Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 53: The plan can't keep up with the changes

Late at night, the airport.

Liang Kaiwen greeted him with a beaming eyebrow, "Chairman, rest assured, everything is done."

Liang Kaiwen looks like a laughing face, not serious all day, in fact, he is very measured, otherwise he would not be Qin Rongze's right arm!

This time, what he did for Qin Rongze was to find a stand-in. He boarded a passenger plane and flew to city a in advance, and then transferred from city a to city b, and they would take a private jet to city b where U University is located.

Qin Rongze took advantage of this time difference to return to Chaoyang Community and hurriedly met with Lin Yao.

Their meeting this time consumed a lot of manpower and financial resources, but it took less than ten minutes from the meeting to the separation.

Before the plane took off, Liang Kaiwen handed his mobile phone to Qin Rongze.

The photo displayed on the screen of the phone is of a girl’s lonely and lonely back. Under the dark night, she seems to be looking up at the night sky, but Qin Rongze knew from a glance that she was in the downstairs of Building 2, and she was not looking at the night sky. , But the window of Room 403.

Lin Yao could only miss him in this way when he was away.

Lin Yao always puts his safety in the first place, only then would he say such things as "It is better to forget each other in the world" and "It doesn't matter what I do."

He was fine. After hearing that Lin Yao had plans to let go, he indiscriminately preached her, and deliberately exaggerated the rumors about the origin and background of the Ayres family.

Qin Rongze had the urge to get off the plane immediately and go back to look for her, but rationally told him, no!

The more critical the time comes, the more caution is needed. He doesn't want any discrepancies at this time!

He tangled for a moment, and said coldly: "Delete all the message records."


Liang Kaiwen took back the phone with some disapproval, and deleted all the photos and other information sent to him by Lao Zhang.

He understood the chairman's approach. Adriana was a very possessive woman. After she recognized the chairman, she put her eyeliner in Orlando.

The chairman did not deal with those people, but business as usual.

The only change was that he no longer contacted Lin Yao.

To be honest, although adriana's almost crazy way of entanglement can make people feel a little suffocating, she is really sincere to the chairman, and the world can learn from it.

In comparison, Lin Yao's performance seemed too dull.

She gets along with the chairman just like a playmate in the house. Whenever she has time to meet or send a message, usually even if the chairman does not visit her for a month or contact her, she will do the same.

Can this be called falling in love?

What made him even more puzzled was the attitude of the chairman!

In fact, he didn't understand what the chairman was going to do.

Liang Kaiwen originally thought that the chairman of Lin Yao would be refreshed for a while, and let him go after the freshness was over.

Unexpectedly, because of adriana's affairs, the chairman of the board was like a big enemy, and actually asked Lao Zhang to lead people to follow Lin Yao 24 hours a day to secretly protect.

what does this mean?

He didn't understand it anyway.

What's even more exaggerated is that they should have set off for the U.S. in the evening, but the chairman of the board temporarily stopped and went back to find Lin Yao!

So that at this moment, they are still waiting for the plane to take off.

I knew it...

Qin Rongze originally squinted his eyes to rest, but he always felt that his eyes fell on him.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Liang Kaiwen who was not far away panicking and retracting his gaze.

Qin Rongze couldn't help but curiously said, "Don't you need to sleep for a while?"

"Hey." Liang Kaiwen laughed dryly, "I haven't been back to city b in a few years. There are so many people over there waiting for me to go together. Just thinking about this makes me so excited that I can't sleep."

Liang Kaiwen and Qin Rongze also graduated from U University. They have completely different personalities. Qin Rongze pays more attention to the improvement of personal ability during school. Liang Kaiwen is different. He has been in clubs all the year round. Although his grades are mediocre, he has a mixed reputation. !

Qin Rongze is different from him. He doesn't have that much concern in city b. His purpose in going to city b is to get rid of adriana. If it cannot be resolved peacefully, he will break with it.

Recalling the past, Liang Kaiwen was a little intoxicated, "I think the scene where eily was crying at the airport and told me that she would wait for me forever was like it happened yesterday. It has been 6 years!"

Qin Rongze knew that Liang Kaiwen was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep. Even if he didn't hear anything outside the window, he knew that Liang Kaiwen had a very good relationship with the opposite **** during his time at U University!

Qin Rongze said coldly: "Eily was married three years ago, and both children had two children. Do you want to ruin her family?"

"Hey?" The smile on Liang Kaiwen's face froze instantly, he tugged at the corners of his lips, and continued to say without embarrassment: "Why don't I just talk about it? Besides, I didn't particularly like eily's crying bag at the time, I really liked it. It's joyce, that figure, that...(river crab)...tsk...what is the most important thing, do you know? I'm the only man in joyce. Hey, that's not right! Chairman, how did you know that eily got married three years ago Got it? I see, you must be joking with me, right?"

Liang Kaiwen's eyes were twirling.

Qin Rongze directly pierced his dream, "Eily married an investment partner I was in the United States three years ago. Joyce got married five years ago. Your other Yingying Yanyan must be the same. Take your heart. ."

Liang Kaiwen was so shocked that his jaw was about to fall off, and he dared not say anything: "I'm going, so many women, none of them can be trusted!"

Qin Rongze glanced at him lightly, "Even if they are still waiting for you, what can you give them?"

Liang Kaiwen is a typical person who is hot outside and cold inside. When he was in city b, he fought fiercely with so many girls. When he returned to China, he never contacted them again.

Because he had a new goal immediately after returning home.

In fact, before Liang Kaiwen met Jiang Mingshu, there was no lack of women by his side.

Later, as the workload continued to increase, he stopped slightly.

After all, he didn't like these women, just to pass the time and get rid of loneliness.

Qin Rongze could see that Liang Kaiwen was different from Jiang Mingshu, but he was not sure whether Liang Kaiwen was fresh for a while, or he really regarded her as a lifelong companion.

As a boss, it is inconvenient for him to interfere in the private lives of employees. As a friend, he is a novice and has no standpoint against Liang Kaiwen.

"That's true." Liang Kaiwen looked at the roof of the cabin with infinite emotion, "I didn't expect them to be really waiting for me. It's just that my vanity is damaged. It's a man, you should understand."

However, it is a pity that Qin Rongze disagrees at all, and he sighs, "Vanity is not worth it, and face is never given by others. What's more, is it important to think about you?"

Indeed, who cares about the opinions of unimportant people?

Liang Kaiwen had a sudden sense of openness. He couldn't help but compare his thumbs to his chairman, "It's amazing, and the realm is really high, and most people can't reach it!"

The average person also includes him.

Liang Kaiwen had already reacted at this time. The chairman of the board was not an ordinary person at all. During his time at school, the only scandal target was adriana, and he was not moved at all, so that many people discussed his orientation in private.

If he hadn't followed the chairman every day, and had personally seen that the chairman was stupid when he encountered Lin Yao-related matters, he would have the same question.

Thinking of this, he smiled and asked: "By the way, Chairman, I have always wanted to ask you, what do you think of Lin Yao?"

He has been holding back this question for a long time, Lin Yao looks pretty good, but there are more beautiful girls than her.

Over the years, how many girls have admired the chairman?

Everyone, ladies, Xiaojiabiyu, athletes...In short, there are all kinds of beauties that can be imagined!

But why does the chairman have no feelings for other people, but Lin Yao alone?

Qin Rongze's face was dark, and he asked coolly, "Does this have anything to do with you?"

"It doesn't matter!"

Kevin Liang touched his nose and turned his head to sit down.

Qin Rongze couldn't help but fall into deep thought. As his understanding of Lin Yao gradually deepened, every time he understood a little bit, he was more pleasantly surprised.

Although their living environment and life experience are quite different, they have a lot in common.

For example, the unchanging style of dressing, and the attitude towards work and life, even the flowers I like are the same: tulips.

Even more curious is that even the reason for loving tulips is exactly the same: simple.

"I can't tell exactly where I like her. Maybe it's because I like her everywhere."

Liang Kaiwen was taken aback for a moment before he recollected, the chairman said Lin Yao!

After more than ten hours of flying, the plane successfully arrived at the airport in city b.

The time is around nine o'clock in the evening.

According to their plan, they should have gone directly to the hotel, where they exchanged identities with the two doubles.

However, the plan never kept up with the changes, and they saw acquaintances as soon as they left the airport.

The tall blond beauty had been waiting there long ago, and dozens of Lincolns parked behind her, and dozens of sturdy bodyguards dressed in black lined up.

Looking at that posture, it has been waiting for a long time.

And they, obviously, have thrown themselves into the net.

"Hi, adriana!" Kevin Liang took the lead in reacting, and he greeted him enthusiastically, "isgreatetyouhere!" (Hi, adriana, it's great to see you here!)

Adriana didn't even give him a straight eye. Her gaze stayed not far away, on the expressionless person, "roy, ihavesothgdiscswithyou" (Rong, I have something to tell you.)

Qin Rongze's face was gloomy, and he did not answer.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

"Hey, guys!" (Hi, guys!)

Liang Kaiwen was busy greeting the man in black behind adriana, but no one paid any attention.

As time passed bit by bit, the atmosphere became more tense.

Kevin Liang smiled, "youknohat, it’steandwe’vegotgonow" (That, it’s a bit late, we have to go.)

"Well, you can leave" Adriana has her arms around her chest. She looked at Qin Rongze and slowly said, "butiroiseyouthatyou\'llregretit!" (Okay, you can leave, but I promise you will regret it!)

Qin Rongze did not hesitate, and left in a stride.

Kevin Liang also hurriedly followed, and he even pushed away a man in black who was trying to get in the way.

There is no doubt that if the people in black try to stop them from leaving, they will definitely fight.

Qin Rongze dared to do this because he was sure that adriana would not really hurt him or Liang Kaiwen.

Liang Kaiwen was worried, but if the chairman dared to leave, he couldn't persuade him!

After a few minutes, they successfully got rid of the entanglement of the black man.

Adriana finally lost her patience, she gritted her teeth and said two words: "liyao"

The two who were about to go away suddenly stopped. Although adriana's Chinese pronunciation was a bit ridiculous, they could all hear that the person she was talking about was Lin Yao.

How does she know Lin Yao, what is she going to do?

"Youareassuredthaillnotanyillegalthgsthere, jtbecaeihavesothgdiscswithyou" (rest assured, we will not do illegal things to anyone, I am here, just hope to have a good talk with you.)

Qin Rongze had known for a long time that Adriana had nothing to do with the purpose of going to Hangzhou to Orlando, and also knew that someone in Orlando's management had been bought by her.

Of course, adriana is naming his fiancee.

In order not to get rid of the troubles Rongze did not deal with it in time. He did this to wait until the situation subsided before making plans to minimize the impact.

But he did not expect that Lin Yao's identity would be exposed because of his negligence.

Liang Kaiwen thought for a while and whispered: "Chairman, there is Lao Zhang over there..."

What he wants to say is that at this time, you must not be confused, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

Qin Rongze glared at him viciously, "Shut up!"

Kevin Liang shut up wittily.

Qin Rongze admits that he is impulsive and should not be angry with others, but as long as he encounters Lin Yao-related matters, he will become impulsive, irritable, and irrational. This is the same, but he must restrain himself. !

If something happened to Lin Yao because of him, he really didn't know where to find the medicine he regretted taking.

Qin Rongze said coldly: "asyouwish" (as you wish.)

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