Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 201: Can you be realistic?

After returning home, Lin Yao happily took apart the present Bai Lihong had given her. When she saw what was inside, she was stunned.

It was a pair of insoles, to be exact, half a pair of insoles, used when wearing high heels, only half the size of the sole of the foot.

Lin Yao took a look and found that the size was correct. The question is, why did Bai Lihong give her insoles?

Lin Yao hardly wears high heels. As a bus family, how could she chase the bus in high heels? Besides, she still lives on the top floor!

These are not the key points. The key point is to send insoles for Christmas. Is there any special meaning?

Lin Yao felt that she might have too little knowledge, so she couldn't think of a reason no matter how she thought about it. She called Jiang Mingshu.

On the other side of the phone, Jiang Mingshu’s voice was a little lazy, "Hello~? Why~?"

From the tone of her speech, you can tell that she is in a good mood at this time.

A faint smile appeared on Lin Yao's lips, "Why don't you, I just report to you, I'm back home."

"Oh oh oh!" Jiang Mingshu remembered the fact that Lin Yao had gone to Dubai a few days ago, "Oh, you are finally back! So what, is Dubai fun? How luxurious is a seven-star hotel? See the Prince of Dubai Already? Isn't it handsome?"

People who don’t know listened to Jiang Mingshu’s tone and thought that Lin Yao had gone to Dubai for a state visit, otherwise how could he just open his mouth to a seven-star hotel, Prince of Dubai...

However, by accident, she really saw the prince deity.

Thinking of this, Lin Yao couldn't help but smile, "You ask so many all at once, where do I start to answer?"

"Answer one by one~" Jiang Mingshu urged: "Oh~ah~, hurry up~, tell me~!"

Lin Yao succinctly said: "Dubai is very fun. I heard from the tour guide that the seven-star hotel is really luxurious, but unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to go in and have a look. I saw the prince, he was really handsome!

"What about, huh?" Jiang Mingshu suddenly reacted, not daring to believe: "Did you really see the prince? Is it in the newspaper?"

Lin Yao's tone was a little excited, "Not only in the newspaper, there are real people."

Jiang Mingshu was taken aback for a moment, then burst into laughter, "Lin Yao, this joke is not funny at all."

Lin Yao smiled without saying a word.

Jiang Mingshu questioned: "The prince is not a welcome guest. You can see it as soon as you pass by?"

"I said I saw it, and you don't believe it, then why did you come to ask me?" Lin Yao knew she wouldn't believe it, and didn't care whether she believed it or not. "Actually, in Dubai, do you want to see it? It's hard for the prince, after all, there are large pictures of him in many places, the kind that occupies the entire outer wall."

It's a pity that her eyesight is not very good, otherwise she would definitely recognize the prince at a glance, but what use is it even if she recognizes it?

Jiang Mingshu imagined the scene and said with a smile: "I'm going to make such an exaggeration!"

Lin Yao said in a light tone: "The prince also came to the exhibition. At the opening ceremony, he personally cut the ribbon, probably to attract traffic to the exhibition."

Jiang Mingshu exclaimed, "Wow---You also participated in the opening ceremony? Tell me, how does it feel to go to the opening ceremony with a prince?"

Lin Yao said calmly: "Lin Yun was the one who went to the opening ceremony. I have always stayed at the booth."

Jiang Mingshu couldn't believe it, "Whether the prince is there, doesn't it have nothing to do with you?"

"Of course it has nothing to do with me!" Lin Yao said amusedly: "I am not a big man. I am just one of the thousands of exhibitors. I am just a small man. Is it possible that the prince must meet him in person?"

"That's true." Jiang Mingshu felt funny after thinking about it, her tone was not without fascinating, "but he is a prince, the most handsome prince in the world in the legend!"

The Prince of Dubai is of course very handsome, but in Lin Yao's view, the reason why he is so popular is mainly because of his status as the crown prince and his worth, not his looks or talents.

And Jiang Mingshu’s most handsome prince may be more or less related to the prince plot in every girl’s heart, especially for creatures like Hua Guo. The prince has long since perished, so girls like Jiang Mingshu are exceptional. The prince of a rare country.

It’s as if children from other countries are curious and want to take a closer look at our national treasure, the giant panda, for a reason.

Lin Yao and her focus are obviously different, and she gushed: "The scenery there is really good, you know, their sky is always blue and blue, and there is no cloud at all! Their roofs and walls They are all snowy and white, and there is no trace of rain! And their Golden Street, the shops in the whole street are selling gold like Chinese cabbage, and the gold ornaments they use are large and thick. Go, the whole street is golden..."

Lin Yao talked about her experience in Dubai, while tidying up her luggage in an orderly manner. She practiced multitasking in her work.

Jiang Mingshu sighed after hearing this, "Those who do business in our class have not had the opportunity to go abroad yet. I didn't expect you to go abroad first."

Who knows this?

Lin Yao didn't expect it, but she probably already guessed the reason why Qin Yi and Lin Yun always let her go to the exhibition. That is precisely because her identity is internal service, theoretically all clients have nothing to do with her.

As for why she can only work internally, and why no matter how much she has made, she will still be looked down upon. Isn't the reason for her low academic qualifications and low English proficiency?

However, this is only temporary.

When she goes to graduate school, she is the most educated in the company!

No one is qualified to look down on her!

Lin Yao said seriously: "What is the difficulty of going abroad? Many countries are exempt from visa now, including Dubai. As long as you save enough money, you can go wherever you want to play!"

"The problem is that I haven't saved enough." When it comes to money, Jiang Mingshu's tone is much lower, "I won't even have a credit card at the beginning of next month."

Lin Yao couldn't help wondering, "Didn't you say, are you ready to pay back the credit card money?"

Jiang Mingshu said distressed: "Yes, it was originally prepared, but I went to Yintai later. You don't know how unused money is now!"

This... Lin Yao really didn't know.

According to her thoughts, Jiang Mingshu works in Orlando. With such a good welfare, there are still more than 100,000 or 200,000 yuan a year. I dare not say that it is not a problem to save about 100,000, right?

Why did you get to Jiang Mingshu here, you can't even get a credit card?

But Jiang Mingshu still feels that she has done a good job, and she has a sense of measure. What does this mean?

Jiang Mingshu regretted it, "I lent you the five thousand yuan if I knew it, and if the money was left with you, I would definitely not buy that set of cosmetics, but unfortunately I didn't know everything! five thousand yuan. ."

Lin Yao felt that the five thousand yuan was not the point at all!

Jiang Mingshu seems to have not noticed that she has been living by herself and has no life plan at all!

If things go on like this, even the best cards can be beaten by her!

Lin Yao is considering how to persuade her to make a three-year or five-year plan.

Jiang Mingshu asked again: "By the way, how did you settle that tax money later?"

Lin Yao replied casually: "My credit card limit is 80,000."

"But that's 50,000 or 60,000 yuan!" Jiang Mingshu was anxious for her just thinking, "You have to pay back the mortgage and the credit card, oh my god, how will you live the next day? I told you, I It's true that there is no savings at all!"

How can Lin Yao not know her details, "I have a sum of money, but I didn't want to move, but I can use it to respond to an emergency."

The credit card can be installed in installments. The five thousand yuan that Mr. Wen rewarded her is still, plus the monthly salary, it is now at the end of December, and the year-end bonus should be issued soon. Lin Yao feels that she can handle it.

Jiang Mingshu was shocked, "Are you still saving money?"

Lin Yao was equally surprised, "You mean, you really didn't save any money?"

Jiang Mingshu was silent. She couldn't deny this, but she didn't want to admit it.

She changed the subject, "By the way, does your family know about your house purchase?"

Lin Yao was constantly busy while answering the phone. She put the clothes in the suitcase into the closet in different categories, hung up the coat, and put the small objects into the storage box.

When Jiang Mingshu asked about buying a house, she paused slightly, and said "Um" without speaking.

Jiang Mingshu curiously asked: "You have bought a house, so the family didn't sponsor you a bit?"

"I wanted to buy a house myself, not that they wanted me to buy a house, so I didn't ask for money from my family." Lin Yao asked in return: "Besides, I have already bought the house. The house is still hardcover. Why do I need their sponsorship?"

In fact, it's not always true. Lin Yao doesn't talk more about the house with her family. There are many reasons. On the one hand, Ms. Wen speaks too quickly, but everything she knows is generally known to the whole village.

On the other hand, Ms. Wen is very worried. She has a short temper and has some heart problems. This is the main reason why Lao Lin and Lin Yao let her unconditionally endure everything.

Ms. Wen doesn't care about the house right now, because she lives in the village and knows nothing about the housing prices in Hangzhou.

Once Lin Yao asked her for money, Ms. Wen would get to the bottom. If she knew that Lin Yao didn't have any money left, she would be mad with more than one million foreign debts (loans).

Ms. Wen has some spare money, but it is only a few hundred thousand.

The money is in Ms. Wen's hands, and she can be happy every day, but it is far from enough to pay Lin Yao to repay the loan!

In that case, why should Lin Yao mention those things to her?

"That's also true." Jiang Mingshu said in a complicated mood, "you have done it yourself."

Lin Yao took the opportunity to persuade her, "Your salary is not low, as long as you plan carefully, buying a house and a car will not be a problem in the future."

Jiang Mingshu disagreed, "I only get so little money every month, what is enough? Besides, the housing prices in Hangzhou are so expensive, so I don't want to spend my life just to buy a house, haha!"

Having said that, she laughed loudly, "You become a house slave yourself, and you want to drag me down, there is no door! Hahaha..."

Lin Yao asked, "Do you think that, in fact, your current life hasn't been easy?"

Jiang Mingshu's laughter stopped abruptly, and she was silent.

Her salary is higher than Lin Yao, but Lin Yao bought a house, and she can't even pay the credit card bill. Why is this happening?

"One must have a goal..."

Lin Yao was about to continue to persuade her, but Jiang Mingshu interrupted her impatiently, "I said, can you be more realistic? I don't even know how to pay the bill next month. You persuaded me to buy a house and a car? Hey! I'm too lazy to tell you, I'm hanging up."

Lin Yao hurriedly said: "Wait, I am calling..." In fact, she just wanted to ask where is the custom of giving insoles at Christmas, but before she finished her words, Jiang Mingshu hung up the phone for a second. Don't hesitate.

Lin Yao had to give up. Jiang Mingshu was traveling in Orlando and had a good time, and there was a rich second-generation boyfriend who was so devoted. She actually had a brain twitch, and she was really worried about the problem of getting the house and car for Jiang Mingshu. Unreasonable, no wonder Jiang Mingshu is angry.

Lin Yao told herself that this was the last time. From now on, Jiang Mingshu can toss as much as he likes. Who can let people have the willful capital.

As for the pair of insoles, no matter what Bai Lihong gave, it was all people's heart.

Lin Yao doesn't think Christmas has anything to do with a native Chinese like her, so she never thought about giving Christmas gifts to anyone in the company.

Besides, Li Renhai is the only one who has a good relationship with her in the company. It is impossible that she will not send it to anyone, so it is easy to send Li Renhai a Christmas gift.

As for Bai Lihong, Lin Yao originally planned to give her a gift back, but the insoles and packaging given by Bai Lihong should add up to no more than 5 yuan. What kind of gifts can she return, greeting cards?

They are not elementary school students, so don't be funny!

Lin Yao simply gave up.

Lin Yao sorted out some gadgets she bought in Dubai, and put some decorations and decorations on the bookshelf of the study to embellish the seemingly empty study.

Her four rooms are arranged like this One upstairs is used as a study and studio, the other is a bedroom, the downstairs is used as her own bedroom, and the other is used as a guest room.

She plans to live upstairs in spring and autumn, and downstairs in winter and summer.

Although Lin Yao only brought a thousand meters to Dubai and couldn't buy much, she did not return empty-handed. For example, the price of gold in Dubai is much lower than that in China. She spent a few hundred meters to buy a gold ring for Ms. Wen. He also selected some Arabic-style jewelry and handicrafts for Jiang Mingshu.

Finally, there are some perfumes, CDs and skin care products, which she keeps first, and can take them back to give away during the Chinese New Year.

Lin Yao used the fastest speed to pack the things in the suitcase, and she was ready to review.

She originally wanted to tell Jiang Mingshu that she had brought some souvenirs back, but why is it important to give a gift?

So, wait until she finishes the exam.

The exam is very close, Lin Yao plans not to go out this weekend.

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