Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 70: Tigers don't make cats

When Liang Kaiwen received the call, he was playing in the clubhouse with a group of friends and friends.


   The private room they were in was ordered by Liang Kaiwen's former follower, Wang Qiang. It is quite large and the facilities in the private room are quite complete.


   There are sofas around the circle, you can sing, and there is a very spacious place in the middle for everyone to dance and have fun, and there is also a mahjong table on the side.


   Kevin Liang was having a good time. The feeling he felt when he saw Qin Rongze's phone call was almost the same as when he saw a reminder!


   By the way, this reminder, uh no, this call, he won’t be able to answer it.


  Perhaps because of the professional habit he has cultivated over the years, when Liang Kaiwen answered the phone, his face was automatically filled with a pleasing smile, "Hello? Chairman, have you returned to Hangzhou?"


   Qin Rongze felt that the voice from Liang Kaiwen was very noisy when he got on the phone. Needless to say, Liang Kaiwen must still be in Xiamen. He asked indifferently, "Did you have fun?"


   Kevin Liang's face changed, he hurriedly signaled to the others to be quiet, and then smiled happily, "How can I do it tomorrow, no, I plan to go back to Hangzhou tonight!"


   Qin Rongze was noncommittal, "Oh?"


  The purpose of Kevin Liang said this is to test whether the chairman is important. If not, he is going to play for a few more days. After all, tomorrow is the weekend.


   Ordinarily, the chairman will let him go back after the weekend, considering the company's image.


He continued to confess: "Although it is the weekend and my friends are trying their best to stay, work is important! Chairman, you don’t know that I am the most ambitious person. No matter what, I always put my work first. Bit bb."


"That's good."


   Kevin Liang was really just talking about it. I didn't expect that the chairman really wanted him to rush back overnight, which was a bit of a headache for a while.


   After hanging up, he looked around, his expression suddenly a little embarrassed.


   There were a lot of people in the private room, seventeen or eight, all of them dropped their jaws.


   What kind of person does Kevin Liang look like in everyone's eyes?


   I want to say that before he went to the United States, he was definitely a well-known figure in the sample school.


  Who ever thought that he is so embarrassed in front of the chairman now, such doglegs are simply shocking.


   What is even more shocking is that what he said "friends are trying hard to stay" does not exist at all.


   Kevin Liang recovered into a cynical look as fast as he could. He glanced at Wang Qiang and curled his mouth, "You guys are not playing anymore, are you? If you don't play, you will be gone."


   Whether to play or not, is it not just a matter of yours?


   Wang Qiang and others looked at each other, but they remembered what they had just heard on the phone.


   Everyone hesitated a little, this Young Master Liang dare to wait to see their performance?


Wang Qiang is very acquainted and greets quickly, "Come on, why are everyone standing stupid? Sit down, sit down! Zhang Mao and Li Qing, let's continue playing cards with Brother Liang, Ye Ye sings very well, and then sing! "


   Everyone also gave a lot of face, "Continue to play, continue to play!"


   The expressions on their faces were a little hard to describe, they looked like they were being put on their necks with a knife.


   In fact, when Liang Kaiwen was in Xiamen, which day is not a drunken fan and a drunkard?


   Although they are not like him, they have hundreds of millions of fortunes waiting to be inherited, and they are not successful people, but they all have serious jobs. In order to accompany this young Liang, they have delayed a lot of business.


   Young Master Liang said that they would go back to Hangzhou, and they were too happy to be happy. However, Young Master Liang's remark was obviously ironic.


   So next, should they "try to stay"?


   Kevin Liang suddenly became a little distracted, "You guys have fun, I have to go."


   A few girls immediately surrounded him and said in a rush: "Young Master Liang, how can you leave like this when you came?"


   Kevin Liang frowned and said, "The chairman told me to go back quickly. I can’t do it if I don’t. Let’s play."


   Kevin Liang said so, but his people sat back at the table again.


  Wang Qiang and Li Qing have played with him since childhood, how can he not understand his true thoughts when he sees his style?


   If at first they thought Kevin Liang really wanted to go back to Hangzhou, then he later sat back at the poker table again, which means that he didn't want to leave at all!


   Kevin Liang does not want to leave, he is tangled in his heart.


   The day after tomorrow is the weekend, and it’s a weekend in Orlando. There is nothing to do in the company.


   The chairman is in the imperial capital, so he can go back at this time with only one purpose: Lin Yao, or to protect Lin Yao!


   Before he left, the chairman asked him to arrange for Lin Yao and her family and friends to protect Lin Yao and her family and friends. The key is to protect them secretly, so that people can't be noticed. Isn't this a problem for him?


   Besides, Lin Yao is not Jiang Mingshu, so why should he protect him?


Eh? Lin Yao's friends include Jiang Mingshu, right?


   Does the chairman mean that Lin Yao’s family and friends are in danger, including Jiang Mingshu?


   His Mingshu will be in danger?


   Hold the grass!


   Kevin Liang suddenly felt like sitting on pins and needles. Now he really couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to leave immediately.


   Wang Qiang hugged him quickly, his tone was almost numb, "Brother Liang, my brother, don't go, you must not go! Our group of people are here for you, how can we play after you leave?"


   Everyone came to accompany him, now the protagonist is leaving, what else are the others staying here for?


   Does this Young Master Liang mean that everyone’s "retaining" is not "struggling" enough?


   Kevin Liang heard Wang Qiang’s words, and the goose bumps on his body were all up. He raised his eyebrows, "Oh, I said you didn’t come here to play with me. I’m leaving or not. Are you still playing?"


"How can it be the same?" Wang Qiang laughed terribly. "Brother Liang, we are all big bosses. As soon as you leave, we are as if we don't have the backbone. We don't know what to do. You say yes. Isn't it?"


   "It's all right!" Liang Kaiwen interrupted him quickly, "I admit that you are a big man, okay, I have to go!"


   Wang Qiang's expression is a bit complicated. Could it be that they are not sincere enough in their retention?


Wang Qiang, Zhang Mao, and Li Qing exchanged glances, and then they hugged him. One was hugging his waist, the other two were hugging a leg in front. The others were unwilling to lag behind, and yelled, "Oh, Brother Liang , What shall we do if you leave?"


   Why is it that the more you hear this, the less it tastes?


   Kevin Liang’s eyelids twitched, "Stop yelling, it makes my brain hurt. I have something to do!"


What he didn't expect was that the more he said this, the louder others shouted, "Brother Liang, you can't go!", "Young Master Liang, sing a song with me.", "Brother Liang, let's continue playing How about the cards?"


   Kevin Liang was completely angry at this moment, "Shut up! Shut up for Laozi!"


   Kevin Liang slapped away the iron arms around his waist with satisfaction, shook his legs again, and got rid of the shackles of others. To be honest, he has never been hugged by a man like this when he grows up. No, he can't go back to Hangzhou like this.


   He has to go home and take a shower before setting off.


  Wang Qiang and Li Qing, you look at me, I look at you, I feel a little bit unsure for a while.


   Wang Qiang scratched his head and asked tentatively, "Brother Liang really wants to go back to Hangzhou?"


   Kevin Liang pushed aside, and a flash of disgust flashed in his eyes, "Tigers don’t have cats, what do you think I’m sick? The tigers don’t get sick, when I’m wrong! Tigers, old cats, wrong!"


   Kevin Liang has been drinking foreign ink abroad for a few years, and he speaks very slippery English. Sometimes this Chinese gets stuck. He can't even think about what the tiger did to the cat.


   The room is quiet, and the atmosphere is a bit weird!


   In the next second, Wang Qiang, Li Qing and others surrounded him again, "Brother Liang, it's already midnight, so it's better to play again. It's too late to go back to Hangzhou tomorrow."


   "Yes, Shao Liang, tomorrow is the weekend, and it doesn't matter whether tonight or later."


   These words can be regarded as Liang Kaiwen's heart, but unfortunately, he still can't stay.




   The night is getting darker, Lin Yao is quietly nesting in the room reading a book, and people are coming and going outside her room.


   After Li Shulan was hospitalized, her parents and in-laws came to Hangzhou from their hometown on a special trip, taking turns to the hospital to take care of the three of them.


   Yes, Li Shulan gave birth to twin daughters, but both babies were born prematurely, and they must be kept in an incubator for one or two months.


   The expenses need not be mentioned. It is said that the conservative estimate would cost hundreds of thousands. Now the old people on both sides are frowning. The conditions of the two children are not good. Even if the doctors try their best to rescue them, the results cannot be guaranteed.


   Fortunately, the attitude of Li Shulan's family is very clear. No matter how much money is spent, they must save the child!


   Fortunately, Li Shulan’s husband has worked in Hangzhou for many years and has some savings, but their original plan to go home and build a big house will be postponed.


   After their relatives and friends in their hometown heard the news, they also came to Hangzhou one after another to give them money.


   It can be imagined that the 30 room is crowded with people every day.


   Lin Yao couldn't speak the language with them and couldn't help much, so she simply stayed in the small room and concentrated on the book.


   With the changes of the times, China's higher education has also made considerable progress. Both the number of universities and the scale of universities have reached a new level.


  In comparison, there are more opportunities to enter university now than before, but with that comes the increase in the number of university students, the fiercer employment competition, and the severe employment situation for university students.


   In order to have a better starting point for employment and development direction, many people began to choose postgraduate entrance examinations.


   Lin Yao never thought that she would join the postgraduate entrance examination army under such circumstances.


  The scores for postgraduate entrance examinations are not very high every year. For example, 985 universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University can pass the postgraduate entrance examination for some majors with only more than 300 points, but not many people pass the entrance examination. Why is that?


   Lin Yao checked the relevant information and found that there were many reasons.


  The first postgraduate entrance examination has the dual restrictions of national line and single subject line.


  The postgraduate entrance examination is usually called the "second college entrance examination", but the difference between the postgraduate entrance examination and the college entrance examination is very big. The college entrance examination mainly depends on the total score. As long as it can meet the requirements of the school, there is hope for college.


  The postgraduate entrance examination is much more complicated than the college entrance examination. It implements the principle of double-crossing the national line and the single-subject line. If you don't exceed it, you will not be admitted.


  Secondly, the postgraduate entrance examination must pass the initial and re-examination.


  The postgraduate entrance examination is divided into two parts, namely the initial test and the retest.


  The initial exam for the postgraduate entrance examination is generally set in late January. Only students who pass the initial exam can participate in the re-examination organized by the school in the coming year.


  The initial test is equivalent to a "written test", which focuses more on the mastery of basic knowledge and basic theories, while the second test is an assessment of the candidates' language expression ability and practical operation ability.


   In order to successfully pass the postgraduate exam and enter the ideal school for postgraduate study, you must pass the initial postgraduate exam and the second postgraduate exam. Any error in any link will lead to failure of the postgraduate entrance examination, so the success rate is very low.


   Furthermore, there are a large number of postgraduate entrance examinations, but the number of admissions at the school is very small.


  The number of postgraduate entrance examinations has increased, but the number of college admissions has not changed much, resulting in fierce competition for postgraduate entrance examinations.


  In other words, the postgraduate entrance examination can pass the line with a nominal score of more than 300 points, but very few people pass the entrance examination.


   And the higher the target colleges you choose, the more difficult it will be for the postgraduate entrance examination. There are many candidates for "World War II" and "War Three", and the competition is not unremarkable.


   Lin Yao, a college graduate with mediocre grades and mediocre performances, although he meets the requirements for applying for the examination, is only the bottom of the millions of postgraduate entrance examinations, and he is destined to become the cannon fodder.


   From this point of view, working behind closed doors probably won't work. Lin Yao plans to report to the class three months before the exam to sprint.


   Before that, she still needs to do a lot of preparatory work, such as a notice to supplement the basic knowledge of each subject, eliminate weak links, improve English proficiency, and strive for a pass at the end of January. Of course, this possibility is still very low.


   Before passing the first exam, Lin Yao didn't intend to disclose her plan for postgraduate entrance examination to anyone!


   Just as Lin Yao was racking his brains on a certain historical question, he suddenly received a call from Jiang Mingshu.


   Lin Yao couldn't help being surprised. Jiang Mingshu rarely called her at this late. Is there anything important?


   "Hello?" Jiang Mingshu's voice is still whispering, indicating that she is in a good mood at the moment, "have you slept?"


   Lin Yao couldn't help but feel amused, "I slept, but I was woken up by you, let's talk, how do you plan to pay?"


   Jiang Mingshu laughed, "Huh? Have you grown up, have you learned to blame others?"


   Lin Yao teased: "That's all the credit of the beautiful lady Jiang!"


   Jiang Mingshu laughed triumphantly, "That is!"


   Lin Yao returned to the topic, "Let’s talk, what can I do if you are looking for me so late?"


   "Well." Jiang Mingshu squeezed, "Tomorrow, there is a dinner, let's do it together?"


   Lin Yao certainly didn’t plan to go to any dinner, but she didn’t know how to speak, so she hesitated for a while and asked, "What dinner?"


   Jiang Mingshu chuckled out, "What do you care about the dinner? You just have to follow me to eat and eat, how about? Go or not?"


   It turned out that in the eyes of Jiang Mingshu, she is still the little girl who loves to eat.


   Lin Yao glanced at the stack of past papers in front of him, “I’m busy these days, I’m not going anymore. You can’t eat fat anyway, just eat my share.”


   Jiang Mingshu said displeased: "You are boring, next time there will be such a good thing, I will not take you."


   Lin Yao sighed, "I have something to do and can't go. If it is not convenient for you to go alone, please find a'roommate' with you."


   "Roommate?" Jiang Mingshu reacted to something suddenly, and a sound like firecrackers came, "Are you sick? How could I take him to participate in that kind of dinner? Besides, he is not in Hangzhou at all!"


   Oh, UU reading By the way, Kevin Liang is not in Hangzhou either.


"I'll just mention it casually. Besides, you are more than a roommate. You can chat with your roommate's brother?" Lin Yao thought is that Jiang Mingshu's apartment is a three-bedroom apartment. There can't be only her and Liang Kaiwen. , "You have such a big reaction, are you a little bit overwhelmed?"


   Jiang Mingshu has a guilty conscience, "I don't know what you are talking about, hey, I shouldn't call you this phone!"


   Lin Yao smiled and hung up the phone. Then, she gradually reduced the smile on her face and her expression became lost.


   Liang Kaiwen and Qin Rongze went to the United States together, Liang Kaiwen’s failure to return means that Qin Rongze did not return either.


   She gathered her thoughts and tried to continue to do the problem, but she couldn't help but calm down to study.


   That's all, there are still two months left before their agreement, and no matter what the result is, she won't have to worry about it anymore.

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