Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 7: Huge bright light bulb

The gathering place is in a Cantonese restaurant. Lin Yao is not picky about food. Whether it is Hangzhou cuisine or Cantonese cuisine, Sichuan cuisine or Hunan cuisine, he can hold any food.

The fly in the ointment is that all the people participating in this dinner apart from her are still in pairs.

Lovers are together, naturally there will be a lot of intimacy actions, a bit more subtle just quietly squeeze your hands, boldly directly hug your waist, or stick together like no one is a Siamese baby.

The sour smell of love is in the air.

As the only single dog, Lin Yao felt like a huge bright light bulb.

Before the opening of the meeting, as usual, the chairman of the board gave a speech, "First of all thank you colleagues for your hard work in the past year, and thank you family members for your trust, understanding, care and support for us!"

"Papa Papa..."

The muscular man clapped vigorously, and Jian Wen feigned anger and punched him in the back with no weight. The muscular man smiled more and more after being punched.

This is probably the so-called flirting.

The other couples saw this scene in their eyes and all smiled knowingly.

"As the saying goes, no hard work, no gain. In 20XX, our sweat has brought a good harvest, our hard work has brought joy, our hard work has been rewarded, and our hopes have been realized. In the past year, There are a lot of experience worthy of our conclusion, and there are many fruits worthy of our collection. For example:..."

Chairman Qin’s speech was obviously more thoughtful and more emotional than the one before New Year’s Day.

We must know that in the entire 20XX year, the number of times Chairman Qin went to Lingyun Industrial can be counted with one hand, and he left after a morning meeting, so many can be summed up!

Depending on the situation, it is no problem to sum up for an hour or two!

Lin Yao couldn't help feeling that he was a leader in a big company...

"Papa, papa, papa!" Applause broke out.

When Lin Yao came back to her senses, she didn't know what eve was today.

"In the new year, we will embrace reform and opening up, seize the opportunity of economic globalization, surmount the wind and rain, conquer the dust, and display our ambitions in the sky. We accumulate energy and never forget our original aspirations..."

The chairman here gave a generous statement. Just as he was talking about Xing, Lin Yun suddenly said, "It's OK, the set you said is not suitable for our company. The dishes are all available. Let's start eating. ."

Lin Yun not only interrupted Director Qin's long talk, but also announced the opening of the meeting directly.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed. It's not that they don't want to listen to the chairman's speech, let alone laugh at him, but as Lin Yun said, the food is ready, and if you don't eat it, it will be cold!

As an employee, he cannot interrupt the chairman's speech, but as his wife, Lin Yun is harmless to do so.

It’s just that I don’t know what the parties think...

The smile on Chairman Qin's face remained the same, but his eyes flickered.

For a moment, Lin Yao seemed to see the billowing clouds before the storm!

She couldn't help wondering if she was dazzled, and when she looked again, Chairman Qin really looked like a gentleman.

Qin Yi cast a spoiled and helpless glance at his wife who opened his teeth and claws, and Lin Yun raised the corner of his mouth at him.

The two had a tacit understanding and raised the wine glass in their hands together. Chairman Qin said with a smile: "Then, Mr. Lin and I will offer you a glass first!"

When Lin Yao saw this, she became more and more sure that she must have been dazzled before!

She stood up with everyone, raised the yogurt in the cup, and clinked glasses with everyone.

She learned the lesson from before, and did not hurriedly move her chopsticks after clinking the glasses.

It wasn't until everyone started to eat that she picked up an order and put it in her bowl, took a bite, and sure enough, it was cold.

The mobile phone in her bag began to vibrate at this moment. Lin Yao put down her chopsticks, took out the mobile phone and took a look, her face burst into a moving smile unconsciously.

Rong Ze: "What are you doing?"

Lin Yao: "What about the company dinner[/ tongue out]"

Rong Ze: "Where is it?"

Lin Yao: "The City of Flowers."

Rong Ze: "Oh, are the food there delicious?"


Zheng Yuning on the side suddenly laughed. She bumped Lin Yao's arm, "Who is this person?"

Lin Yao found out that Zheng Yuning was actually peeking at her messages. There was nothing wrong with the content of her chat with Qin Rongze, but it didn't mean she was willing to watch it with others.

Lin Yao's face was dark, and said lightly: "A friend."

Zheng Yuning curiously asked, "What kind of friend? Has he never been to the City of Flowers?"

Lin Yao really couldn't answer this question.

Everyone glanced at them from time to time with an inquiring look.

The City of Flowers is a mid-to-high-end restaurant. Young people who have never been to the City of Flowers are nothing more than two situations. They are particularly rich and look down on them, or they are poor and can't afford it.

Lin Yao's friend is undoubtedly the latter.

In addition to star chasing, Zheng Yuning seems to be only interested in these, "Hey, did the friend you mentioned waited for you downstairs in the company last time?"

Qin Rongze and Liang Chen both waited for her downstairs, but Zheng Yuning had never seen Qin Rongze, so she was referring to Liang Chen!

For Lin Yao, being seen by Liang Chen is like being stared at by a fly, but the key is still a green head.

Besides, anyone with a discerning eye should know that Liang Chen is struggling, and she has no idea about Liang Chen, but Zheng Yuning mentioned him at this moment for what he wanted to do?

Lin Yao was a little surprised, and then asked with a smile, "How is it possible?"

"Yes!" Zheng Yuning covered her lips and smiled, "That man, eh~~~ I can't eat when I think of him!"

Coincidentally, as soon as Zheng Yuning finished saying this, she caught a glimpse of her favorite Jiwei shrimp turning in front of her.

Now Zheng Yuning was not thinking about gossip. She quickly grabbed the chopsticks and worked hard to pick it up. She couldn't wait to pick a few more into the bowl. Unfortunately, the shrimp was slippery in appearance and she could only successfully pick one at a time.

She was anxious, and she leaned over with the bowl directly, and then used chopsticks to pull it into her bowl. The scene was unbearable to look at.

Zheng Yuning thought he was unconsciously pulling the small half-pan Jiwei shrimp steak into his bowl.

Then, she peeled off a shrimp and put it in her mouth, and continued to ask, "By the way, how did you go on a blind date with him in the first place?"

Heh, while eating, he still remembers Liang Chen, how can it look like "can't eat"?

Although Lin Yao didn't want to pay attention to Zheng Yuning in her heart, she felt that she had to clarify.

"That person was introduced to me by a former colleague. After meeting, he turned it down when he found it inappropriate. I didn't expect that he would go downstairs to the company to make trouble."

"Really?" Zheng Yuning was dubious, "Then tell me, what do you really like about others? I mean, since you can agree to a blind date, what attracts you?"

Lin Yao didn't know whether Zheng Yuning deliberately targeted her or his brain was not good enough. Why did she misinterpret her words every time?

Lin Yao gradually lost her patience. She would not conceal her emotions, and she already smelled of fire and medicine when she spoke.

"I didn't intend to go on a blind date, so I didn't know about it beforehand. After meeting, I found out what the other person was like, so I decisively refused. As for why people are entangled, I probably think I'm a bully.

I was forced to be helpless, so I slapped others to show my position. This is what you all have seen. That’s how it happened. Are you satisfied? "

Zheng Yuning still refused to give up, "Huh? That's not what people said..."

When Zheng Yuning wanted to say something more, her boyfriend stopped her.

The colleague sitting on the other side of Lin Yao interrupted and said, "Ah! Xiaolin, I actually wanted to tell you a long time ago that there is a colleague in my husband's work who has no girlfriend yet. It matches..."

Lin Yao was What does this mean?

No object is illegal now, right?

Otherwise, why would you introduce her to her one by one?

Or does she seem to need someone to help introduce someone so much?

Seeing that she didn't respond, the colleague said with a smile: "That guy is really good, think about it?"

If Liang Chen hadn't passed through this incident, Lin Yao would definitely follow her words and say "think about it", but now...

Lin Yao flatly refused, "Thank you for your kindness! But no need!"

The colleague suddenly couldn't get off the stage.

Lin Yun, who had been watching with cold eyes, spoke at the right time and broke the deadlock, "Eat and eat!"

The leader spoke, and everyone quickly returned to their previous state.

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