Gear Drive

Alcor's shield.

"Ugh, ha-ha!

─ "You're a genius."

A boy from another world tells me so.

From the stepladder I was on,

I laughed so much that I was about to fall off.

The angels I drew at that time,

It's really creepy,

It becomes a laugh that makes the world look like a little fool.

I exhaled a little,

Peek up into his face.

…… ─ ─

This kid... a lot, too.

I can't help it, it's that king.

How many people did you kill today?

That king... I can't stop.

I can't stop.

Me and... together.

I answered softly.

"- You're making a terrible mistake."

"─ Huh?

"I didn't stop."

The king who saw my manegotto,

When I saw the burning painting, I scowled "ho".

That king had mercy on me,

It's like, they talk like beauty stories.

Enough to avenge me,

No courage, no strength.

than the pigments I used in my hometown.

The quality of the castle's paintings is fantastic.

More than hate, fear prevails,

More than pride, greed prevails.

"I just couldn't stop"


I didn't.

It's just this.

"So the paint, stacked"

You... you will.

"That's all."

The princess was clogged day by day.

The king called the three of her,

Already... I'm starting to let it go.

"It's a clap... not to that extent"

"May I?"

The emperor made himself well portrayed,

He spoke to me foolishly.

"It's Rayochi. My daughter who hid that mouth with a cloth...... do you know anything? My hair is dyeing like a dirty pig, that's the girl."

…… Well, you're nothing. However, Lord Kaoko is close to Her Royal Highness Princess Rosalia. "

"What a lament..., with such a filthy silent woman..."

The emperor and I were alike.

That would be why I'm alive.

He was looking for interest.

The only thing unknown that I'm not sure about,

It seemed to attract my heart.

Unfortunately, the king's knowledge is vast.

As a result, he got bored.

"I've been thinking lately. I wonder what it's worth to the world I'm bored with."


He tried badly.

And he was a genius.

"It's an honor! Rayochi!!"

"Oh my..."

In the invited king's room,

Every forbidden book magic was stored.

"…" Dark Clouds (Random) "…" Reborn (Linker) "…" Transfer (Trans) "! …"

"Ha! Right!! Behold!! There is even this beautiful and trembling, poor magic formations......!!

From that magic formation,

There is light leaking that corrodes the body.

All...... reshaping the shape of the soul,

It's all illegal magic......!

Yes... he too, couldn't stop!

The Emperor seeks, examines and seeks…,

We've reached...!

"─ Proud!! You can see this artistic ritual when you paint a hybrid!? Haha!! Hahahahahahahaha!!

"... what are you going to let this old body do"

Why did you show it to me?

Bragging, to kill?

That's not true.

This man...

"Hey Rayochi... we're Tomodachi, aren't we?

He asked for:

"Draw" a certain "book sentence".

However, with a special procedure,

"Modify" my body.

"He's an animal man, that age. It won't be long now. Before I die of aging...... I want you to satisfy my desire for knowledge"

…… ……

The king lacked morality,

And he begged me,

I continued to give difficult painting implements to

It is a fact.

Old I thought...

I owe you with my life, too.

I thought it was a good idea.

"One thing... I need you to do."

"Say it."

"After my death... I want the Beast Man as my friend"

"Ha! What an easy wish!! If you don't kill him, will you?

…… ……

I... didn't understand the king's intentions.

"Pages of books" … "Draw", what…?

Why do you need to change my body?

But there are no more paintings left to draw.

No... before you find what you want to draw,

I wanted you to kill me.

But it's a strange thing.

My old body has endured many experiments.

The magic formation at your feet vanishes.

I have a cramped gut,

Again, I survived.

"Gu, ooh, ooh"

"Ooh......! Oh, my God! Your next status is awesome, Rayochi!!" All attributes disabled "and" Physical resistance "!? ─ ─ Ha!! What a status! If you weren't a rotten beast in your gut, you could have been a Reid Boss too!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!

"... with... with... with... with me..."

The book I painted in "The Body at This Time,"

It became the cutting edge of the emperor's barbarism.

Looking at the canvas,

The king trembled.

"Yay..., yay!! It's Rayochi!!!

…… ……

"Look, here it is-!! This passage--!

The pages of the book I drew are:

It was written about the "Dragon Raid."

while I kept my nearly broken body in my chair,

Read a description of the "picture of the text" that you have drawn.

"…," ─ The Red Dragon that came in "…," ─ First, about 3fnu "…," Destroy the prototype demon furnace in the Moving King's Capital "……," In just a few Bjorns, burn the area… ", …"

There is a typo.

"─" Björn "?"

Looking at the motif books,

It is true… "Byo".

I... made a mistake.

"... I'm sorry for your help?

"You're not. You did it, Rayochi...!

The emperor put both hands on my worn out shoulder,

I showed the illusion as if I were going to labor the brave.

"This... is about 80 years old. You are...... awesome!! Your status now is beyond the logic of the world......!!

"..., huh...?

"You... have transcended the" concepts "of this world...!

The Emperor was innocent.

I found a treasure, like a child.

"Yay...! Prove it...!! The" concept "of this world - as a sentence - can be" painted differently "…!!" Letter of Light "is not where...... No longer, even as I wish...!... haha... haha... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!

"... you, what...?

With the vision of becoming vain,

He looked up to heaven and was laughing.

I will fall and fall into a coma.

─ ─ When I woke up, it was all too late.

"What have you done, my king?"

"Oh! Rayochi! Wake up! Listen to me! That girl... she had the ability to manipulate" Kotoba "!!

"─ No, no, no, no, no, no!!! Kaoko OOOOOOOOO!!!

The rushing things of the crying Princess Rosalia,

No face... it was a girl's body.

The white princess painted her blood,

The face palm brave, swells up.

"Where...!? My... Where did my" Chicara of Kotoba "go...!?

"King... what are you talking about?

"Oh, oh... Kaoko, no..."

She was supposed to be a person,

I was trying to be a tree.

Sprinkle with sweet aromas,

The princess stared at the sole.

buzzing, its giant trees,

Doss dyed black, like she did earlier,

Start bleeding black and red.

It was in the shape of a woman.

When the monster gave birth.

Princess Rosalia, who was nearby,

It collapsed like a building block castle.


"─ Ooh! Shi! It's a" si "concept!! I don't care about Kao! -" Kotoba "! Where did you get my" Kotoba "? Change the world," Chicara of Kotoba "...!!

"O king, the princess... your daughter is dead..."


A voice like a collection of dying pigs.

The reaper has no face.

The chi that erupted from that cross section,

instantly cover the sky,

It will bring death to the Empire.

"O king..."

"Do you betray me...? Don't do anything that goes against the theory of truth... Unchain that man. Look... it's" Kao ", Hihihi...! If it came from an array, it would have the same conceptual power. Hey, can you just shut up and watch your students keep killing you? Do people move with love? Ah-heheheheheheheheheheheheheheh...!

The king is crushed.

I'm dying.

He's crazy.

─ And.

"... I'm sorry, Dobashi"



Golden God: "> > ─ Think, think, think. It's ok haz...... right!! With Mr. Die's shield, there's a good chance...!

He's fighting.

Dead and still fighting.

Watergod: ● #... Kanetoki! We're running out of time! Transfer the shield!!

Cat One: "C1: Combined space device and bag gear, Dad."

They are fighting.

Never give up.

Dazhu: < Wow, I don't know if we can stop it... best of all, I'll do it!!

Bear God: "Oh, whoa!? We're in position!? Don't you have a shield yet?

Cat: "C4: Nyah, Dad. Uh, it's time to suck."

The big dangout-like mutation

the huge gun gate held by Harrah,

It makes you shine like the wrath of God.

Golden God: "> > > Damn......! Analyzed laminate to the limit! I just have to......!!

Cat One: 'C1: I'll forward it!

decorated with gear and golden glass,

The mysterious frying pan,

Beyond space, to the knight of the beast man,


Bear God: "This, is...!?

Cat: "C4: ─ Cover it!!

Bear God: "-! Fuck yeah.........!!

The shell turns up an evaporating sound,

The light collides straight.

Bear God: "─, O, O"

Dazhu: < Gu, gi, gi ~!!?

Extreme light is prevented,

The sunflower petal design at the bottom of the frying pan

One, another, and it goes dark.

Golden God: "> > > The decrease in gauge is quick......!!

Watergod: * #... You don't have 20 seconds like this...!?

Bear God: "Ah, no...!!!

Cat: "C4: Heat conduction isn't preventing it!

Shield reinforced with gear.

Light trying to swallow.

A knight in the figure of a brave bear.

Think, brave souls.

Golden God: "> > --Space, connection--"

Watergod: ● #... Cooling but not in time...!

Behind it was the city.

They're protecting.

Die, they're brave.

But I 'm--

Golden god: "> > >... mostly, are you going to give up"

─ ─ O king.

Your body, now is the time.

Painting Phantom: "I, Mo., Tonarou the Carrer..."

Golden God: "> > > ─......!?

This wheel of gear

After all, it resembles the sun...

I was-- I waltzed through.

Dazhu: < --- Eh!!

Bear God: "Oooh!?

Of shields, my lady.

Will you excuse me for a moment?

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

To the Devil's Shield Diornocheon.

The ghost shield.

Extra equipped! ▼

"Fresh Shield of Death Trillion Stars" has been configured! ▼

"All Attributes Disabled (Element Zero)" is activated -! ▼

All attribute magic is deactivated! ▼

That's a good siggot ~ ~ ▼. * ·

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

The bear knight with me is astonished.

Bear God: "Huh..., frying pan and, ghost ooh...!?

Dazhu: < That, well......!

Cat: "C4: Awesome"

The scorched earth,

Right in front of me,

It was stopped.


My soul (Seoul) is

If it's just status,

Laid boss, that's why...

Golden God: "> > > Ha ha...... I knew you were a genius. '

that the brave men who traveled with

Say something you miss to me.

Painting Phantom: 'Nyorolinga-...!

Well, then.

of peeking all over the women's water,

Shall I work?

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