Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 870:

In the tight meeting room of Huaxia Capital, Hua Lao and others gathered together.

However, this time, the atmosphere in the conference room was unusually heavy, and everyone was frowning.

In the end, Hua Lao gave a slight cough, and the opening broke the quietness in the conference room.

"What do you think of the question of Mars's belonging?" Although Hua Lao's expression was calm, his eyes were full of worries.

一次 The question this time is different from the past, and the ownership of Mars is naturally very important to China.

But for technology crystallization companies, they dare not underestimate.

But this time, after Hua Lao asked about the exit, he found that the others were silent, and even in the past, Lao Liu, who was more tempered, closed his mouth and looked like he was silent.

Old Hua Hua also knew in their hearts that they must be careful about Mars!

The people in the meeting room were not without ideas, but were afraid to speak.

Once they speak, they support the country's ownership of Mars. Or according to the technology crystallization company, according to international conventions that Mars belongs to the other party?

This is a dilemma, because technology crystal companies are not ordinary companies. They not only master sophisticated technology, but also powerful armed forces.

Choose a country, so what do they use to compete with other technology crystallization companies?

They still rely on the portals of technology crystallization companies to reach Mars, and they have no means to carry people to Mars.

That is to say, once they engage in mischief with technology crystallization companies, they will also lose the only factor to open up Mars.

This is not the most headache for them. The headache is that the technology crystallization company holds the armed forces that they are not even sure.

This is one of the important reasons for them to look forward and look back when facing a technology crystallization company.

If it was placed in the past or other companies, they can use the righteousness to overwhelm each other, and then take Mars as their own.

Dayi naturally refers to public opinion and force.

But now, public opinion is not in their control.

Technology Crystal Co.'s quantum network is too advanced, which causes them to give themselves the quantum network even if they have the right to control it.

The problem is that their technicians have known the fur for a few years. It is impossible to compare with Cheng Yuan, the developer of the quantum network.

Especially the other party also has a powerful artificial intelligence.

Not to mention the use of force, the strength of the technology crystal company can be seen from the crisis of intelligent machinery.

So they have a headache and choose to support the country in charge of Mars. They cannot escape the restraint of the technology crystallization company. But letting them choose to hand it over to a technology crystallization company is not possible.

It's unprecedented for Xi to hand over a planet to a company. They can't agree with this in their hearts, and at the same time have a little bit of fear and fear.

They can't imagine how the technology crystallization company will continue to develop like this, how to place the two of them.

Maybe it is necessary for ordinary people to tangle? As long as Cheng Yuan, a technology crystallization company, is from Huaxia, your two sides have always maintained such cooperation and common development, wouldn't it be great?

Is it necessary to care about status?

This is purely nothing to do for yourself!

It's the free egg hurting to say it!

So poverty limits one's imagination, and status and power also limit one's long-term vision.

If everything can be so simple, there will be no so-called intrigue.

Ordinary people don't care, because we have nothing, and we are naturally happy to be able to touch it. But other people do not think so.

"You don't have any opinions?" Hua Lao asked again about the silence of the crowd. The low voice made everyone feel the pressure on the shoulders a little bit more.

It is in their hands whether he is inclined to himself or to a technology crystallization company.

When I saw the crowd, I still did n’t speak. Hua Lao had to name him.

Lao Liu stared at his eyes, and twitched his lips. He did not expect Hua Lao to be the first to name himself. I don't want to say it, but I don't think it's a problem to continue being dumb.

"I think ..." As soon as he opened his mouth, Lao Liu's throat seemed to be blocked by stones, and he couldn't go on. Facing the scorching eyes of everyone, he lowered his head and muttered, "Listen to Hua Lao's decision. This time, what you say is what I say. My old Liu absolutely supports it!"

In the end, Lao Liu was very helpless and had to leave everything to Hua Lao to decide.

With such a method of Lao Liu, everyone's eyes brightened and they echoed: "Hua Lao, it's up to you."

Seeing that she was old, she frowned slightly, then remained silent.

I saw Hua Lao thinking there alone. Although everyone was relieved, they immediately became nervous. They want to know how Hua Lao decided.

About five minutes ago, the silent Hua Hua suddenly asked: "Since you have all decided to support my opinion, then I ask you a question."

"What's the problem, you say?"

"Can you control the people below and ensure that they don't touch what they shouldn't touch?" Hua Lao's flat voice contained a touch of sternness.

As soon as Lao Huahua's question came out, everyone understood Hualao's decision.

I glanced at each other, and everyone sighed in their hearts. Lao Liu was the first to speak out in support: "Hua Lao, since I have agreed with your decision, I have absolutely no problem here!"

The other people also gave their support, and at the same time they felt inexplicably relaxed. A relaxed feeling sprang up.

Maybe they don't want to conflict with the technology crystallization company in the subconscious.

Looking at everyone's relief, Hua Lao nodded gently.

"Perhaps there has never been a precedent for a private company to take charge of a planet, then we Huaxia will be the first. Moreover, our decision this time is not necessarily a bad thing." After everyone agreed, Hua Old suddenly laughed and said.

"Oh? I want to hear the details." Lao Liu said first.

For this behavior of Lao Liu ~ ~ everyone is not surprised, they look at Hua Lao.

"The universe has more than one solar system. According to the development of technology crystal companies, human development is inevitable." Hua Lao smiled.

"Now we cooperate well with the technology crystallization company, then when the era of the real universe development comes, we will certainly get more benefits from it.

Don't forget, there are many planets similar to Earth that we humans find. And the two planets with the highest degree of similarity are not even able to determine whether there is an intelligent life similar to ours. "

Speaking of Lao Huahua, they all startled, maybe they don't have to worry too much about Mars. There are too many planets suitable for development and even habitation in the universe, some have been discovered, and some have not yet been discovered.

But this is not a problem.

As long as we can cooperate with the technology crystallization company, we can improve our technology strength a little bit. When they also have the pioneering ability to fly out of the universe, they will get more.

If it is hostile to the technology crystallization company, then the foreign development may be postponed indefinitely!

After saying this to Hua Lao, their previous entangled questions seemed to be deciding whether to focus on the present or the future. These two options are the same.

And their choice is to look to the future!

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