Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 76: Want to buy a big house

   Lin Yao has a lot of work on her hands. When she goes to work, she will subconsciously ignore everything that has nothing to do with her work.


   When her work came to an end again, she suddenly remembered an important question: Chairman Qin and Lin Yun went to trouble Jian Wen today!


   She hurriedly picked up her mobile phone and sent a message to Jian Wen, "I heard someone is going to see you today?"


   A few seconds later, Jian Wen replied, "I've already been here, I have someone blast them away."


   It turned out that the two bosses were so powerful and majestic that they smashed the past, but they only ended up being bombed away...


   Lin Yao felt a little funny inexplicably, "[/强][/强][/强]Boss Jane is mighty!”


   Jian Wen was a little bit dumbfounded, "Say it again, I am not the boss! I will tell you the specific situation later."




   After Lin Yao finished replying to the information, just put down the phone, Chairman Qin and Lin Yun came back, neither of them looked pretty.


   Chairman Qin is better. Lin Yun's face that had undergone cosmetic surgery last month has only recovered 70% to 80% of his face. It is so dark that it can drip ink, which makes people panic.


   Lin Yun walked into the office, threw the bag on the sofa, and shouted, "Shen Jingjing, you come in for me!"


   Shen Jingjing was shocked by her.


   All idiots know that it will definitely not be a good thing to be called into the office by Lin Yun at this time, and Shen Jingjing also knows, but she was named, so she had to bite the bullet and walk into the general manager's room.


   The door of the office was closed, shutting off the prying eyes of everyone outside, and the two inside quickly started an unprecedented fierce quarrel.


   Lin Yun and Shen Jingjing have many similarities. For example, both of them are from well-off families. They were regarded as jewels in the palm since they were young, and they were spoiled and spoiled. They have no lack of arrogance, and even their tempers are extremely similar!


   Such a quarrel between two people is naturally equal.


   Lin Yao didn't hear clearly outside, but only vaguely heard it, it seemed to be related to Jian Wen's side.


   In other words, the person who urged Chairman Qin and Lin Yun to make trouble for Jian Wen is most likely Shen Jingjing!


   Now Chairman Qin and Lin Yun ate with Jian Wen, Chairman Qin must scold Lin Yun, and Lin Yun can only get it back from Shen Jingjing, but Shen Jingjing is not a soft persimmon, so they are too noisy.


   Lin Yao couldn't hear clearly, and the others couldn't hear even after craned their necks.


  In the big office, everyone’s faces are complicated


   looked at each other for a while.


  Considering that the boss and his wife were in a bad mood, everyone consciously continued to do things. After all, no one wanted to provoke their anger at this time.


Shen Jingjing is not Jian Wen. After only half an hour, she came out of Lin Yun's office and gritted her teeth and said: "What is it! Didn't you start a small broken company? What's so great? My old lady quit. !"


   These few sentences of Shen Jingjing were extremely lethal, and they successfully dispelled the thought of the people who were about to come to comfort her.


   Shen Jingjing is going to leave, is it possible that they will also go along?


That is impossible!


Lingyun Industry is indeed a small company, perhaps Shen Jingjing looks down on it, but in the eyes of most people, Lingyun has a good working environment and good benefits. What is even more rare is that the work is easy and the salary is high. Such a work unit is actually not. Easy to find!


   In fact, everyone flattered Shen Jingjing mainly because she had a good relationship with Lin Yun. Now that she and Lin Yun are torn apart, everyone naturally needs to stand in line again.


   No one expected that the news that "Chairman Qin and President Lin have gone to Jian Wen to settle their accounts" that they were talking about recently brought a series of unexpected results.


   The immediate consequence is that Shen Jingjing resigned. Since she was still in the probation period, she completed the relevant procedures on the same day and left the "small broken company" in a big way.


  The indirect consequence is that everyone who stayed has signed a so-called non-disclosure agreement with the company for how long after leaving the company.


   Since Lin Yao has the most customers, her agreement has the longest term: three years!


   Lin Yao hesitated. It was not that she wanted to do something after she left Lingyun. It was just that Lingyun was a pure trading company that could handle any product.


   If she signs this agreement, does it mean that she will leave the entire foreign trade industry for three years after leaving Lingyun?


   Li Renhai whispered: "Sign it with confidence, this kind of agreement itself is invalid."


   Lin Yao came to understand after thinking about it.


   Confidentiality, it also has to be kept confidential to apply.


  A trading company like Lingyun that has no patents, no brand, and no core technology, what secrets can it leak?


  Furthermore, if Lingyun makes additional demands on employees, he has to make corresponding compensations.


   There is no compensation in any form, but people promise not to engage in the same industry for a few years. This kind of overlord agreement is invalid.


   But Lin Yao still has some worries, legally invalid, but what about human relations?


   Jian Wen once said to her, "I will never forget that it was Carlos who extended an olive branch to me at the darkest time in my life."


   Lin Yao is not the same reason, when she was the most desperate and desperate, it was Lin Yun who gave her new hope.


   If one day, she wants to leave Ling Yun, she doesn't want to get into court with Lin Yun.


   Then, does she sign this agreement or not?




   Lin Yao did not delay after get off work, she hurried back to Chaoyang community.


  I never thought that as soon as she returned to the bottom of No.1 building, she found that the tenant Xiao Li and a middle-aged, already-bodied middle-aged man stood there as if they had been waiting for her for a long time.


   Lin Yao smiled embarrassedly, "Let you wait a long time."


   Xiao Li curled his lips, obviously displeased: "We came over after work and didn't eat dinner. I have been waiting for you here for almost an hour."


Lin Yao took out her phone and looked at it in disbelief. The time was 5:55 in the evening, one hour and five minutes before their agreed 7:00, and Xiao Li claimed to have been waiting for almost an hour. In other words, They came to sign this rental contract two hours in advance?


   is so positive, it is really surprising.


   Lin Yao sighed, it seems that Xiao Li and Li Shulan are not the same kind of people, and Li Renhai are not the same kind of people...


   Lin Yao twitched her lips, "Well, I also rushed home as soon as I got off work. Is your company off work so early?" She quietly blocked Xiao Li's words.


   Just kidding, it’s pretty good to be able to make it from 9 to 5 in a general enterprise. How can it be possible to leave work so early?


   If Xiao Li and the others came over by asking for leave in advance, it would be unnecessary. Lin Yao and her had an appointment at seven o'clock.


   Xiao Li suffocated, but she quickly reacted, "Well, yes." As she said, she stroked her hair.


   "That's really enviable."


Lin Yao didn't question, let alone when the other party got off work, why was it so urgent... These issues were entangled, and she went straight to the topic, "I brought the contract back. If you think there is no problem, sign the contract. ."


   Although she has collected a deposit of 200 yuan, she is always worried about not signing the contract.


   "My boyfriend hasn't seen it yet." Xiao Li frowned and said, "We have to look at it before deciding."


   oh, does this mean you changed your mind?


  Also, it seems that the fat middle-aged man is actually Xiao Li's boyfriend!


   Lin Yao made a please gesture, "If this is the case, let's hurry up and take a look."


   Xiao Li's eyes rolled stubbornly, "I'll talk to you first, if my boyfriend doesn't like your house, you have to return the two hundred yuan deposit to me!"


   Lin Yao didn't want to force others to live with herself, but when she heard the other party's request, she suddenly had the urge to throw the two hundred yuan back directly, of course, just thinking about it.


   "I don't quite understand what you mean." Lin Yao smiled lightly, "If you haven't decided whether to rent this house, why are you rushing to pay my deposit? Let me delete the rental advertisement?"


  What is a deposit?


   If you have to refund the deposit based on her saying "My boyfriend doesn't like it", then what is the meaning of her paying the deposit in the first place?


   Xiao Li Ciqiang, she angrily stared her small eyes to the extreme, "You!"


   Whether renting a house or not, Lin Yao didn't intend to offend them, so she changed the subject, "I mean, since it's here, let's take a look and talk about it."


   Xiao Li has nowhere to spread his anger, so he stomped on her fat boyfriend to vent his anger, and then reluctantly said: "Okay."


The group of three people arrived on the third floor. As soon as they entered the house, Xiao Li frowned and said with dissatisfaction: "Your house is too old. The kitchen, dining room and bathroom are so small. I feel that living here will be very difficult. Depressed!"


   Lin Yao nodded and confessed, “The old house is like this, so it’s cheap.” If it’s too small and too old, you shouldn’t come to rent a house in Chaoyang District.


   Xiao Li's boyfriend did not speak with his hands in his pockets, but just followed her step by step.


   Xiao Li walked into the master bedroom for the second time today to take a look, and then said: "This room is too dark. I walked in and saw it was empty. I would definitely be scared to live in this kind of room by myself."


   In the morning, she was still very satisfied with this room, and she took out two hundred yuan on the spot, and then said "empty", "a person living in this room will definitely be scared"...


   This makes people more speechless.


   Lin Yao raised her eyelids, looked at the fat man who was acting as a set board, and said in surprise: "You don't live together?"


   Xiao Li raised his chin, "Of course, he usually lives with himself, and I live alone."


   Lin Yao nodded, which is also good news, "Then what do you plan to do? If you really don’t rent, I have to hurry up and find someone else."


   "I didn't say not to rent either." Xiao Li's eyes flashed, "I just said, your house is too big for me, right?"


   said, she hit the fat man's arm, and the fat man woke up like a dream, "Ah, yes, that's right!"


   Lin Yao said in time: "Then what do you mean?"


   Xiao Li looked at Lin Yao's small room with the door closed, and pointed out, "I want to live in this room!"


   Lin Yao chuckled, "You tell me, this small room is only half the size of the big room. I can live alone. It is too crowded for you and your boyfriend, and the rent for both rooms is the same."


   Xiao Li was taken aback for a moment and insisted: "I don't care, I will rent a small room. If you live in a large room, I will bear one-third of the rent and half of the water and electricity."


   Lin Yao finally understands what her real purpose is to toss these things so well, to save money!


   She opened the door to the room. This small room was really small, with a small bed measuring 1.2 meters in size, a small computer desk, and a closet. Only the aisle was left.


   Lin Yao is too small to live alone. They plan to live with two people, and her boyfriend is quite fat.


   Lin Yao asked: "Are you sure you and your boyfriend want to live in this small room of only nine square meters?"


   Xiao Li gritted his teeth, "Yes!"


   As expected...


   Lin Yao wrapped her arms around her arms, and said lightly: "Everything in this room except the light bulbs is mine."


   She didn't need to do anything extra, but she can see that her new tenant is greedy!


   Xiao Li contemptuously said: "I have a bed and a cupboard, so it is not rare to use you."


"That's okay." Lin Yao got into her arms. She took out the rental contract and the signature pen that she carried on the spot. After a little modification, she handed it to her, "Look, if there is no problem, then sign the contract, and pay for the rent. ."


   Xiao Li looked at the revised monthly rent on the contract and smiled with satisfaction. She signed her name on the spot and said, "I want to move in today. When will you move there?"


   Lin Yao raised her eyebrows, "Give me two hours."


   Xiao Li questioned, "You only have something like this, and you just moved to the next room, why does it take so long?"


   Lin Yao was quite speechless, "I also just came back from the company. I haven't eaten yet, so I have the strength to move after eating."


   Xiao Li dissatisfied: "Okay, then you move as fast as possible, but I paid the rent."


   Lin Yao laughed, "Your rent is calculated from tomorrow. Besides, it takes time for you to move in, right?"


   Xiao Li is confident, "But before I move in, I have to clean up this room."


   "Okay, then you clean up in an hour."


   "Then it's settled."


   Xiao Li was finally satisfied, she took her fat boyfriend to dinner.


   Lin Yao looked at the large items in the house in a daze. It is not impossible for her to move them alone, but if someone helps, it would be better to listen to her by the way.


   Lin Yao took out her cell phone and dialed Jiang Mingshu, "Hello? Is this Jiang Damei?"


   "Hello?" Jiang Mingshu talked eagerly, seeming to be a little impatient, "Let's talk, what's the matter?"


   Lin Yao said pitifully: "I'm going to move, can you come and help me?"


   "Moving?" Jiang Mingshu's voice rose immediately, "Where are you going to move?"


   Lin Yao cleared her throat, "The next room."


   Jiang Mingshu cut, "Are you kidding me?"


Lin Yao briefly said what happened, "It's true. The young couple I originally rented with me returned to my hometown. I also found a tenant. As a result, they had to live in a small room, so I had to move to a large room. "


   Jiang Mingshu is noncommittal, "When did it happen?"


   Lin Yao explained: "The original tenant moved out this morning, and then I just found a good new tenant, they may move in tonight."


   "Heh!" Jiang Mingshu felt as if he was listening to the fantasy, "What are you kidding?"


   Lin Yao was a little surprised, and said again: "I'm not kidding, you come and help me move."


   Jiang Mingshu was a little too lazy to care about her, "Excuse me, I'm working overtime, I don't have time!"


   Lin Yao still doesn't give up, "Then can I borrow your boyfriend for a use?"


   "Go! You talk nonsense again, we will break our friendship!"


   Jiang Mingshu hung up angrily.


   Lin Yao was ecstatic when she saw the mobile phone screen that was apparently unsuccessful. That guy, you really think she is playing her, right?


   However, on the day the former tenant moved out, she found a new tenant, and the other party had to move in overnight, which sounds like a joke.


   She reluctantly looked at the closet, small bed and computer desk in the room. There was something like this, and she moved from one room to another.


   Looking for a moving company is definitely too fuss.


   If she is looking for help, she really has no one to look for. There is only one male colleague in the company, Li Renhai, who asked the family to run over to move a female colleague at night. This is not justified.


  After thinking about it, Lin Yao found out that she had no choice but to support herself.


   She had to roll up her sleeves, hey, no sleeves.


   She first disassembled the keyboard and monitor of the computer, and then moved them to the big room bit by bit.


The same applies to the    bed. First take it apart, drag it to the shelter, and then reassemble it.


  The wardrobe is a bit more troublesome. She piled all the contents on the bed, and then moved the wardrobe little by little.


   If Ms. Li was not so straightforward when signing the contract, she would rather return 200 yuan to Ms. Li.


   However, the lease term of her house is more than three months, and she has no time to find a suitable tenant.


   So, let's do it, she and Li Shulan's family of nine could live for a few months by herself. They were a couple, what was so scary about her?


   When Lin Yao moved everything to the next room and cooked the noodles and was about to start eating, the tenant Xiao Li also came.


   She is carrying a bucket and rag in her washing powder and the like, while her boyfriend is carrying a large bag and acting as a coolie.


   The small living room becomes more crowded.


   Xiao Li is obviously a very delicate girl, she has a lot of clothes and shoes...


   Lin Yao visually observed that these should fill the entire small room.


   However, that has nothing to do with Lin Yao, she went to the balcony to eat with her noodles.


   After enjoying the night, Lin Yao looked back at the room she was going to live in next.


   After putting her small bed and a two-door closet in the room, a large space was left.


   Lin Yao is going to buy a set of sofas, um, a bookcase and floor lamp.


   If you replace the old curtains with light colors, it should look more warm.


In fact, it’s good to live in a big room. There is a balcony with a size of six square meters. It is very convenient to wash and dry. She can also put a chair on the balcony. In winter, she can sit here and enjoy the sun. Isn't it pretty good?


   Does Li Shulan usually do the same when she is at home?


   Lin Yao suddenly saw Li Shulan with tears in her eyes, and she nodded vigorously, and said to her, "Yes, we all want to buy a house, a big house!"


   Lin Yao decided that she must buy a house in the future, and a big house!

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