Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 875:

Everyone's views on things are always different. If they are the same, then humans will not be called independent individuals.

But no matter what these people are thinking, when faced with the general trend, they must always give in. The consequences of a positive encounter are either toppled or abandoned.

Everyone is thinking about what Hua Lao said just now, but some of the relevant laws and regulations that Hua Lao said next are not paying attention.

After all, laws and regulations need to have clear regulations in the end, and then they just need to understand them.

I don't care about the complicated people, but Cheng Yuan, who was still watching live broadcast in Donghai City, was surprised. However, at the same time, Cheng Yuan suddenly realized why Liu Weimin had focused on saying the word "future" to him before.

Old Huahua they gave up Mars in order to be able to cooperate better with him in the future, and they will not only let themselves feel at ease, but not lose too much.

After all, they have a cooperation agreement with Cheng Yuan, and they also have a part of the revenue on Mars.

Now it is just a right to belong to Mars. If you use this right to get more developable planets, why not?

Although this future may take a long time, the development of Mars will not happen overnight. So Hua Lao did not worry about wasting time at all.

And with the first planet of Mars as a reference for the development process, they will not be blinded when they find a new reachable planet in the future.

Cheng Chengyuan looked at the old man talking on the live broadcast screen, and he had to be lamented at the place where some people could walk, which is not unreasonable.

He didn't tell anyone about the Titan Fortress, but these people Hua Lao made the right choice for both sides without knowing it.

To Mars is naturally extremely important to Cheng Yuan.

Not only can he own a planet that belongs to him, but also allows him to take out more technology without worrying about various issues.

It's like he wants to do experiments with super-light particles on earth. He could only sneak it up, for fear of being discovered would prevent the experiment from going smoothly.

After all, this kind of experiment needs to be considered not only for itself, but also for others.

Moreover, there is no need to stop themselves in such matters. They only need to release a message. Naturally, there will be various public opinion guidance. Cheng Yuan will definitely fall into this situation in the face of this situation.

Apart from freedom, what's more important is that Mars is close to Earth!

As the closest planet to Earth, can also look at Earth on Mars and make himself not so lonely. After all, looking at the earth, you will naturally think that there is your own kind there.

As for going deep into the starry sky and living a solitary life, Cheng Yuan felt that if he did so, he would be driven crazy without accident.

Don't mention using entertainment facilities to alleviate the loneliness of being alone, it's just drinking and quenching thirst, it can't solve the problem at all. It will even make this loneliness deeper and more backlogged.

Once it breaks out, it will become more intense.

程 Just when Cheng Yuan was silently thinking about things in his heart, he was suddenly photographed on the shoulder. Turning his head, he saw Guo Xiaolian looking at herself with a doubt.

"Cheng Yuan, what are you doing. Hua Lao said new news again." Guo Xiaolian watched Cheng Yuan return to God and pointed to the screen.

Cheng Cheng converged and asked quickly: "What news?"

Pouting, Cheng Yuan focused his eyes on the screen, and Hua Lao's voice just sounded at this time.

"In order to keep up with the new era, we also had an urgent round of discussions. We decided to promote gene fortifiers in large areas. This is a new type of medicine that our Huaxia military has been using. A Chinese citizen can make purchases with a personal ID. "

The word 激 provoked thousands of waves!

At this time, everyone watching the live broadcast is stunned, and the expression on many people's faces is even more wonderful.

怎么 How could they never have thought that this time Hualao would throw out so many things.

Gene-enhanced medicaments, which at first glance are exactly the same as those described in science fiction or science fiction movies, have been announced so unexpectedly.

换 If someone else says this, they may still have a doubt. But speaking from Hua Laokou, then the nature is definitely different!

Many people who have a fast-moving brain will instantly think of the products and recovery fluids developed by Technology Crystal Corporation.

The emergence of thallium recovery liquid has broken the monopoly of traditional pharmaceutical companies and is truly a product of benefiting people. If it weren't for Huaxia's support at the time, Cheng Yuan would be killed by those medical gangsters by all means.

And the powerful effect of the recovery liquid naturally made people talk about it. At the beginning, there were rumors on the Internet that such a powerful product was definitely not the best.

Will the technology crystal company have developed something similar to human fortifiers. After all, the powerful recovery ability of the recovery fluid is so shocking.

However, this argument was naturally suppressed by the Chinese official silently, without causing any waves.

In contrast, now, after Hualao announces the gene fortifier!

On the Internet, they have pointed their finger at technology crystallization companies, because everyone does not believe that Huaxia officials will have such technology.

After all, from the perspective of the scientific research environment of all countries in the world, Huaxia is not a top-level, it can only be considered ordinary.

There is no way, there are too few and too few scientific research institutions in China. If any research institute has some good news, it will soon become an official institution.

官方 After the official takeover, what can the creators and team get?

An official status post and a low poor commission, and this also requires you to have a complete product that can directly profit.

If your invention is just an experimental product, then I'm sorry, and someone will soon take the place of your core team. Of course, you will not be kicked out. After all, you can be regarded as laborious. If you continue to study your unfinished research, more advanced experts will help you grasp the research direction.

When the final real product comes out, will there be your name in the main creative team, then it depends on your public relations strength and background.

Of course, this kind of situation is not only found in Huaxia, but it is also worse than Huaxia.

After all, every invention has the potential to bring considerable benefits, and foreign capitalists will certainly not miss it. However, compared to China's environment abroad is more appropriate.

Because the inventor has the technology, he can seek more investors. Then let the investors of all parties pull the skin inside to ensure that their interests are not deprived.

However, this kind of thing is impossible in Huaxia, because there is no capital strength in Huaxia to compete with official forces.

Hua Huaxia's model of imitating foreign countries can be said to have failed. The impact of this model also indirectly extends to the campuses of major universities.

From scientific research institutions to campus institutions, this series of influences has made many people who are determined to enter the scientific research industry discourage.

从事 Because of this job, the future is desperate. This job that originally relied on talent has now become a job of luck.

Why do you say that?

Whether you are an undergraduate PhD or an intern researcher, if you encounter an honest doctoral supervisor or team leader, this will allow your talents to be brought into play and recognized.

But once you encounter another situation, then congratulations, you may have to work for your mentor for a few years as a white worker ~ ~ for various reasons not to let you graduate.

If this continues, if it is you, how long do you think you can hold on?

吗 Are there fewer inventions that have been occupied by research institutes?

This is the difference in the general environment, resulting in very different results.

So when Hua Lao said the gene enhancer, people immediately thought of the technology crystal company. And no one on the Internet has opposed this claim.

Old Hua Hua didn't know what people on the Internet said. After his announcement of the gene enhancer, his face did not change at all, and then he announced a more shocking news.

生育 There will be no more restrictions on the birth of the population, and the state will introduce new policies to give generous rewards and subsidies to families with multiple births!

The husband and wife have two children and do not change in accordance with today's fertility policy. For couples with three or more children, the state will reward each child with 100,000 credits.

And these children are free of all medical expenses from birth, provide living expenses of 1,000 credit points per month, and provide newborns with all the necessary expenses from elementary school to university!

一 As soon as this news was announced, Cheng Yuan and the other three looked at each other. They did not expect Hua Lao to implement the new population plan so soon!

This two-child policy has only been open for a few years!

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