Gear Drive

Mr. Emma's name is Mitsuya.

View Mr. Enma's left letter.

Rub some black ore or something,

Looks like it's written on paper.

...... para.

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I shall go.

Hey, I can't gamble anymore.

About the knife, treating it like a thief, so what?

It's for me.

Very thoughtful work.

Washi used to impress people with things that

How can I make it,

I don't know anymore.

By that time, I happened to stop by,

In a city on the verge of being,

I met your father and mother.

I was given the ore,

such a knife.;

They gave me a simple painting.

The essence of making things,

The lost eagle,

In two replies, I got this job.

I was going to do it right.

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... Perla.

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I wasn't into riding at first.

On the way, I was very happy.

It was fun.

I did it when I was younger,

Using a bit of a forceful way too,

I managed to take shape.

Excellent work,

pretty much at the end of the day,

I realized the demon was living there.

I am grateful to your parents.

What impresses people is

First, he said it was important to impress himself.

You made me realize.

I thanked you and gave it to your parents.

When he appeared in your hand,

From that dining room,

I thought it flowed as stolen goods.


I didn't know you were inherited by your daughter.

I didn't even think about it.

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...... Parali.

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I don't know if you remember.

When you were a baby,

I've seen you before.

If you want to bring alcohol into the store,

My mother took it from me and left me unfaithful.

That's when they asked me for a favor.

The truth is, at that time,

I came to see the knife.

On the desk,

While you're at it,

Totally forgot, I may have left.

Meet the knife with the sawdust,

Not for the second time either.


It's getting bigger.

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─ ─ Full......

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You helped me.

Thanks for the treat.

Take it.

That's what used to be in a big book.

If you think it's a shield and you make it,

Not at all. I'm sorry.

If you don't, let's use it.

When I met Derek and Sora,

Say hello.


Yotogisaki, as it were,

Take care, Tam.

And keep that outfit a secret.

Enma Dozirg

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I had it by my side,

I unraveled the crude cloth.

Inside, a beautiful white frying pan was wrapped.

"─ ─ ─ Analysis complete (Analyzing).

Name [Dior]

(skill medium/item)

Classification: Cookware/Shield

Condition: Clean

Characteristics: Absolute rejection

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ Synchronizing, stopping.

".................. Gun"

Look at the letter and the frying pan,

I don't know, it was tears.

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