Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 46: Manpower is irresistible

After the first lunar month, the weather becomes warmer. Spring returns to the earth, the sun is shining, and the flowers bloom everywhere. How can Hangzhou in spring be such a good word?

However, the atmosphere of Lingyun Industry is not so good. The reason is that Zheng Yuning's shipment is not completely in progress. In fact, the manufacturer's goods have been prepared according to customer requirements and delivered to the port. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

However, the plan will never keep up with the changes. The original plan to sail the ship encountered heavy fog on the day, and Dalian Port was closed!

Wanwan customer Mr. Li is a friend of Chairman Qin. During this period, Mr. Li called Chairman Qin almost every day.

Chairman Qin called Mr. Lin when he was scolded.

If Lin was scolded, the entire company would have a share, and everyone would be at risk.

Zheng Yuning went crazy as soon as she got the news. She made three calls to the freight forwarder early in the morning, asking them to give an accurate departure time so that she could go on business.

The freight forwarder is very innocent and helpless. "Ms. Zheng, this is not a question of when we want to sail. Dalian Port has fogged up and the entire port is closed. All ships cannot enter or exit. Please explain to the customer. The customer must understand."

Zheng Yuning was mad when she heard that she was asked to explain to the customer, "My goods have been in the warehouse for a week. I said that I will ship today. I called to confirm with you yesterday. If you said there is no problem, we will definitely ship today. , Why doesn't it open again?"

The freight forwarder was helpless, "Ms. Zheng, the weather in Dalian during the day was very good yesterday. Of course we said it was okay. Who knows that the fog started to form at night. It is not what we want to seal the port in heavy fog, and it is not our decision whether to sail or not... …"

Yes, the fog, the port closure, this kind of thing can only be blamed on God, right?

Zheng Yuning had to retreat, "I didn't say that this was your problem, but you should always give me an accurate flight time?"

"The key is that the fog doesn't know how long it will take. If the weather is good tomorrow, the boat can be sailed tomorrow. But if it doesn't go away, we can only wait forever. You have to ask me to tell me which day to sail now, too. Can't tell"

The Meteorological Bureau can’t tell you about weather. How can the freight forwarder say it accurately?

Zheng Yuning was very embarrassed, "But customers ask every day, and the boss reminds me every day. I can't tell them that I don't know when the ship will sail, right?"

The freight forwarder comforted: "It's good to tell the truth about Dalian Port's heavy fog closure. This is the result of customers who inquire about it. Generally, you won't be blamed on you."

That's how it is said, but Mr. Li is not an ordinary customer!

He is like a tyrannosaurus that will spit out fire at any time!

Zheng Yuning had already learned it a long time ago. Anyway, she didn't dare to tell Mr. Li about anything now that the ship was originally planned to sail today and it would not be able to sail. As for when it would sail, no one knows, that's the case.

She cast a look at Lin Yao asking for help, but unfortunately they did not receive the signal.


Zheng Yuning cleared his throat and prepared Lin Yao to take the initiative to talk to her.

Unfortunately, Lin Yao still did not receive her signal.

They are sitting next to each other, how could they not hear what she said on the phone?

Now that I heard it, should I scream?

What does it mean to be silent?

Could it be that you are waiting to see her joke?

The beauty of thinking!

Zheng Yuning was very upset, and she decided to report to Mr. Lin. Lin Yao used her working hours to do things that were not related to work and read books that were not related to work!

It's strange to say that Lin Yao's orders are obviously much more than the others combined, but everyone is very busy, but Lin Yao is not very busy.

Now she leaves work on time every day, and her working hours are also very leisurely, and every day is more leisurely.

Although Zheng Yuning wanted to go to Lin Yun to talk about these things immediately, she knew that the top priority was Mr. Li's batch of goods.

She thought for a while and decided to report this issue to Lin Yun first.

If you have the chance, put some eye drops on President Lin!

I saw Zheng Yuning give up the idea of ​​asking for help, and instead knocked on the door of the general manager's office.

Lin Yao breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't want to help Zheng Yuning, but it was too late.

Why do you say that?

In international trade, there is an exemption clause: force majeure clause forceajeurece.

According to the "Convention", the party that has suffered force majeure can terminate the contract or delay performance without assuming responsibility.

But he should have the following conditions:

1 The accident happened after the contract was signed;

2 Accidents are unforeseeable, unavoidable and uncontrollable by the parties involved.

Force majeure accidents mainly include two situations. One is caused by natural forces, such as floods, wind disasters, droughts, earthquakes, etc.; the other is caused by social causes, such as wars, blockades, government bans, etc.;

3 There are no subjective factors such as negligence or negligence caused by the accident.

If Zheng Yuning encountered such a situation last year, it would be absolutely force majeure, and he could fight hard with the customer based on reason. Now...

Customers will not compromise.

The reason is that this batch of goods should have been shipped before!

If there is no postponement, then there will be no severe fog to seal the port.

Zheng Yuning should take part of the responsibility for the delay in shipment.

In the end, the responsibility is still on her.

Since Zheng Yuning caused it herself, there is no reason to ask Lin Yao to wipe her butt.

Lin Yao doesn't want a mess that can't be cleaned up in the future!

Soon, Lin Yun's roar came from the general manager's room.

Lin Yao was not surprised at all, and even took a sip of scented tea in a leisurely manner.

"Okay, Zheng Yuning, give me some moths!" Lin Yun glared at Zheng Yuning angrily. "You don't tell me early or late. You have to wait until I tell Mr. Li that the boat is already sailing before you come. Tell me the ship is not leaving! And you don’t know when it will leave. You say you, how can I tell Mr. Li?"

Zheng Yuning was so frightened by her that she whispered, "I just knew that too, the freight forwarder said that the fog sealing of the port is a natural disaster, force majeure, and customers can't blame us."

Now, who can hear this kind of thing?

Before this was finished, Lin Yun interrupted angrily, "This batch of goods was originally promised to be shipped by Mr. Li before, and it is now in the second month of the lunar calendar. Are you telling me about force majeure?"

It's really unreasonable...

Zheng Yuning defended in a low voice: "Before, it was Mr. Zhao and his factory..." The supplier did not deliver the goods according to the contract, and it was delayed until now.

Lin Yun suddenly furious when she said "before", "You still have the face to mention before? If it weren't for you...if Edward hadn't come forward, how could Mr. Li agree to postpone the shipment by one month? Now the one-month deadline has arrived, you Did you just come to tell me that the port is blocked by the fog?"

Zheng Yuning bowed her head and said nothing.

"Aren't you very good at talking? Say it!" Lin Yun said fiercely: "I can't answer, right? No matter what, you must give me a clear statement today."

Zheng Yuning walked out of the general manager's room with red eyes.

She was at a loss. Everyone commuted to and from get off work on time every day, and there was one customer for each person. How could they be able to go smoothly?

Her client was like a dynamite, thunderous all day long, her supplier was dragged like something, coaxed with cowhide, like a little daughter-in-law who was angry at both ends!

Why is this happening?

She glanced at Lin Yao, who was calm and relaxed, and she felt even more imbalanced in her heart!

Why does Lin Yao grab all the good customers by herself, but give her the most difficult customers?

Zheng Yuning felt that she had guessed the truth, she couldn't help clenching her fists, walked to Lin Yao's seat, grabbed the book in her hand suddenly, and walked towards the general manager's room.

As she walked, she said loudly: "Mr. Lin, someone spends working hours to do things that have nothing to do with work!"

Lin Yao really didn't expect that Zheng Yuning would come out like this. This is a typical behavior that harms others and disadvantages himself.

Deathly silence in the office.

Lin Yun walked out of the office with a calm face. She glanced at Lin Yao before asking Zheng Yuning, "Let's talk, what's the matter?"

Zheng Yuning sneered, her lips were full of sarcasm, her eyes seemed to be poisoned, resentful and bitter! "It's Lin Yao. She occupies the best resources in the company but doesn't cherish it. She also spends her work time reading her books!"

After saying this, she handed Lin Yun the "Business Express" in her hand.

Sadly, Lin Yun didn't take the book from her, and didn't even look at her directly. Instead, he asked Lin Yao, "Is what she said is true?"

Lin Yao has seen Zheng Yuning’s face clearly, smiled in her heart, and admitted: “I am indeed looking at the book I bought, but there is a reason. The few South American customers you gave me speak English well. It’s not very good. In order to communicate with them better, I learned Spanish and bought this "Business Spanish". In fact, when Zheng Yuning took the book from me, I was planning to give it to someone Mail from Cuban customers."


Lin Yao said that she is writing emails to clients in Spanish?

The point is that she only started to learn Spanish this year. Can she write emails so soon?

Who can believe this?

Zheng Yuning roared: "You lie!"

Lin Yun didn't believe it either.

However, she still glanced at Lin Yao's half-written e-mail, and couldn't help being stunned.

Lin Yun certainly does not speak Spanish, but Spanish and English look different. She couldn't help but ask: "What are you writing?"

Lin Yao read it again, "álogoroductos, eseroeuedaenntraralgunosroductosterés means: The attachment is the latest product catalog of our company, and I hope there are products you are interested in."

Lin Yun glanced at her incredulously, "Really?"

Lin Yao said: "However, I think it's too straightforward and impolite to write this way. I should write some more polite remarks.

"Yes, yes, then you continue to write emails." Lin Yun nodded repeatedly, "By the way, where did you learn Spanish and the effect is so good?"

Lin Yao smiled at her, "New World Foreign Language School, right next to Wulin Square."

"What do you think of me going to learn a foreign language? I mean I can learn it?"

"Just go to learn the effect will definitely be"

Next, Lin Yun excitedly approached Lin Yao for the consultation and registration phone number of the foreign language school.

Zheng Yuning has been petrified in situ.

Lin Yun shouldn't be furious at Lin Yao, who is not doing his job properly. How could he become talking and laughing, and even made an appointment to learn a foreign language?

What is this God unfolding?

Lin Yun was indeed led by Lin Yao, and she remembered what was going on when she was about to walk into the office.

She turned her head abruptly, and raised her face again and said to Zheng Yuning: "Mr. Li's batch of goods, you must give me an account today!"

Zheng Yuning was taken aback again, and then wanted to cry without tears.

Mr. Lin, listen to me, the port of Dalian is really blocked by heavy fog. This is force majeure, so what can I say?

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