Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 29: Run short

Lin Yao was embarrassed, she didn't expect to be so unlucky that she happened to be heard by Lin Yun, her face burned badly.

But she really didn't plan to take Qin Rongze to meet everyone at this time. When she was about to say something to cover up, Zheng Yuning spoke first.

"President Lin, I know I know! Xiaolin has a new boyfriend, and she wants to hide it and let us know."

"Is there such a thing?" Lin Yun leaned against the door, took a mouthful of cigarettes, and slowly said, "If you like someone, you have to take some practical actions. What can be the result of blindly hiding it? Even if the final result is not very good, You have to try it yourself before you know that life is too short, so let’s have fun in time."

Lin Yun paused, and then said, "It's really not suitable. It's also a choice to separate at that time."

Lin Yao looked stunned, "But we only knew each other not long ago, and I don't know if we can make it."

How do you fast forward to the point where life is short and happy in time, and it is really inappropriate to separate?

Lin Yun raised her eyebrows, realizing that her words were a bit overwhelming, she smiled indifferently, "Then you can bring him out and let us check it for you. What do you know as a little girl? I ask Edward to help too. You check it out!"

Zheng Yuning's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly agreed, "Yes, yes, and my old customs, I tell you, when a woman sees a man, he can only see his surface, and when a man sees a man, he can see his essence through the surface... "

Business people except Jian Wen also gathered around.

"It's easier for a man to lie to you alone, but it's harder to lie to all of us."

"If in the future he does anything to be sorry for you, even if he can hide it from you, he can't hide it from the big guy!"


Lin Yao couldn't believe her ears, "I said, everyone is a colleague, so you can't expect me to order it?"

Everyone was silent for a moment, and continued to talk about it.

"We didn't say that he must be bad, just in case."

"As the saying goes, you must prepare the best for everything and prepare for the worst. You can't go wrong."

The truth is correct, but why did they just stare at her and say?

It seems that she has been identified, and she is the only one who will be deceived and deceived.

Also, who did Qin Rongze provoke, and what did he do wrong? Why do you slander him like this?

Lin Yao's hands trembled a little, and she was angry!

She looked around, her voice was blazing, "I think you make a lot of sense. Everyone should care more about their boyfriend." Rather than chase after others, tell the truth about others.

Everyone was boring, and some couldn't talk about it.

Lin Yun couldn't see it, so he made a round of it, "It's OK, you said it's almost done."

He grinned at Lin Yao again and said, "Don't be unhappy, at least everyone's starting point is good, and everyone brings their family members, but you don't bring it, is it interesting?"

That is really boring...

Lin Yao suddenly wilted like an eggplant that had been beaten by frost.

"You call him, at 7 o'clock tonight, Di Xin Tang, see or leave."

Dixintang is one of the top ten in Hangzhou and never accepts individual tourists. If you want to eat the food here, you must book in advance.

When they heard Dixintang, everyone cheered again, and then excitedly went to talk to my boyfriend about the dinner party.

Lin Yao prayed silently in her heart not to mention the matter of letting her lead people again, never!

Under her prayer, Lin Yun patted her shoulder and reminded, "You can also call."

At the end, I added, "You must tell him, see or leave!"

Tears flowed into Lin Yao's heart, she didn't dare to look into her eyes at all, "Okay, I will tell him."

The rest depends on the situation.

Today, the eighth day of the first lunar month, there must be more than one company in Lingyun!

Right, that is it!

On the 49th floor of the Orlando Building, Qin Rongze was presiding over a meeting when he suddenly saw the mobile phone screen on the desktop lit up.

Lin Yao "Do you have time tonight?"

He hurriedly handed over the responsibility of presiding over the meeting to Cheng Gang, and then blatantly set up a desertion.

The people present had never encountered such a situation, and everyone was shocked, and had no intention of continuing to hold a mobilization meeting.

Kevin Liang on the side couldn't help but peek at the obvious relaxed smile at the corner of the chairman's mouth, and couldn't help but guess the many possibilities.

Liang Kaiwen has been following the chairman since he was in college. It has been more than ten years since he hadn't seen him smile, but the purely relaxed expression like this---he never had it in his memory.

However, this is not difficult to understand.

The chairman of the board has really good news recently.

The cooperation with unitex is progressing very smoothly. Orlando not only has rapid growth in performance, but also gradually expanded its international influence.

Kevin Liang has a feeling of exuberance.

You should know that he started venture capital with the chairman, and that industry not only came in fast, but also very easy, at least in his eyes.

But the chairman did not hesitate to leave everything in the United States, and returned to China to establish Orlando with the huge funds accumulated during the venture capital.

Originally Liang Kaiwen didn't understand, but now he finally understands.

Pure capital operation is like sailing on the sea, with high risks and high returns, but no foundation.

But doing business is different. It's like taking care of a farm, taking care of it, harvesting slowly, and hitting it steadily.

It's just like the one-hundred-year-old food company of Lao Liang's, uh, digress.

The chairman is not only proud of the shopping mall, but also the love scene.

The daughters of the Aries consortium, adriana have all chased to his home, and those who hold highs and lows are now looking at adriana, and they will definitely attach great importance to the chairman.

The chairman said don't want it, but he can't be completely indifferent, right?

Just like what I did to Lin Yao's little sister... Hey, how come you think of her well?

As far as he knows, there is nothing between the chairman and Lin Yao!

It's impossible, what happened when he didn't know it?

How is that possible?

Thinking about those who don’t, why don’t you put your mind on Ming Shu?

Thinking of Jiang Mingshu, Liang Kevin suddenly felt a heart-wounding feeling. He didn't want to bother about other things.

Qin Rongze felt the same way. Lin Yao took the initiative to send him a message, asking him if he was free at night!

How should he answer?

Wouldn't it be too uninteresting to just answer the words "free"?

No, he is not available tonight!

But Lin Yao has an appointment, so she has to be free anyway!

He curled his lips slightly.

Rong Ze "Miss me?"

Lin Yao "No! [cold]"

Lin Yao "But someone wants to see you...[Embarrassed]"

Rong Ze "Who?"

Lin Yao "Today our company has a dinner, my colleagues unanimously asked me to bring you with you...[流汗]"

It turned out that Lin Yao's colleague wanted to see him, which made him more difficult.

First of all, his historical issues have not been resolved, this is not a good time to show his identity!

Furthermore, Orlando also started work today, and they have a celebratory cocktail party in the evening. It must be impossible for him not to attend!

Reason told him that he should refuse and resolutely refuse, but he didn't want to disappoint Lin Yao.

Rong Ze "Our company also has dinner parties, so I will join the dinner party here first, and then leave early and go to your side, okay?"

Lin Yao couldn't help feeling happy when he saw the first half of his sentence. Sure enough, Qin Rongze's company also had a dinner today!

However, he said he still has to come over?

People did it for her too. Wouldn't it be good to just refuse?

The most important thing is that they haven't seen each other for many days. In short, Lin Yao really couldn't say a word of rejection.

Actually, it’s not impossible to make it public in advance, right?

Lin Yao "Hmm...[Dawn] Will this affect it badly?"

Rong Ze "No!"

Rong Ze "I can arrange things here in advance, and then I will come to see you."

Rong Ze "I have arranged to call you!"

Qin Rongze sent three messages in a row. Lin Yao saw that he was sweet in his heart, and was a little uneasy. However, the desire to meet him overcame everything!

Lin Yao "Good [happy]"

Rong Ze "Then I'm going to a meeting."

Lin Yao "[surprised] Why didn't you say it early in the meeting?"

Lin Yao "[Furious] Don't hurry up!"

Holding the phone, Qin Rongze smiled from the bottom of his heart, and suddenly noticed that there seemed to be sights on him.

When he looked up, he suddenly found that everyone in the conference room looked at him like cherishing animals.

Qin Rongze realized what a fool he had done at the New Year's mobilization meeting.

In an instant, he had regained his usual expression, and said lightly, "Cheng Gang did a good job of hosting, continue."

Liang Kaiwen helped his forehead.

"Ahem!" Cheng Gang cleared his throat ~ ~ Chairman, I have finished. "

The scene was once embarrassed.

Fortunately, Kevin Liang reacted quickly. The key point is that he is never afraid of embarrassment, and hahas casually, "Ah yes! Minister Cheng said it well! Hahaha!"

After all, he took the lead in applauding, and his response was sparse applause.

This was the most embarrassing and unreliable mobilization meeting in Orlando's nine years since its establishment.

The reason is that as the chairman of the Orlando Group's hard work and striving for the top model, the leader of the Orlando Group, he took a short run.

As for the reason for the chairman's departure, opinions were divergent for a while.

However, the answer was soon revealed.

As soon as they came out of the meeting room, they saw a blond, tall and beautiful beauty, who came to them, no, it was from the chairman of the board.


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