." As soon as Guo Xiaolian saw Cheng Yuan and Zheng Jia, she swallowed the contents of her mouth vigorously, took the water cup near her and filled it severely He took a long sigh of relief.

"You came back so suddenly, I was scared." Guo Xiaolian gave Cheng Yuan a white look and continued to eat.

Cheng Yuan took a closer look and turned out to be a KFC table!

"Where did you get your Kentucky Fried Chicken from?" Cheng Yuan took a quick glance, and then under Guo Xiaolian's vicious eyes, he picked up a roasted wing.

"Call for takeaway!" Guo Xiaolian gave Cheng Yuanyuan a white look, then picked up another chicken wings and stunned.

Zheng Jia stood silently at the door, watching the two of them start to scramble their wings.

But looking at the two eating there, Zheng Jia suddenly felt that he was also hungry. She glanced into the office, and the good guy Guo Xiaolian ordered a whole lot, and the table was full!

"Xiao Lian, have you finished ordering that much alone?" Zheng Jia was stunned.

Guo Xiaolian blushed slightly and said embarrassedly, "Almost."

Zheng Jia took a deep look at Guo Xiaolian, and then glanced at Guo Xiaolian's figure, especially the pair of chests suddenly showing a sudden realization.

"Sister Zheng, what are you looking at? Do you want to eat together?" Guo Xiaolian, awkwardly watched by Zheng Jia, said a word, and then invited Zheng Jia to eat together.

"Okay!" Zheng Jia didn't hesitate, took his gaze, pulled a chair and sat down to eat.

But when she sat down to eat, she found out that Guo Xiaolian was watching live while eating! The screen is not placed in the air, but is presented on the desktop. The desktop on which the picture is presented is slightly lifted up at an appropriate angle.

"This is the live broadcast of that little girl?" Zheng Jia looked for a while and found that it was the little girl's live broadcast room that had just been arranged to go to Mars alone.

Guo Xiaolian nodded: "I want to see what these people think of Mars. When watching the live broadcast, many people commented more realistically."

"This is not necessarily the case, there will be rhythm in the live room." Cheng Yuan smiled aside, teasing.

Guo Xiaolian mumbled her mouth, licked her greasy lips, and stared at Cheng Yuan: "Shut up, eat your burger!"

Throwing a burger to Cheng Yuan, Guo Xiaolian hummed and continued watching the live broadcast.

Zheng Jia was not involved in the fight between the two, she looked thoughtfully in the studio.


On Mars, the poet finished eating on the spacecraft and then looked outside at the porthole. At this time, the spacecraft had arrived on the back side of Mars, and now it was night.

At night, Mars is different from China. Basically, you can hardly see a star in China at night.

But here, in the night sky, there are countless glittering stars. They are composed of various patterns in groups of three or five, some bright and some dim.

The stars in the entire night sky are connected together to form a dazzling galaxy. The magnificence and vastness are infinitely longing, and it also stimulates an impulse at the bottom of my heart.

An inexplicable urge to explore the mystery of the entire starry sky!

"Poets ~ ~ I only saw such a sky in my summer home when I was a kid. Now I see an inexplicable ache and want to cry."

An audience sent a barrage, and at the same time gave a huge reward, so that the barrage published by himself can be seen by everyone.

"Sympathy! What a magnificent galaxy. When I was a kid, the fun every night was to move a folding stool and sit under the yard and look up at the night sky. I looked at the magnificent night sky blankly.

"I swear to the stars at night that I want to be a scientist! At that time, my heart was full of happiness, even if I think of it right now ..."

"Swear to the stars to be a socialist successor!"


Before the barrage of sensational barrage was issued, it was instantly distorted by various people.

The poet felt very sorry for this, but watching a lot of rewards, such a small regret was thrown out of the clouds by a moment.

"Everyone, seeing this sky, do you really want to come in like me, and then find a comfortable grassy **** and lie on the grass and look at the bright starry sky above you?"

The poet did not forget the little temptation when the gifts in the live room were brushed up crazy.

Go to Mars and see for yourself?

As soon as this proposal came out, many people in the live broadcast room had such an idea.

Although I don't know when the immigrants have to wait, it's okay to go around Mars, right? Even if the price of one transmission is very expensive, it will not be a lot even if it is grouped!

Such a large space portal, even if Cheng Yuan did not elaborate on the specific situation of the teleport, most people can guess that large vehicles can definitely pass!

The only thing that is not clear is when the space portals will be available for them to use.

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