Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 60: Inevitable

Li Renhai helped the "drunk" Chairman Qin back to the room. Not long after, Jian Wen returned from the bathroom and returned to the room with Lin Yao.

The two walked side by side.

Seeing that her face was not so good, Jian Wen asked: "Did you drink too much? I think you were blushing just now. How is it now? Is it better?"

Lin Yao was taken aback for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

She doesn't drink much, but she doesn't drink much.

There are many reasons why she feels uncomfortable: busy all day, tired, time has passed nine o'clock, sleepy, whiskey stamina, she is a bit on the top, but the main reason is not because she is too tired, Too sleepy, not because of the whiskey she drank, but because Chairman Qin used alcohol to pretend to be crazy and acted on her!

For a moment, she wanted to tell Jian Wen and tell her, but she just thought about it.

She knew very well that even if what she said was true, she couldn't guarantee what Jian Wen would think after hearing it.

It's not that she doesn't trust Jian Wen, but that this kind of thing is too unbelievable. If this is not her personal experience, I am afraid she would not even believe it.

If Jian Wen accidentally said it, what would others think and think of her?

What would you think if it were to reach Lin Yun?

Would she think she was trying to hook up her husband who was "unconsciously drunk"?

If it really happened, Lin Yao would definitely not be their opponent's opponent. Chairman Qin would never admit it, and he would definitely say that he drank too much. If he didn't remember such a thing, he might bite her back. Then she really jumped in. The Yellow River can't clean it anymore.

It can be seen that this kind of thing cannot be said.

Lin Yao stretched out her hand and touched her face. It was still a bit hot, and said: "I'll do this as soon as I drink, let's go back quickly."

"I wanted to go back a long time ago." Jian Wen frowned, very dissatisfied, "It's all to blame Li Renhai, it's not that he doesn't know how tired we are this day, so he actually asked us to drink with us."

Jian Wen's complaint is not completely unreasonable.

If there was no harmony between Li Renhai and Chairman Qin, it is estimated that the atmosphere would not be too harmonious, and they would have separated long ago.

If she hadn't come to the bar, presumably she would not have encountered such a bad thing.

Reason tells her that Li Renhai should not be blamed for this kind of thing, but Chairman Qin should be blamed, that scumbag, hypocrite...

"Yes." Lin Yao couldn't help saying: "I knew we shouldn't give him face."

The "he" in Lin Yao's mouth is naturally Chairman Qin.

Jian Wen agreed: "This is the first and last time! I will not accompany you for anything afterwards!"

This is exactly what Lin Yao thought in her heart, "Yes!"

"If he likes flattering, let him do it himself."


It seems that they did not expect to go anywhere.

After returning to the room, Jian Wen went to wash up first. Lin Yao stayed alone in the room in a daze, her heart messed up.

She didn't expect that Director Qin usually looks like a dog, and also wears the skin of top students from prestigious schools and executives of listed companies, and the wine is so bad!

Maybe, he is worse than wine.

Lin Yao was blocked by a few boys in Tianfeng's company, and was entangled by Liang Chen in the Yueyang Building, but she had never encountered X harassment in the true sense.

Chairman Qin is different. Although he is separated by a thin spring outfit, he is still hands-on.

Neither she nor Qin Rongze has reached this point yet!

Thinking that she was actually a married man, Lin Yao just wanted to vomit...

"Click" Jian Wen finished washing and walked out.

"It's very late. Go and wash up quickly." She took the mask to her face and said, "I put the mask here, and you remember to apply it later, otherwise tomorrow you will look bad and lack energy. ."

Lin Yao stood on the spot with a look of embarrassment, her ears were a little red. She came to Shanghai with only a few changes of clothes.

Jian Wen is different. She brought several changes of clothes, as well as shoes, bags, and accessories to match the clothes.

I also brought a lot of toiletries, such as shampoo, conditioner, facial cleanser, toner, essence, day cream, night cream, sunscreen, hand cream, whitening mask, moisturizing mask... everything is available.

It turns out that Jian Wen's skin is so good for a reason, and whenever she sees her, she always looks radiant. Such a girl can easily arouse the favor of others.

In comparison, Lin Yao is a rough man, and she is not sleek enough to behave in the world. No wonder there are many people who have opinions on her.

Lin Yao understands that like her, she only knows that she can't achieve great results by just working hard. She has to change herself in time, such as learning from Jian Wen to take care of her own image, or learning from Li Renhai to behave in the world.

That night, Lin Yao dreamed again.

She found herself lost in the boundless jungle, Jian Wen and Li Renhai had disappeared, and she was the only one left.

"Jian Wen, Li Renhai, where are you?"

Only Xiao Xiao's wind responded to her.

Lin Yao felt that she could not wait indefinitely in place, and was about to go back. At this moment, something happened suddenly!

The trees around her suddenly moved, and the uneven roots, like the feet of an octopus, came out of the ground!

One tree, two trees, three trees... It seems that all the trees are refined!

What was even more frightening was that these trees came towards her at the same time!

That's right, it's really to go!

Lin Yao has an instinct, if she is caught by these trees, she will only have a dead end!

Lin Yao in the dream was so frightened that she did not dare to stay and ran at the fastest speed.

She ran so fast that the wind was rushing towards her face.

She thought it was weird, when did she move so fast?

So fast, it should be possible to get rid of the trees that can go, right?

When she turned her head, she found that the strange trees that had become spirits were closer to her, and their branches and roots were about to wrap her up.

Lin Yao was terrified again, and what made her even more scared was that there were more tree monsters chasing behind her. Looking at it, there were a large number of dense trees, as if the trees in the entire jungle had become ghosts, right now. Behind.

The worst thing is that she has run to the edge of the cliff, one step forward is the cliff, and countless tree spirits behind!

How to do?

Lin Yao felt that her feet were empty and she fell off the cliff!


Lin Yao woke up with a cry.

Jian Wen, who was still in her sleep, muttered dissatisfiedly, "What's the matter?"

It turned out to be a dream!

Fortunately, it is a dream!

Lin Yao stroked her chest and said with lingering fear: "I have a nightmare."

Jian Wen asked in a daze, "What dream?"

"Dreaming about a monster chasing me."

Jian Wen laughed out loud, "It's still early, let's go to bed later."

Lin Yao gave an "um", but she didn't feel a little sleepy. Only she knew why she had such a dream.

At the bar last night, Chairman Qin's eyes were as if locked on the prey that was inevitable, and her presumptuous eyes frightened her!

She couldn't forget the look in Chairman Qin's eyes, nor could she convince herself that it was a misunderstanding.


Lin Yao didn't understand why Chairman Qin would stare at herself.

In the past, it might be because she was the only single dog in the company.

Now it's different, she has a boyfriend.

Ling Yun now has more than a dozen young girls with very different styles. Shen Jingjing’s looks, figure, and height are all above her. In terms of temperament, she can’t compare with Jian Wen.

Why did Chairman Qin stare at her?

Is there any untimely behavior in her that makes people misunderstand that she is more frivolous?

Or is it because she looks the best to bully?

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that Qin Yi just borrowed wine to pretend to be crazy yesterday, and find someone to start casually.

Or is he just testing himself, if he doesn't give him a chance, he should be all right?

After all, Chairman Qin has no shortage of women, and his wife is such a beautiful woman.


The exhibition is still going on. In the next three days, Lingyun Industry is still the hottest in the entire Zhejiang group, and Lin Yao has gradually discovered this.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand.

There are fewer girls in the machinery industry, and beautiful women are even rarer.

If people with normal thinking also hire male salespersons, not female salespersons.

Lin Yun is different. She originally ran a restaurant, and she was a face-controller, so she hired pretty girls.

Customers walked around the machine hall, and when they found Lin Yao and Jian Wen with super high looks and different styles among all the men or women, they couldn’t help but look at them more, and then couldn’t help. Sit down and chat with them, and exchange business cards by the way.

There is a big difference between crooked nuts and the aesthetics of Chinese people.

Lin Yao is a standard cute girl. Jian Wen is ordinary and beautiful in the eyes of Chinese people. In the eyes of Hua Guoren, she is a proper goddess. She can't help but want to worship and lick that level. goddess.

When You Wai Guoren saw Jian Wen, she was stunned by her beauty, some directly admired her, and some only dared to look from a distance and didn't dare to talk to her.

Lin Yao and Li Renhai were aware of it, but Jian Wen was still calm. She didn't seem to be aware of it, and she might not care what others thought of her appearance.

She is a girl who lives in her own world.

Chairman Qin spends most of his time communicating outside, only occasionally staying at the booth, regardless of new customers and old customers unconsciously ignore him, so that his "talent" has no chance to display.

Chairman Qin felt boring and went for coffee with a few familiar friends.

Except for Lin Yao's Tai Chi country customer who did not show up, Lingyun Industrial's four-day exhibition ended successfully.

As Qin Shi Chang had expected, this time Lingyun Industry gained a lot and gained popularity in the entire Zhejiang group.

On the afternoon of the fifth day of the exhibition, near the closing time, Li Renhai began to pack samples, and Lin Yao and Jian Wen helped him.

Chairman Qin disappeared from the booth again.

This gave Lin Yao another layer of understanding of the "Chairman Qin".

For the exhibition in the machinery industry, large and small samples are indispensable. At this time, it is said that they have two men and a girl to help pack them.

Even if Lin Yun is present, it is impossible to completely stand by, but Chairman Qin can completely ignore it.

Lin Yao began to rejoice that Lingyun Industrial was under the leadership of Lin Yun, not Chairman Qin. Fortunately, Chairman Qin had his own business, which was hardly under the leadership of Lingyun Industrial.

Otherwise, she might not be able to stay in Lingyun any longer.


The Shanghai Exhibition is the first time that Lingyun Industry has participated in the exhibition. Through this exhibition, the three of them have received nearly a thousand business cards from customers and several intention orders.

After returning to Hangzhou, the first thing is to allocate the customer resources collected at the exhibition to the 16 business people in the company.

The bulk of these customer resources is in Jian Wen, and the other fifteen business personnel are all allocated a part.

From this day on, faxes and telephones in the company kept ringing all day long.

After participating in the Shanghai Exhibition, Lingyun Industry finally looked like a normal company.

Although Lin Yao is not a salesperson, when assigning customer business cards, she and the company's salespersons have assigned a lot of customer information, but these customers are very concentrated and all come from Southeast Asia.

The reason is that the markets of several countries in Southeast Asia are given to Mr. Wen. Lingyun cannot disrupt Mr. Wen's market development and should not sell products to other customers in the same market.

But the Southeast Asian market is so big, and Mr. Wen is not young...

Hey, it's really hard to handle.

No wonder Lin Yun is so refreshing when giving resources to clients.

It is estimated that apart from giving it to Lin Yao, she has no better way to deal with it.

It is worth mentioning that she will continue to be responsible for her next intentional orders during the exhibition.

In general, she did not get nothing. After all, there were more than a dozen customers who signed intention orders with her on the spot in Shanghai, and most of them were trial orders within 10,000 meters.

But there is a U.S. customer who directly sold a large order with an annual purchase volume of 5 million to see if she can catch this big fish.

After participating in the Shanghai Exhibition, Lin Yao was as busy as the business staff in the company.

For Lin Yao, cooperating with American customers is a mixed blessing.

Lin Yao's schedule is very regular, but it is inevitable that when working with US customers, it is inevitable to reverse day and night.

But that is a purchase order of 5 million yuan a year. How much is the conversion commission?

However, no one talked about the commission.

Lin Yao didn't mention it because she felt that Lin Yun should know it.

Lin Yun didn’t mention it because Lin Yao’s orders were shipped nearly ten million each month. If a 10% profit commission is used, that would be an astonishing figure, even if it’s 0.2% of the shipment amount. Not a small commission.

The more orders Lin Yao received, the more she struggled.

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