Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 64: Farce after drinking

After Lin Yao sang, even if everyone in Ling Yun had completed the task, they sat in twos and threes, chatting quietly, and no one went to order or sing.

There were more than twenty people sitting in the private room, but the atmosphere seemed a bit deserted.

Lin Yun looked at him and shook her head, she winked at Li Renhai.

Li Renhai had no choice but to bite the bullet and got up and took the microphone from Lin Yao.

He didn't order a song, but smiled and said, "Everyone present, including Mr. Lin and me, have already shown their singing voice, but there is no one. What do you think should be done?"

Everyone asked very cooperatively, "Who is it?", "Who is it?"...

"Clang clang clang..." Li Renhai sold a lot before saying "Of course it is our Chairman Qin. Next, we will ask Chairman Qin to sing for us, how about it?"

"Come on! Come on! Come on..."

Everyone responded, the atmosphere was very warm, Lin Yun smiled from ear to ear.

Shen Jingjing stood up boldly and said loudly, "Chairman Qin, sing an English song for us!"

Chairman Qin slowly got up amidst the calls of everyone.

A blue-gray suit was soft and elegant. On the snow-white tip of his neck, two elegant jade-colored buttons reflected a gentle luster. The same gentle as jade also had his handsome and elegant face.

Chairman Qin smiled faintly at everyone, and his tone was irritating, "You people, you just want to play, you have to get me, and don't let me and Mr. Li have a good drink for a while?"

Everyone remembered that the purpose of their coming to the club was not for self-entertainment, but to accompany Mr. Li. Now they are doing this, clearly putting the cart before the horse.

Shen Jingjing stuck out his tongue, and quickly sat down, and everyone else was quietly silenced.

The private room was cold again.

"Chairman Qin, you drink for the customers, and we sing for the customers!" Li Renhai laughed and played round, "And you are the finale, don't you tell me?"

The crowd followed up.

"Yes! How can you be missing in this time?"

"Chairman Qin sing a song for the customer!"

"O! Here comes an English song!"

Director Qin shook his head amused and embarrassedly, and reluctantly said, "That's it, just one song."

Li Renhai successfully handed the microphone to Chairman Qin, and he couldn't help but blinked at Lin Yao, not to mention how he felt.

Not long after, melodious music sounded.

Chairman Qin ordered a very old English song, a very affectionate and very difficult old song "nothg’snnachanloveforyou", which is the theme song of the classic romance film "Land Bridges".

Choosing love songs when singing K is something many people will do, but there are not many people who can really sing love songs, especially this kind of classic English love songs.

Everyone is mentally prepared, no matter how Chairman Qin breaks the sound or tunes out, he will applaud and applaud loudly...

Unexpectedly, when Chairman Qin opened his voice, the audience was shocked!








Chairman Qin has a lovely baritone, his voice range is wide, and his voice has a sense of vicissitudes, which perfectly interprets this old love song.

What’s more rare is that Chairman Qin’s pronunciation in English is very authentic, and when he sings English songs, his pronunciation is more authentic, without the slightest Chinese accent.

It is no exaggeration to say that he sang this song better than estlife.

Among all the people present, only Lin Yun's singing skills were comparable to him.

Lin Yao understood why he could make Lin Yun obsessed with him and abandon everything for him.

At this time, Lin Yun had already turned into a little fan again. When she looked at the former chairman, she seemed to be able to show love in her eyes.

It seems that they have reconciled as before. Does this mean she is safe?

hope so……

Lin Yao silently retracted her gaze. It was almost eleven o'clock at this moment. When she was more concerned about going home?

Chairman Qin sang only one song, then returned the microphone to the stupid Li Renhai to the enthusiastic applause of the crowd, and then passed him back to his seat.

When Li Renhai reacted, Chairman Qin was already sitting next to Mr. Li, and he had to stop the idea of ​​urging Chairman Qin to have another song.

"Chairman Qin's love song is really this!" Li Renhai gave a thumbs up, "It seems that I have to resort to a trick!"

Next, he took a lot of effort to drag Xiao Shen out of the crowd, and then clicked on the hottest love song of male and female duet.

"Xiao Shen, let's sing together! It's up to you to sing to win Chairman Qin!"

At this point, Xiao Shen didn't bother, and sang a duet with Li Renhai openly.

Xiao Shen sang just like Li Renhai. Fortunately, the difficulty of this song was not high. In addition, Li Renhai was especially good at making the atmosphere, but he also kept applauding.

Lin Yao had already been fighting with her eyelids. She looked at her not far away. Mr. Li and Chairman Qin were talking and making gestures, and they seemed to have a lively chat.

Depending on the situation, she will not be able to stop for a while, which means that she can't go temporarily.

At first glance, this Mr. Li is a long-time fitness person. He is very energetic. He looks a few years younger than Chairman Qin.

Mr. Li's appearance is very handsome and handsome, like the male second or villain in the idol drama, and he doesn't have a good temper at first glance.

Mr. Li smiled and compared his thumbs to Chairman Qin, and then raised the wine glass in his hand again.

Mr. Li and Chairman Qin can really say that there are less than a thousand cups of wine when they meet their friends. They drink one cup after another, bottle after bottle, and keep drinking until the wee hours, but they still don't mean to stop.

Lin Yun couldn't stand it at first, and found an excuse to leave first, and the other salesmen also left one after another.

Lin Yao wanted to leave more than them, but she couldn't. The reason was that Lin Yun deliberately confessed that she was with Jian Wen and Li Renhai to accompany Mr. Li.

Lin Yun had a good intention, and the client was so excited that they couldn't forcefully call to stop.

Chairman Qin must accompany him to the end, and Jian Wen must accompany him.

It is not safe for Jian Wen to let a girl stay here to drink with two big men, so Lin Yao and Li Renhai stay together.

In this way, Jian Wen is safe, but...

Lin Yao is almost like a dumb eating coptis. He can't tell if there is suffering, and can't say it.

Li Renhai is also the first two big people, and nothing else, just a drunk Chairman Qin is enough to make him a headache, and then there is a Mr. Li who is more burly than Chairman Qin. If he is drunk, he How can it be moved?

At one o'clock in the morning, Chairman Qin and Mr. Li finally drank almost, Li Renhai hurried to pay the bill.

So only Lin Yao, Mr. Li, Chairman Qin and Jian Wen remained in the private room.

Jian Wen stood by Chairman Qin, and Lin Yao naturally stood on the side farthest from Chairman Qin, that is, Mr. Li.

Mr. Li looked at her slantingly, then pointed to Lin Yao drunkly, and said to Chairman Qin "she, ith"

Lin Yao was sleepy, when she heard such a sentence suddenly, she was completely drowsy.

Could it be that Mr. Li mistakenly thought that she and Jian Wen were staying with him?

No, Mr. Li seems to only think what she is... (river crab)!

She and Mr. Li have met twice, and have not spoken at all, and have not even had an ambiguous look in their eyes. Why do they think of her as something...(river crab)?

Could it be that there is something wrong with her dress, which is prone to misunderstanding?

But even if her navy blue dress is not the most conservative in the company, it can be considered a very regular and low-key one.

Lin Yao's heart was messed up, she explained to Mr. Li simply "iorkforargdtry"

She took the initiative to show her identity, should the misunderstanding be resolved, right?

"Sure, ikno!" Mr. Li chuckled, her surprised expression pleased him to some extent, "ithtonight!"

What the hell!

Lin Yao is not a child, she certainly would not think that Mr. Li took her away in the early morning to send her home on the way.

However, she has already identified herself, why is she still doing this?

Lin Yao gritted her teeth and flatly refused, "rry! Ican’ithyou!" (Sorry! I can't go with you!)

Mr. Li didn't seem to expect that she would refuse, and the expression on his face became colder, "hy?"

His voice was very calm, it didn't look like he was drinking too much, but he actually asked why?

She should ask him why, right?

Lin Yaowo thought fiercely. She told herself that this Mr. Li is a client and a big client, don't offend him!

There is it!

Lin Yao had an idea, and pointed to the big ring on his left ring finger, "becaeyouarearried"

Of course, even if he is unmarried, Lin Yao would not be able to go with him, but her self-taught English is limited, and she has never been involved in this aspect. She is worried that she will say something wrong, so she can only choose simple ones as much as possible.

When Mr. Li heard her saying this, his face suddenly changed and he looked very dangerous.

Lin Yao didn't know why he remembered how Chairman Qin punched and kicked Lin Yun a few months ago.

Mr. Li is about the same height as Chairman Qin, between 181,183 centimeters, but Chairman Qin is slightly blessed, and Mr. Li’s suit cannot cover his tangled muscles.

Such people are particularly scary when they are angry.

Lin Yao was stunned for a moment. She didn't know what she should do, so she asked Chairman Qin for help?

Chairman Qin's black eyes were half drooping, and his posture remained motionless from beginning to end.

He didn't speak, he probably hoped that he would really go with Mr Li.

Lin Yao's body was cold as if being poured by ice water on a severely cold day!

Almost at the same time, Mr. Li furiously pulled the wedding ring off his ring finger, slammed it vigorously, and then looked at her with a cold voice and asked "isthatenough?" (Is that all right?)

Lin Yao didn’t understand. Mr. Li had met her twice in total and had barely spoken. I was afraid that no one knew her surname or first name. It was impossible to say that Mr. Li liked her. At most, she thought she did. It's pretty pleasing to the eye, and it's just temporary.

So he can throw the wedding ring?

In the eyes of these men, what is marriage?

Is it worthless and disposable?

She looked down upon such a man in her heart!

It's not that she despises each other, even if he looks like Kong Wu powerful?

There are many security guards in the clubhouse, can he still forcibly kidnap people?

Besides, Ling Yun has four people, he only has one, two fists are hard to beat four hands, what reason is there to be afraid of him?

Lin Yao is calm and sure, "no" (no.)

The heavy and angry footsteps of the man approached, Lin Yao raised her head and met his cold gaze.

Her answer is still "no!" (No!)

When Li Renhai came back after buying the bill, he saw this scene. Somehow, Mr. Li approached Lin Yao like a ferocious, but Lin Yao still said "no!"

No one thought that under her meek appearance, there was a rare stubbornness and rebellion!

Li Renhai pushed his glasses, and inadvertently glanced at Chairman Qin's mouth with a faint smile. At this time, he could still laugh?

Li Renhai leaned over silently, picked up the ring that was lost by Mr. Li, and returned it to Mr. Li.

Mr. Li refused, and Li Renhai had to stuff the ring into his suit pocket. This time he did not insist.

Mr. Li turned his head and left, walking steadily, without seeing the slightest drunkenness.

Think about it, too, people who dare to come to China from Taiji country alone would not get mixed up if they simply drank and lay down.

After coming out of the club, Chairman Qin sent Mr. Li to the hotel, and Li Renhai sent Lin Yao and Jian Wen home.

When he got into the taxi, Li Renhai said angrily, "It's such a thing because we take it so seriously and receive him with the highest standards! I almost couldn't help but want to hit him just now, and I don't know what Qin Yi thinks. , I didn't even put a fart!"

After the farce happened just now, Chairman Qin still greeted him with a smile, and he did not see any signs of anger. Of course, Li Renhai was the same.

Jian Wen glanced at him lightly and said, "Okay, you don't want to be an afterthought. It's almost two o'clock in the morning at the moment. Hurry home and wash and sleep. Come to the company early tomorrow."

"" Li Renhai curled his lips, "Don't believe it! I really wanted to do it just now, but look at his body, his arms are thicker than my legs!"

Although a bit exaggerated, it is also true that Mr. Li is big.

If you really want to do it, Li Renhai is definitely not his opponent, and that is Lingyun's client, a foreign guest...

"You don't need to do it." Lin Yao said, "However, today, we may have to work in vain."

And this was Jian Wen’s concern, she sighed, "Who said no?"

Mr. Li is Jian Wen’s customer and the biggest intended customer so far. If we can talk about it, it would be no problem to purchase one million meters a year. Now it depends on the situation.

It must be false to say that she is not disappointed...

Lin Yao patted her I'm sorry, I really didn't expect such a thing to happen. "

Jian Wen chuckled softly, "Don't blame you, can I become my client and let you do that kind of thing?"

They all want to make every effort to do their customers, except for this kind of thing!

The principle is to hold on to the bottom line, but tomorrow, the three of them are afraid to meet the anger of the two leaders.

"Pop!" Li Renhai patted his own leg heavily, "If they blame us for this kind of thing, I will, I will, I will not do it!" After saying this, he exhaled heavily. Muddy gas.

Don't do it?

Every month, orders shipped from Lin Yao amount to tens of millions. Even if they are all commissioned at 02, by the end of the year, there will be hundreds of thousands of commissions, right?

Jian Wen also talked about placing a few orders one after another. Her commission rate is high. If nothing else, it will have hundreds of thousands by the end of the year.

If you don't do it for this, isn't it a waste of all your previous efforts?

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