Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 73: 1 person's journey

The faint morning light shone through the window into the room, and Lin Yao rubbed her sleepy eyes and got up.


   The new week has begun again.


   When she passed Building 3, she sighed imperceptibly.


   It was early May in a blink of an eye, and it had been three months since Qin Rongze left, and she had no news of Qin Rongze for three months.


   On Saturday night, she met Liang Kaiwen in the rouge, and she tried her best to get a few words.


   What Kevin Liang said to her seemed half-truth, and there was not much information actually useful.


   However, one thing is clear, Qin Rongze has already returned to Hangzhou, and now he has gone to other places.


   Maybe because of the rush, Qin Rongze didn't even have time to contact her.


   Lin Yaohun returned to Chaoyang Community without guarding her home. After that, she was in a trance and confused.


   Lin Yao doesn't know how other people fall in love, but she can be sure that it is definitely not like she and Qin Rongze, who have not seen each other for a few months, and there is no news of each other.


   Does this really count as falling in love?


  Is this kind of love affair that died before it really started?


   When a woman falls in love, she becomes humble, like Lin Yun did.


   When a woman is captured by love, she will automatically reveal the softest and most vulnerable side in her heart, such as Jiang Mingshu.


   But love is not omnipotent. Many times, a lot of people love it, and the result is nothing, such as her.


   Lin Yao shook her head in annoyance, forcing herself to calm down and stop worrying about gains and losses.


   In fact, thinking about it the other way around, it’s not a big deal. If you don’t fall in love, you don’t have to go to work? Isn't she her if she doesn't fall in love?


   Isn't her life going the same way if she talks about falling in love?


  Happiness or unhappiness always depends on oneself and not others!


   In that case, what if she embarks on a journey alone again?


   Besides, she has so many things to do now, she has no time to fall in love at all!


   Yes, Lin Yao encountered a lot of things when he arrived at the company today!


   There are a lot of backlogs of daily work during weekends. In addition, the goods returned by Mr. Wen arrived at Hong Kong today. Although she does not need to pick up the goods in person, she has to arrange everything.


   In addition, she also encountered another difficult thing to deal with --- a Jordanian customer sent a complaint letter:




   Whyistheresuchabigdifferenceinthehardnesswithinoneshippinglot? Pleasereply!




   (Lin, why the material hardness of the same batch we received is so different, please give me a reasonable explanation! Our requirements for this product are very clear, we need stable hardness and quality!)


   The problem of material hardness is actually beyond the scope of Lin Yao's knowledge, which is beyond her control.


   However, since the customer has placed the order in her hands, she will be responsible no matter what, and will never shirk!


   Questions she doesn’t understand, some people understand!


   Someone can control the things she can't control!


   If she can't solve it, find someone to help her solve it!


   Lin Yao clarified his thoughts, and only then dialed the supplier, Mr. Zhao's number. This Mr. Zhao was also the iron plate that Zheng Yuning had kicked.


  If Lin Yao had a choice, she would definitely not choose to cooperate with this manager Zhao, but Zhao and Chairman Qin said that she was brothers. As an in-house/documentary, she had no choice but to face difficulties.


   After explaining the whole story, she asked the other person, "Mr. Zhao, is it possible to solve this problem completely?"


Mr. Zhao often said, "Miss Lin, you may not know the situation in our factory. After one of your orders is placed to us, we must first purchase rough parts, but the foundry does not supply them exclusively for us. They can’t do it. We will prepare the blanks and send them to us. Every day we make blanks for us and also make other customers' blanks. Sometimes the same furnace blanks have to be supplied by several companies, so it is difficult to ensure that the hardness is the same every time. ."


"The same model in the same batch of goods has different hardness. This point will not be accepted by any customer who has quality requirements!" Lin Yao said nonchalantly: "And we are your factory. Cooperation here, shouldn’t you solve the problems that arise at the blank foundry?"


"I told you so much, why don't you understand?" Mr. Zhao was very unhappy: "According to the drawing, the hardness of the material itself ranges from HB150-230. Can you ask whether the customers meet this requirement? It meets the customer's requirements, why does he not accept it? You can explain it to the customer, and he will understand."


   is this sentence again!


   Lin Yao patiently said: "If the customer's request is unreasonable, I will definitely fight with him.


If the problem lies with us, but we can't give him an effective solution, he is already very upset, and he has to accept this set of ours. This obviously pushes the customer out, Mr. Zhao, you said is not it? "


Mr. Zhao was silent for a moment, as if he was considering the possibility of losing the customer. He sighed, "I'm not saying that what you said is unreasonable, but we have our difficulties, not to mention that the material hardness specified in his drawings is the material hardness. It is within the scope of HB150-230. We all met his requirements. He has no reason to complain."


"The customer's request is very clear. This problem must be solved completely. Can we do it?" Lin Yao continued: "I don't want to be difficult for others. It can be solved or not. You don't need to rush to reply. It is better to discuss it before giving it. A statement from the customer."


   Mr. Zhao then sighed again, "If you work hard, you should be able to do it."


   This is not something you can cope with with a "should be possible".


   "Thank you Mr. Zhao!" Lin Yao was afraid that he would regret it afterwards, and added: "I will add this item to the contract. If it is not done, the consequences will be borne by your company. How about?"


   Mr. Zhao muttered a little dissatisfied: "Miss Lin, are you a little unkind to say that?"


  Some people are like this. You tell him that there is a quality problem, and he says that he has his own problems.


   You told him that he couldn't do it, don't do it, he said that he should be able to do it with a little effort.


   You told him that I added the request to the contract, and he said that you are too unkind.


   If Lin Yao really considers favors and does not add this clause to the contract, how should he deal with the same problem with his goods in the future?


   Lin Yao dared to pack the ticket, and the other party would not let her add this sentence to the contract, so that one day, when a similar problem recurs, it would be convenient to shirk it.


   Lin Yao, because he expected that he would come, proposed to add this request to the contract.


  Only in black and white, he will have no way of denying, and only when the responsibility for breach of contract is clearly written in the contract, will he treat this problem as a problem to solve!


   Lin Yao did not change her face and said: "Mr. Zhao, frankly, if you do not agree to add this to the contract, I will not dare to take orders from customers anymore.


  Before I called you, I consulted with professionals. As you said, the problem of material hardness can be avoided with a little attention. It depends on whether you are willing to help us solve it. "


   Okay, I've asked him a long time ago!


   Mr. Zhao was angry when he heard her say this, "Okay, you add, you add!"


   How did Mr. Zhao hung up the phone angrily? Lin Yao would not care about this kind of trivial matter. The point is that she settled the manufacturer, and then she wanted to settle the customer!


   Lin Yao solemnly wrote an email to the Jordanian client:




  Firstofall, weproduce;toyourdrawings,thehardnessrangeofthematerialisHB150-230,andwedonotpay;towhetherthehardnessoftheproductswithinoneshippinglotisdifferent;


  , the;ofproductswithinoneshippinglotforyou,arefinishedinseveraltimes.Sometimes,whencastingthe,othercustomers\'productswillbeputtogether,thusleadtothedifferencesofhardness.


  Infutureshipments, wewillpay;tothisissueandavoid;problemsfromhappeningagain.


   (I need to explain the reasons for the different hardness of the same batch of products:


  First of all, we produced according to the drawings, the material hardness range is HB150-230, and did not pay attention to whether the hardness of the same batch of products is different;


  Secondly, in the same batch of goods you received, the foundry provided the blanks several times. Sometimes when casting the blanks, other customers’ products would be put together, which may cause differences in hardness.


  In future shipments, we will pay attention to this problem to avoid similar problems from happening again. )


   After Lin Yao wrote the e-mail, she read it and felt that there should be no problem in the general direction, so she clicked to send it.


   At this moment, I heard Lin Yun calling her, "Xiao Lin, come here."


   Lin Yao couldn't help but chuckle. Could it be that Mr. Zhao called Lin Yun?


   Although the complaint has been half resolved, it hasn't really been resolved after all, and Lin Yun is very good at borrowing questions... She has a personal experience of this kind of thing.


  Since Lin Yun was looking for it, she had to put down her work and walked to the general manager's room in two steps and three steps.


   Lin Yun's physique is exceptionally delicate. She is afraid of cold in winter and heat in summer. It's only early summer, and she has already turned on the air conditioner.


   As soon as Lin Yao opened the door of the office, she felt a strong fragrance blowing on her face.


   Recently, Lin Yao doesn't come to Lin Yun's office often. On the one hand, Lin Yun has let go of work. On the other hand, they have all discovered that they actually don't have a common language.


  Behind the big class desk, Lin Yun was holding a slap-sized makeup mirror to take the left and right photos. She beckoned to Lin Yao, "Xiao Lin, come and help me take a look. Are my eyes different?"


   Lin Yao took a closer look.


   Lin Yun is born with fair skin, small face and big eyes. You can imagine how beautiful she was when she was young.


   Now she is more than 30 years old, she is still graceful from a distance, but she is different when she sees it up close. Her complexion is still fair, but she is too pale. As long as she smiles a little, many small wrinkles will appear around her eyes.


   Lin Yun is most concerned about the double eyelids she had just underwent surgery.


   Yes, Lin Yun went to Shanghai’s Tai Chi country cosmetic surgeon for a slight surgery last month.


   Actually, Lin Yao didn't see how she had adjusted her. After all, she had double eyelids before, but still double eyelids.


   Why would someone rush to give money to someone, and then let someone put a knife in the face?


  This kind of thing, she still can't understand.


   Lin Yao collected her divergent thoughts, "Very good, no problem!"


   "Really?" Lin Yun picked up the small mirror in his hand and took photos again, "How do I feel that the left side is higher than the right side."


   Lin Yao took a closer look again, "I didn't see the difference when I looked so close."


   Lin Yao, this is not perfunctory, but really can’t tell!


   Lin Yun was a little relieved, she put down the small mirror with a smile, and suggested: "We plan to go to Shanghai for a repair next week, how about it? Would you like to see it with us?"


   "Go to Shanghai to see?" Lin Yao was taken aback, and then reacted, "You mean, take me to see a cosmetic surgeon?"


   Lin Yun smiled brightly, "Yes, I have seen it, your foundation is not too bad, as long as you do some fine-tuning, your face will be greatly improved and shine!"


   Lin Yao smiled helplessly, "Thank you, no need!" It was never her pursuit to shine!


Lin Yun said incessantly: "There are some problems that we can't see by ourselves. Dr. Park can see at a glance, and then he can give you some professional advice. If you are worried about money, I can give you first Settlement part of commission..."


   "Wait!" Lin Yao couldn't believe her ears, "No, why should I see a plastic surgery doctor?"


   Settling commissions in advance to go for plastic surgery?


   She felt that either she had misheard, or Lin Yun was brainwashed by the cosmetic surgeon from Tai Chi country.


   Lin Yun said solemnly: "Don't you think your nose is a little low and your chin is a little round?"


   Lin Yao’s nose does not collapse and her face is not round, but the facial features of the Chinese are not as three-dimensional as the Omi. Compared with the popular awl face, her face looks a bit rounded.


   Lin Yao was about to speak, Lin Yun said again: "I think what you need most is your eyes."


   Lin Yao's eyes are natural almond eyes, both large and round, and I don't know how many people have praised them since they were small, but when they came to Lin Yun, they became the most in need of correction.


   Lin Yao was stunned, "How to fix it?"


   Lin Yun opened his mouth and came, "Of course it is to cut double eyelids, then open the corners of the eyes, and your nose and chin must be cushioned."


   Lin Yao said in a puzzled way: "But I originally had double eyelids, should I cut into single eyelids, or cut into three eyelids with a knife?"


   Lin Yun was shocked by her ignorance, she was silent for a while, and then said: "You don't understand, your eyes..."


   According to Lin Yun, there is no part of Lin Yao's whole body that does not need to be adjusted.


   Lin Yun suggested that she move her eyes only from an economic point of view, wait until she saves enough money, and then adjust the rest.


   It's not that Lin Yao is confident about her appearance, she suspects that there seems to be something wrong with Lin Yun's aesthetics.


   And, what is she trying to make money for? Ask the plastic surgeon to stab her face a few more times?


   Lin Yao couldn't help it, adding the last sentence, "But President Lin, don't you think, before that, I should go for an operation first to lengthen my leg?"


   Lin Yun was taken aback, then laughed, "That's true."


   Lin Yao's self-defeating shortcomings successfully interrupted Lin Yun's brainwashing plastic surgery suggestion.


   After Lin Yao left the general manager's room, Shen Jingjing immediately stepped into the general manager's room.


   Lin Yun and Shen Jingjing have a high degree of agreement in some aspects, and they have been inseparable recently.



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