Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 882:

"Have you been to the hospital? What did the doctor say?" Cheng Yuan frowned subconsciously. He felt that this was not a problem with Mars, but a problem with his own body.

The Martian environment is suitable for human beings and it has been proven!

After all, on the day the space portal opened, the people who set foot on Mars were not only them, but also many users and reporters of technology crystallization companies.

I haven't heard of any physical problems with these people so far.

If they have problems, what old geographers will Hua Hua send?

Zheng Jia's heart was equally confused. She had been to Mars herself, and she was very good when she returned. She was also puzzled about why these people fell ill.

"Symptoms such as cough, dyspnea, dizziness, vomiting, etc. are considered by the doctor to be oxygen poisoning. However, the hospital kept them in the recovery chamber and soaked in advanced recovery fluid to stabilize their condition."

I heard that these people had been properly placed, and Cheng Yuan was relieved. After all, if such things were advertised, for better or worse, they would have a negative impact.

"Why did the doctor say it?" Although Cheng Yuan has a lot of accomplishments in biology, he is not a doctor, and he can't judge what happened to these people.

Zheng Jia looked a little weird, glanced at Cheng Yuan, and explained, "The doctor said it was oxygen poisoning."

"Oxygen poisoning !?" Cheng Yuan twitched a bit, he now understands why these people have oxygen poisoning. Mars itself has just completed a transformation, and the atmospheric oxygen content is naturally rich.

Although he and Guo Xiaolian have been on Mars for a long time, they have been genetically enhanced, and the tolerance, resilience, and resilience of the body's cells are not comparable.

记者 The reporters and members did not spend much time on Mars, so there was no oxygen poisoning.

Only poets and geologists are ordinary because of their own bodies, and they have stayed on Mars for so long and lived in high-concentration oxygen environments for so many days. Every breath they take will carry a large amount of oxygen into the body.

When these high concentrations of oxygen enter the body, a large amount of oxygen free radicals are generated. In this case, the oxygen free radicals become extremely active, which will attack and kill various cells in the human body, resulting in cell and organ metabolism and dysfunction.

Thanks to their return in time, otherwise in a few days, they may not get cancer as a result.

"Their health is too weak. You can ask people to send them a gene booster. No wonder I didn't notice it." Cheng Yuan said to Zheng Jia with a smile.

"OK." Zheng Jia nodded sharply, then cut off the communication.

Ended the call with Zheng Jia, Cheng Yuan had to say with emotion: "Good things will last!"

Breathing fresh air, Cheng Yuan stretched his waist comfortably. Before he returned to the laboratory, he saw the automatic door of the laboratory opened, and came out calmly.

"All stored?" Cheng Yuan asked without looking back, looking at the blue sky.

Wu Ling walked to Cheng Yuan, stood up, looked up at the sky, and couldn't wait to reply: "It's all stored, when we will conduct the next experiment, I think we can find a lot of things in each experiment."

He Ling looked at Cheng Yuan's face.

"Why so anxious this time, haven't you always worried about the first situation before?" Cheng Yuan grinned and looked at Zero playfully.

Zero shrugged indifferently: "There are always accidents. We can't stop experiments because we are afraid of accidents."

Cheng Chengyuan patted Zero's shoulder with a smile, and said, "Next time, the fortress is coming. Let's think about how to place this big guy. It is impossible to get it close to the earth."

"How about being placed between the Earth and Mars orbit, so that it will not affect the orbit of the two planets." When he heard the Titan Fortress, he raised his eyebrows at zero, and suggested.

However, Cheng Yuan disagreed with this suggestion. He shook his head and refused: "No, don't forget that the Titan Fortress itself is a planet not smaller than the earth. It also has gravitational force. What are the consequences of putting a planet near the earth. "

Zero heard a word and paused, "That's outside the solar system?"

Cheng Chengyuan still shook his head: "The farther the sun is from the earth, the better. What about Mars and Jupiter? This will not only be close to Mars, but also serve as an outpost for external exploration."

"It's a little safer, but I think we should check the magnetic field of the entire solar system before it happens to avoid accidents." Zero bowed his head for a moment and agreed.

But he also put forward his own opinions.

Compared with the distance between Mars and Earth, there is more space to operate between Mars and Jupiter, but whether there is a joint magnetic field between the nine planets of the solar system, will the intrusive intrusion of Titan cause a magnetic chain reaction, This requires them to explore the situation to reach a conclusion.

"Do what you say." Cheng Yuan is not worried about this. Even if there is a magnetic field, there will not be a problem due to a Titan.

The binding force of the plutonium magnetic field is very stable. As the central star of the solar system, how many magnetic storms have occurred in the sun has not significantly affected the entire solar system. The influence of Titan is definitely not as strong as that of the sun.

After all, the volume of the two is the difference between gravel and a hundred times larger football.

"You do this. I'll go back first, so Xiaolian will always blame me at home for a long time." Cheng Yuan tossed things to zero with a smile, and took the spaceship through the space door back to the earth.

Uh ...

In the next few days, Cheng Yuan stayed at home with his family. The poet and those geological experts were discharged the same day Cheng Yuan returned.

After they injected the gene booster, the body returned to normal, and they were discharged from the hospital after no problems were checked.

This incident is naturally known to seniors such as Hua Lao.

However, not only did they not worry, but they were very excited one by one, because those recovered geologists gave them a better news ~ ~ that is, Mars is not only rich in soil, rich in organic matter, but also due to It contains a high concentration of oxygen, which also provides a more sufficient photosynthetic environment for Martian plants.

In other words, the plants on Mars are larger in size and also contain higher nutritional value. If they are consumed for a long time, the benefits to humans are self-evident.

After receiving this news, Hua Lao and others naturally more urgently wanted to develop the black land of Mars. The seeds of food were already prepared when the Mars exploration plan was obtained.

It was just that the preparation was not enough at the time, after all, it was a land area of ​​12 million square kilometers, which was larger than the land area when Huaxia had not yet accommodated South Vietnam Province!

加上 In addition to its own high-quality soil and environment, the previous estimates must be wrong. The output of this black land can not only support 7 billion people in a year, but it does not know how much more it can produce!

The moment they thought of it, they were excited.

Qi Huaxia is out of food!

It is very scarce. As the world's largest population country, food is undoubtedly the most important foundation.

Even in 2017, people in remote areas are still worried about the problem of eating! But as long as the black land of Mars is developed, China will no longer be short of food!

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