Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 87: Torrential rain

In the afternoon, Lin Yao received a call from Mr. Wen again.

"Good afternoon~, please help me find Xiaolin~!"

Lin Yao smiled and replied: "Good afternoon, has Mr. Wen returned to China?"

When Mr. Wen heard Lin Yao's cheerful voice, his tone became relaxed, "Ah~Yes~! I just went to the Canton Fair to have a look~, I will be back in two or three days~"

"That's it! By the way, Mr. Wen, I have something to tell you. On the last day of the Canton Fair, a gentleman came to our booth. He called himself Wen..."

Lin Yao thought for a while and added: "He asked you the price of the combo switch you bought most frequently. I told him that the boss was not there and he couldn't make a quote. Let him leave us a contact information. We asked for instructions. The boss will quote again. Of course, we will not sell your products to the same market."

On the other side of the phone, Mr. Wen was silent for a long time and sighed softly, "That's my brother~."

Lin Yao was stunned for a moment, as if the voice of Mr. Xiaowen rang in her ears.

"Hello~, my last name is Wen~!"

"I know there is another Mr. Wen who is cooperating with your company~, so~, I came here to take a look~"

Lin Yao helped her. She felt that either her eyes were too bad or her brain was amused. That Mr. Wen and Mr. Wen looked so alike, and she had already reported her family. She actually pretended not to know Mr. Wen in front of them. Defend others like anti-thief.

How angry is Mr. Wen?

What made her do not understand was, since Mr. Wen and his younger brother were both in Guangzhou, why didn't they get together during the meal? And during the period, Mr. Wen didn't even mention him?

Lin Yao's original idea was very simple. Ling Yun and Mr. Wen had an agreement to keep secret. Not only that, Lin Yun also promised to Mr. Wen that Lingyun’s Southeast Asian market would be solely responsible for Mr. Wen. In other words, even for products outside of Mr. Wen’s business scope, Mr. Wen’s approval is needed to develop new customers in the Southeast Asian market.

If there is no instruction from Mr. Wen, how can they disclose information about Mr. Wen to others?

Unexpectedly, that was actually Mr. Wen's brother!

This is embarrassing...

Lin Yao was a little bit unsure, and asked tentatively, "Are you angry? I can apologize to him!"

Mr. Wen emphasized, "No~use~, I'm not angry~! Not even angry with you~!"

But his tone was not very good, he must be angry.

Lin Yao felt even more disturbed, "I'm sorry, I really didn't know that Mr. Wen was your younger brother, if I knew, I..."

"I said~, no~ use~!" Mr. Wen sighed and explained: "He now works for my competitor~, and often goes to my company and my customers for trouble~.

On several occasions, he broke into my company to take away some information while I was away.

Every time I got goods to the port~, he would go to the dock to see~, trying to find out my source~ in this way, and then he would try to beat me~ and steal my business~. "


Lin Yao was stunned, "How could this be?"

Mr. Wen smiled, but his laughter revealed a little helplessness and infinite desolation, "I didn't expect him to find Ling Yun so quickly~"

Lin Yao was shocked first, and then understood.

From ancient times to the present, there have been many stories of brothers fighting openly and secretly for the family property.

She just didn't expect that this is also the case in Mr. Wen's house.

Lin Yao never pretended to be wrong about ignorance of the cause and effect, but Mr. Wen's younger brother was able to do such a thing, which shows that they have deep grievances. No wonder Mr. Wen would ask Ling Yun to help with the purchase.

Except for small parts with very low unit prices, Mr. Wen purchases very well, and the manufacturer is happy to work directly with Mr. Wen.

Lin Yao thought he chose to cooperate with a trading company like Lingyun because he was too busy or simply to save labor costs. He didn't expect that his main purpose was to guard against his brother.

Of course, there is such a brother who can't get through with him everywhere, and Mr. Wen cannot be overstated.

This afternoon, Mr. Wen talked a lot. Lin Yao felt uncomfortable after hearing it, but she didn’t know what to say, and she didn’t know whether she should be grateful for her crookedness and made the "right" choice. Mr. Cai Tiwen feels sad that he is at odds with his younger brother.

There may be a little bit, and it's hard to say in a word.

"Honestly~, if it weren't for him~, I might not consider cooperating with Lingyun~. I purchase through Lingyun~, he can only find Lingyun~, as for other~, I believe you will keep the trade secrets for me~"

Having said this, Mr. Wen paused and said comfortingly: "I mean you did a good job~, I feel relieved to have you help me~"

Lin Yao, who was suddenly praised, was a little dizzy, "I just did what I was supposed to do. Since you have promised to declare that you don’t know you outside, then I will keep it secret no matter who you are related to. It used to be like this. It's the same afterwards!"

"Yes~, this is what I want~" Mr. Wen sighed long, his tone was quite tangled, "But you grow up like this~, like a child who has not grown up~, there is no majesty at all~ , How can I do things for me in the future~?"

Like a child who hasn't grown up?

No majesty at all?

Lin Yao seemed to see the knives flying towards her heart, and her heart was pricked.

She thinks she is just not tall enough and has a baby face. How can Mr. Wen say that she is like a child who has not grown up?

The day Lin Yao met Mr. Wen was the first day of the Canton Fair. In the morning, they hurried out because they were worried about being late, so she didn't have time to put on makeup.

Later, the three of them hurriedly followed Chairman Qin to Shangri-La, and she also did not care about makeup.

If she dresses up properly and goes to see Mr. Wen again with a pair of high heels, she should not get such an evaluation.

The first impression is too important, not to mention that she doesn't know if there will be a chance to see Mr. Wen again in the future. Even if she wants to change her image in Mr. Wen's mind, she doesn't know that the year of the monkey can only do it.

Alas, she was too late to regret.

Lin Yao protested weakly, "I will be 22 years old next month."

Although majesty has nothing to do with her temporarily, she has indeed been an adult for many years!

"Twenty-two years old?" Mr. Wen smiled, "Do you know how old I am? Although I am well maintained and look young, I am actually almost 70 years old..."

It turns out that Mr. Wen is almost 70 years old, but what's the matter with his sullen tone?

If she understood correctly, Mr. Wen is boasting, right?

In the following time, Mr. Wen habitually digressed, and once he opened the chatterbox, he couldn't stop for a while.

Mr. Wen gushed: "I'm telling you~ I'm going to Guangzhou this time~, I also met some other suppliers~, they all praised me as young~, not like someone who is almost 70 years old~, um ~, it seems to be fifty years old at most~."

Lin Yao was full of black lines, and said to her heart that it was because she wanted to do more business with you and deliberately flattered you, don't take it seriously...

Mr. Wen said this, is he reminding himself that he can praise him for looking young?

But she really can't say such things without conscience, what should I do?

Many of the people Lin Yao knew when they were in their 60s and 70s, they looked like they were only in their 40s. Mr. Wen's actual age was in his 60s, and he seemed to be in his 60s, and he didn't feel well-maintained.

But Mr. Wen's young mentality is true.

Lin Yao thought for a while, decided to respect the old and love the young one more time, instead of hitting him, she said vaguely, "Really?"

"Of course~!" Mr. Wen said proudly, "In our country~, very few people can live to my age~, at my age~, people who can continue to work and do business so well. Not even one~!"

Lin Yao was stunned, and then realized that Mr. Wen is from a tropical country, where the average life expectancy seems to be different from that of China. Perhaps Mr. Wen can really live longer in his country?

She felt a little sour, and she felt uncomfortable for no reason.

Mr. Wen Wu said to himself for a long time, but he didn't get Lin Yao's response. He couldn't help being curious, "What~, don't you believe what I said~?"

Lin Yao teased: "We are still farming in our eighties. You are less than seventy, just pretend to be an old man in front of me."

Mr. Wen likes to hear her talk about these kinds of topics, "Really~?"

"Of course~!" Lin Yao talked freely, "For example, my grandmother, she is almost 80 years old. She usually goes up the mountains to chop wood, grow vegetables, raise silkworms, pick tea leaves, and can do everything, unlike young people. Different."

"Really~?" Mr. Wen sighed, "Then she is very hard~"

Lin Yao said seriously: "She has worked hard all her life. Now if she is allowed to sit at home every day and do nothing, she will not be able to stand it."

Mr. Wen quite agrees, "That's ~, the most important thing is to respect her and her lifestyle~ and let her live happily~"


It's been half an hour after Lin Yao and Mr. Wen finished talking on the phone, and her cell phone rang at that moment. When she picked it up, she suddenly missed several beats in her heartbeat.

"Your account 6858 received Hua Guo currency 356,870.00 on October 21 (payer: Lin Yun, account number ending 4276. [xx bank]

When Lin Yao kept statistics on shipping data, she made two forms according to different customer sources. Each form only contained information such as the customer’s company name, shipping time, shipping amount, and payment time. Others Just leave it to Lin Yun to calculate by himself.

In fact, she was already mentally prepared for Lin Yun to give her a 0.2% commission.

Even then, she could get a commission of about 200,000 yuan, which combined with the hundreds of thousands she had on hand, could barely make a down payment for a small apartment. In the end, Lin Yun gave her more than 350,000 yuan!

She grew up so big, and for the first time had such a huge sum of money!

Lin Yao stood up and saw that the door of Lin Yun's office was open. Only then did he realize that Lin Yun had gone out. She should be still in the bank at the moment.

Li Renhai asked curiously, "What happened?"

Lin Yao calmed down a bit of her excitement, and smiled: "No, nothing." After that, she sat down again.

In fact, she was just too happy and too excited, even if Lin Yun came back now and stood in front of her, she didn't know what to say to Lin Yun.

Lin Yao is very happy, but some people are not very happy.

When he was about to get off work, Chairman Qin walked from his office with a grimace, and slammed the door with a loud "bang!"

Li Renhai just came out of the sample room, originally wanted to say hello to him, and then said a few mischievous words, but saw that his eyes were sharp and his face was gloomy, like the sky covered with clouds outside, looking hideous and terrible!

He was taken aback and froze in place, unable to recover for a while.

After Chairman Qin left, Li Renhai stepped back to his seat. He couldn't help muttering, "This man is yin and yang weird. I don't know what nerves are going on."

Lin Yao saw the scene just now, and said thoughtfully: "I have seen him when he was more yin and yang weird."

It was this time almost a year ago.

The door to the general manager's room suddenly opened, and a woman with a swollen nose and disheveled hair rushed out. It was Lin Yun, but at this time she was no different from a mad woman.

Chairman Qin followed closely, and he grabbed Lin Yun's hair, "slap" is just two slaps!

The success frightened everyone who was about to come forward to persuade him.

Lin Yao and Jian Wen reacted first, and rushed up to pull the frame. As a result, Lin Yao almost hit the wall and Jian Wen directly slapped them.

In the chaos, Lin Yun dialed a number with his mobile phone, and then yelled into the phone, "Qin Yi is going crazy, come and take care of him!"

Chairman Qin was completely angry, his face was pale, he grabbed Lin Yun's mobile phone and threw it to the wall hard, causing the phone to fall apart!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun was violently pinched to the ground by him. Chairman Qin first slammed her head against the ground with her hair, and then slapped Lin Yun's abdomen with a foot in leather shoes. Lin Yun He curled up in pain and shrank into a shrimp shape.

Qin Yi still felt that she was not enough to relieve her anger. He kicked her bare long legs a few times, and stomped on her slender ankles and smashed them again and again...

Lin Yun let out a stern scream, "Ahhhhh! The surname is Qin, you kill me, if you have the ability, you can just kill me directly, ahhhh!"

The most frightening thing is that after Chairman Qin finished the fight, he stroked his slightly tousled short hair, answered the phone casually, and walked calmly into his chairman's room.

Later, when he went back, Lin Yun's office went crazy looking for the real estate certificate...

In short, the picture on that day was too profound, and Lin Yao couldn't help shivering just thinking about it.

Xiao Zhang and others were also there at the time. They looked at each other and said with lingering fear, "Fortunately, President Lin is not here." Otherwise, no one knows what will happen.

Lin Yao prayed in her Chairman Qin will not let Lin Yun get angry this time.

When Lin Yao came out of the company, there was a heavy rain. She didn't hesitate in her footsteps. She held up the umbrella and stepped into the rain curtain.

Lin Yao's Spanish classes are still continuing, and there are many things she has to do next, such as postgraduate entrance examinations and buying a house, which are both important things, but she has to do both at the same time within a month or two. It is not easy to think about going abroad to participate in the exhibition during the period. Walk towards the bus stop.

However, what is the point of a life without any challenges?

When she passed the parking lot downstairs, she looked around subconsciously for some reason, but found nothing.

She stopped staying and walked quickly towards the bus stop.

Soon after Lin Yao left, a black car slowly started in the parking lot.

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