Gear Drive

First Generations' Ground Song Preliminary - Shh

"> > > ha......"

'What is it?

"> > > No...... You think it's pretty luxurious to take a bath like this every day since you died?

'----Me too: it's one of the factors of that luxury.

"> > > Huh! Ha, right. Mixed bath in a rented out bath...... hmm old friends or something could get bummed if they asked...... '

─ ─ ─ ─ ……

"> > > Guys, I wonder how you are......"

"---------Towel: Shall I get it?

"> > > why. No. Roll it up...... '

"As one who bathes together:

─ ─ ─ I wanted to abide by the manners.

"> > > calm down. I won't be able to soak it in hot water, so that's okay... I thought you were somewhat of a" wind discipline chairman "position?

"─ ─ ─ Designed for men to flesh: yet:

What do you say to a woman who's being held hostage?

─ ─ ─ ─ Chill.

"> > > haha...... weird. Speaking of which, I'm sorry, but I can feel the thought of lighting the spark wire... '

"─ ─ ─ Physical injury after Anti's profound inheritance, though:

─ ─ ─ ─ Details checked:

─ ─ ─ It was found to be only a minor laceration of the right arm.

"> > > Talk, I changed... Well, you just rubbed it off a bit, didn't you? Horrible...... I only saw Mr. Gouga's example once. '


─ ─ ─ Your mask skills were: very effective.

─ ─ ─ Because it specializes in "slowly observing the movement of the opponent's magic".

"> > > Phew...... In relation to Mr. Gouga, that was quite fruitful! That move is a melee attack. I didn't know Mr. Gouga had it either... '


─ ─ ─ It's time: I want to touch...

"> > > Huh!?... Ahhh! Left arm... '

"Yep. Excuse me.

"> > > Yes. Right now, but thanks...... You could compress it pretty much into the shape of your original arm, couldn't you? Looks like a transparent human has a tattoo of light... '

I think it's possible to improve the shape of the prosthetic arm.

"> > >, even at this level, right? For grabbing things and feeling the temperature, there is no problem at all. It's just that when you look a little sick, you look like a cook."

─ ─ ─ ─ ……

"> > >... my hand, don't you mind?

"------Very: I love it.

─ ─ Gyu......

"> > > Wow... Sometimes Dostraight is really cheating... '

"--- hehe: Did you get it up? Caneto. '

"> > > I'm a convict... You've got a lot of room. Tell your junior thoughtfully, I'm really glad you... '

─ ─ ─ ─

"> > >... what the hell. As Kyoton. '

"------And smiles like this now:

─ ─ ─ I think it's very cheating...

"> > > heh? '

'- - - - I'm feeling easier: I'm sure.

─ ─ ─ ─ Antti said: Than I think:

─ ─ ─ It's always been Anti.

"> > > haha, what is that? Well... junior, you'll be shimmering where you're shimmering... I won't tell him, but it feels exactly like" our chief "!

Then: I am the right arm of the chief (Don).

"> > > Hmm? Me, then, the chief's staff?

─ ─ ─ ─ ……

─ ─ ─ ─ Indeed: I seem to be lightening up.

"> > > Ha ha..."

─ ─ ─ ─



─ ─ ─ The….

"> > > Hmm? '

─ ─ ─ ─ ……

"> > >... what? '

'- - Um: the: do...


'I want to try something: I have...

"> > >?? What a sudden......"

'-' - 'No: that. I this time:

─ ─ ─ ─ The importance of speaking thoughtfully:

─ ─ ─ ─ Are you saying you double-checked...

"> > >???? I can't see the story... What do you want? Of course I'll talk to you."

'─ ─ We have: seven genetic offspring.

"> > > ─ Buh! Ugh, yeah... yeah!

"--But: the... cugnawns.

─ ─ ─ In fact... I didn't "give birth" to it.


"----Well, the...

"> > > No... hey, hey..."

─ ─ Ragged, ragged, ragged, ragged, ragged, ragged, ragged...!!





"> > > ─ Huh!!?

--Tattoo, tattoo, tattoo, tattoo, tattoo, tattoo!!

─ ─ Pimp ─!!


─ ─ Dobby, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!!!

─ ─ Bhahhhhhhhh!!!

─ ─ ─ ─ ……………………


"'Bum, bum, bum... Puh, puh, puh, puh!

'─ ─ ─: Confirm enemy aircraft water attribute attack.

"> > > to the hot tub...... don't think you should jump......"

"'Hey, hey!! I finally found it!! This tinkly golden couple!! Nice nerve to meet you in a bath at the end of an area like this, aside from this shizetsu!!!!

─ ─ Bisi!!

'- - Hide the front...

"> > > Hide the front..."

"'Wha!! We hid each other in a towel!! Every day, you're so sweet, this cat girl...!!

CANETO: Permission to fight.

"> > > Ok. Gatling is bad in a cypress bath......"

"'Kihihihi... but hey! Times are always for youthfulness......!! Shizetsu's time is coming from now on!!! Ha ha ha ha!!

"> > > Really, when you laugh, you're sook with juniors......"

'----I 've been less than three months since it happened...

"'Huh? If I crown, hey, are you telling me? I rebooted 200 years ago!! It's decided to be younger than you!!

'- What...?

"> > >............!"

"'Oh?... We already know we're" servers, "right??

"Shizetsu!! Ha!?.

"> > >............ tell me, Sizez...... What the hell is" Dungeon Server "...?


─ ─ ─ Me too: You too...:

─ ─ ─ Is there a "Dungeon Server"?

…… I'm frightened... You haven't figured anything out yet... ''


"> > > What do you mean no...?

"'The seven of us had to try different ways to keep our own functions going... If the same way ends in failure, we'll fall together.' '

"Continue function."

"> > > …" How to "? '

"'In it, I hated the" you and Q "way... you guys were against my way too. But look!! I played this right thanks to my brothers!!!!

'- - - Understood: I can't...

"> > >...!! Wait... you just said" 200 years ago "!? No way......!

"'Kihi-ha! Thank you to my brothers and Sakurako Kaori!! I woke up almost perfectly thanks to you guys coming here!!

"> > >...!! Oh man...!?

"--Shizetsu... you.

"'What about my consciousness...? When a lot of people died, it was set to be reconfigured automatically. Your brothers have killed so many, I can stay here!

"------Become: Watch your mouth!! Sizetz. '

"> > > …, … Sizetz. You know..." Tobashi "?

"'Of course, I know!' Cause in a way she used the" same way I did "thing!!

"> > > Huh!?

"- - - - Sizetz!!.

─ ─ ─ ─ Speak so you can understand!!.

─ ─ ─ We are: What the hell!!.

"'Ha, yadda-yadda... I knew it wasn't the opposite of you. I've always hated your personality and how you do it!!!!


"'But... I'll just admit it to you...'"

'- - -: Admit…?.

"'I, Antti, like......

Very, love it......

If it's not your "way,"

I never met that girl... ''

"-----: Sizetz…?.

>>>………… …… Hey, tell me, Sizez...

You... "Dungeon Server" means...

"'Sole (...)!!!!'"

"-----" > > > What? ".

"What are you saying?"

Brother, that's a reduction!!

"-----: What...?

"> > > What are you mad about, Sizez...?

"'Uh, yadda-yadda...

Brother? Are you watching that golden left arm?

"> > > eh......?


─ ─ ─ Please: As we can see...

"'Nor!! Crown!! Touch your brother's arm!!



"----Here's the thing.

"> > > Oh, hey, Sizez......?

"'Well, chew it!!

'What about...' > > >? '.

"'Ki no -!!!! Hurry!! Shizetsu is now spraying salt on his rivals!? Mukatsukumkatsukumkatsukumkatsukumkatsuku!! Come on...!!!

Ri: incomprehensible...

"> > > and mouth with your hands together,

What the hell does that mean... '


Hayakusu uuuuuuuuuu!!!!


"> > > ugh..................................................."

"---------" > > > Chiyu ".

"'Shit... see, that's enough!! Look at your arms!!

─ ─ ─ ─

"> > > hey what... arms...?

─ ─ BiBiBi, Bi.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─




─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

'- - -: Money, T...!!?.

"> > > WHAT............ THIS"

"'Really, your brother,

They're delegating authority, aren't they?

To unlock a "Modified Model":

You needed more than two names in a row, didn't you?

'- - - Caneto also: …!?.

"> > > I am a server!?

Is that what this is about?

"'Hey......... I know why Sizetz is so angry...?

"-----R... Understood: Not possible.

"> > >.................. why...?

"'That's it, that's it, that's it!!!! That display should have shown Zettai whenever your brother and Crown flirted. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!!!

'--------: … Eh.

"> > > ……… yes? '

"'Huh, huh, huh...!!!! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!!! Your brother and Crown have been!! What the hell!! How many times!! I wonder if we had a friendly fling. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!?!?

'- - Whoa...: You are not obliged to answer: No.

"> > > ─ ugh!? Are you recording this?

"'Ki, ha, ha...! Just hold hands and pop up just to chew. Yikes!? There is, hey hey hey!? There must have been, huh!? I'm a newlywed...... you must have had a lot of opportunities, huh!? Over and over again...... I was rattling popping up from that arm, hey I wonder if you hadn't noticed...!?!? I wonder if we were so crazy about each other!!!!

"----A: Um...

"> > > (that...? Why, in such a flow...) '

"'Wow!!!! Can you...!!!! If they call me every once in a while, it's here. Ahhh!!!! Antti is obsessed with that girl, she won't mind and no...!!!! Sizez, Gretchen whoa!!!! Gun-ho!! Gun-ho!! I hate your brother so much. No!!!! Just today, it's war ahhh!!!!

─ ─ Javo Javo Javo Javo ─!!!!

─ ─ Bushyaaaa ~!!!!

'----OH...: Let's refrain from rumbling in the bath...

"> > > Whoa, calm down, Sizez... when you get out of the bath, take your time talking..."

"'Kihihihihi......, Kihihihihi!!!! Yikes," Bath "!!!! Shizetsu, I don't know anymore......!!!! I need Oshioki for a couple of servers that are dairy in this place!!!! Knock, knock, knock...!! All I can do right now is give me a bomb to take away. Come on - YEAH!!!!


─ ─ ─ ─ Sizez: What are you willing to do?

"> > > hey......!?

"'Bath-loving newlyweds get a bummer...!

"I want to" ~ ~, "disarm" OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!





─ ─ ─ ─ □

>>> □

─ ─ Bhahhhhhhhhhh!!!


Chip, chap.


{{No, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!!!}}

[Kah. I put it back on... naked!

< Alas ~ ♪ No way, I didn't think I'd go back in the bath with my hives peeled off ~ ♪ >

{{Hiaahhhhhhhhhhh -!!!}}

─ ─ Bullshit!!

[No, eggplant... My milk is all over me... what are you ashamed of? Ouch, always stay in the living room almost naked......]

♪ Oh ho ho ho ♪ ♪ Have you even returned to your old senses? ♪

{{Hey, Kanetoki-kun's, eclectic no no no no no no no no no no no no...!!!}}

─ ─ Panda!!

- That's it. That's it!

─ ─ Ragged, ragged!!

─ ─ Pisha!

[... you're on the run]

< Ala ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[Ooh. I'm tired of being good to that Jari too... I'm sorry to bother you!...... hmm?



------So: Go on.

─ ─ ─ Please leave!.

"> > > Hey, Crown, you know..."

[... Oh, my big sister. "Don't eat" pressed her own milk, and the child's (full) vision fluttered.]

♪ Love and hey ♪

─ ─ Ragged!

{{So, Mr. Die!? Why are you still in there ~!!? I'm out fast ~!!!}}

[Oh, eggplant! Just, yeah, bring the booze, booze!

< Oh ♪ yeah ~ ~ ♪ I'll have a kanetoki han too, huh? I'll have a drink. ♪ ♪ >

'What the heck!!!!


... bukbukbukbukbukbukbuk......

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