Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 880:

The first location is obviously excluded from the crowd. Although the ore and gold are very attractive, they are far worse than the black land.

As for the third location, it is purely suitable to set up a gathering place, because it has a good environment and is close to Mars City, and it will be very convenient no matter what you do.

"That being the case, let's raise our hands to vote." Although the old Hua Hua people have already thought about it, some things still have to be said in front of everyone.

"I choose black land!"

Hua Lao was the first to vote, and also explained why he chose black land: "I think the top priority is to ensure adequate food. Everyone also knows that the global crop production area has basically stopped in the years when the intelligent machinery crisis began. . "

Wu Hua looked at his colleagues seriously, for their current grain output has always been a thorn in their hearts. As a large agricultural country, the country's grain output has not been enough to meet the national demand!

It's just hitting their faces!

Everyone nodded and agreed with Hua Lao very much. The stagnation of global crop production is a fact, although as soon as the smart machinery crisis passed, they began helping other countries to restart crop cultivation.

But these foods can only provide for the needs of some people in their own country, most of them still need them to come out.

Not to mention the consumption of this part, because of humanitarianism, they also need to provide some support to some backward developing countries after the disaster. These supports include not only construction but also food.

In addition, even before the emergence of the intelligent crisis, the countries that have made good relations with them in China, can they die?

It should be supported.

These expenditures are enough to empty a large part of the country's grain reserves!

Liu Weimin also valued the food issue. He sighed at this time and echoed: "Yeah, although we have enough stocks, but don't forget, we help countries to rebuild. Food is also a point in the aid. Yield, maybe next year, because of lack of food, food prices will rise rapidly! "

"I also choose black land!" Liu Weimin squinted his eyes and stopped talking after seeing everyone.

"I agree!"

"I also agree with Hua Lao and Lao Liu!"



This selection problem completes the selection in a few minutes with a unified vote.

"Let ’s contact the technology crystallization company, that black land is very important to us! I believe they also know the importance of this black land to us."

Yan Hua's old face was smiling, and the wrinkles on his forehead became more apparent with his smile.

Uh ...

Donghai City, because of the establishment of the portal, this has almost become Zheng Jiaxin's fixed office location.

The choice of Hua Lao was reported to her here. Zheng Jia agreed without any hesitation about Hua Lao's choice. Not to mention that this was a negotiated one. The attitude of Mars before the high-levels made her not There will be no comments.

At the same time, she also sent the news to Cheng Yuan. She originally thought that Cheng Yuan would reply immediately after receiving the news. As a result, after waiting for a long time, she did not see any response from the communicator. Zheng Jia sighed silently and took this one. Put things aside and keep working on other things.

Cheng Yuan didn't really care about these things at this time. For him, he was more concerned about accelerating the dark matter content in the tunnel.

The test didn't take long, and after just two minutes, Zero was shocked and shouted, "I can't believe it! Sir, the tunnel is full of dark matter!"

He stared at the test results for a moment, then stared at the super-light particles still in motion.

I got this result, even though I was already prepared, but Cheng Yuan still felt like a dream. This result is enough to overthrow all previous scientists' guesses on the universe.

如果 If the existence of dark matter is brought by the speed of light, it means that the entire universe was born because of the existence of these particles of light speed!

Is the so-called singularity a huge super-light-speed material?

Or there is no such thing as a singularity at all, all its origins begin with a super-light particle!

Where did the super-light-speed particle come from, how did it come into being, and what kind of energy pushed it beyond the speed of light, and then created everything?

未知 These unknowns did not make Cheng Yuan feel fear, but an unprecedented excitement came from the bottom of his heart, a novelty that spied on the new world.

He told Zero his guess completely. After hearing Zero, he guessed Cheng Yuan's guess.

联想 Think of the origin of the universe through a super-light particle. Let ’s not say whether this guess is correct or not. This brain hole is too big, right?

"Sir, let's not say whether your guess is reasonable or not, I think we need to solve the problem at hand." Zero did not discuss with Cheng Yuan such a profound problem as the origin of the universe.

He even wants to complete the current difficulties. If he masters this dark matter, then he will control this superlight particle.

Cheng Ling's mismatch caused Cheng Yuan to chuckle, but he also knew the sequence of the problems.

用 "Using Centaur's collector, I remember that the drive of the Titan Fortress is dark matter energy and the core energy of the planet, analyze the dynamic structure of the Titan Fortress, and use nano particles to copy one."

There are shortcuts to go, and Cheng Yuan will never go for a so-called own way.

Zero stared at Cheng Yuan in a stunned state. After a long while, he said silently, "Okay, as you ordered."

He solved this problem, which was not a problem for him at all, and Cheng Yuan continued to think about his guess.

For him, the tall things like the origin of the universe can better reflect his extraordinaryness ~ ~ Watching Cheng Yuan once again stunned, knowing without having to guess, Cheng Yuan fell into his own fantasy Already. He couldn't help reminding him: "Sir, maybe the super-light particles are an important part of the expansion of the universe itself, but the origin of the universe is definitely not a simple super-light principle."

Zero pulled Cheng Yuan out of his imagination, and Cheng Yuan's expression changed. Of course, he knew that his sudden thoughts were somewhat untenable. But often, it is this untenable theory that is the pioneer of science.

However, he also understood the meaning of zero in his heart. There was not enough theory to prove his point. His current guesses and statements were just delusions.

Unless he can provide a lot of theoretical evidence to prove his claims, it will certainly not be accepted by the scientific community.

Bian sighed, Cheng Yuan shrugged: "Well, I'll take it slowly, for now ..."

He didn't wait for him to finish his words, and felt a violent vibration under his feet, accompanied by a roaring noise, and a harsh alarm came into his ears at the same time.

While Cheng Yuan and Zero were unknown, in the surveillance picture in front of them, a white vortex suddenly appeared in the acceleration tunnel, and the vortex quickly expanded in the blink of an eye, showing the dark and deep unknown space in the middle.

Cheng Chengyuan and Zero faced each other, and then the two became nervous at the same time.

The space door has appeared again!

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