Gear Drive

drunken gods

"> > > Silver Grey?May I come with you?


Meet Batteri and Kim Hour,

Instead, let's induce them to drink.

It also touches on the world's conviction,

Strange air was flowing.

It is not a matter of reluctance.

But... because of your age,

The cause seems to have been mine.

The soul of Togashi is not dead yet ─ ─.

"> > > He's still alive..."

#...! That's right...\ 12313;

I actually gave an unreliable reply.

"> > >... it's too depressing."

#... I'm sorry. But if you think it's been left in space forever...\ 12313;

In the past, due to my own lack of power,

I pushed everything.

The world's judgment that I'm a villain is that

It's not wrong.

"> > > There's a cherry tree growing from my head."

#... you said\ 12313;

> > > Purple Denki witnessed it in the boxyard.


They said Sarasara,

It seems to be a fact of shock.

I did not respond in an unusual way because

It was just surprising and stiff.

Kanetoki was talking calmly.

> > > After all, this place is... "Dungeon handling", what is it?Since it's about D servers, the gods can interfere with this place to some extent. "

#... Dobashi Kaoko was visiting Hakoniwa? 12313;

"> > > I'm sure you're right to ask.However, rather than the main body data... it might just have been a short time of consciousness. "


> > > When it came to purple electronics, it seemed like it was pretty obscure.Hahaha... looks like him. "

I'm laughing lightly.

Something like heat, with intent,

Hidden in the heart of the word.

"> > > A bit of a nuisance... he brought Rosa's soul to the boxyard."

#... you kept your friend's soul forever? 12313;

"> > > That's all I can think about."

\ # … It's a big deal\ 12313;

Princess Rosalia and Tobashi Kasakura Sakurako (Toba only)

He seems to have gotten along much better than I thought.

They must have supported each other in a tragic country.

I might have called you my best friend.

> > > I thought so.


"> > > If it's Kotoba in the sky, it's disconnected from Shi."

#...! I can't die anymore...?\ 12313;

"> > > So I adapted to the conditions of the new God."


"> > > Instead, when I got off the ground, there was a union of" shi "and" kotoba "."

#...... Wow, that's 12313;

"> > > And... we have the kao."

separated by "spiritual law",

Gold and silver mask.

I don't know why it's two.

But ─ ─

However, beyond that "wall of the sky", we must first meet ─ ─ 12313;

> > > I think so too.

If I return the #... "Kao" to her, will we... disappear?

"> > >... I don't know."

On the way to Silver Gray,

The golden lion says.

> > > First of all, you have to calmly judge how to break through.Me and my teacher... are already in charge of water and gold in this world. "

#... easily became an undead ghost\ 12313;

"> > > Absolutely. It seems that the summoned hero will be tortured a lot."

#...... Kuku, you've grown up too\ 12313;

"> > > Yes, yes. I don't feel like that... even though I don't have any dust."

I carried a harsh fate.

Compared to me, it was the end of the teacher.

I'm happy to be a teacher.

This is not just what I feel because I was a teacher.

The other teacher is in heaven.

The thoughts were made ─ ─.

# ……………………………………………… 12313;

> > > That's right......

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ Ah ─

I met with the crown.

"> > > Hello."

#...... How are you?\ 12313;

No, I said another stupid greeting.


The teacher's wife,

It seems to be overflowing with compassion.

I decided to invite him to a sake seat.

Mm, age... well, that's good.

It looks young, but... maybe.

He would be the oldest person I've ever met.

The three of you walk down the Zhu corridor.

> > > I see.Because I got caught up with Tobashi, I still haven't heard the important thing. "

#... that's right. "Language repair."And ─ ─ ─ "The Crown of the Past" 12313;

─ ─ ─ ─ No.

─ ─ ─ ─ That's it:

─ ─ ─ ─ I didn't mean it: but... "

> > > > That's bullshit. You've been too careful with other people since you learned how to feel. "

─ ─ ─ ─ Yes: such as bullying:

─ ─ ─ ─ That's the first time I've been told.

"> > > I'm glad. From now on, I'll steal your first."


─ ─ ─ That kind of thing:

─ ─ ─ Say it when you're alone!


Rainbow maidens, including gold,

Now it looks like you're in full bloom.

"─ ─ ─ ─ I used to say:

─ ─ ─ ─ What was it: I wonder if it was a company... "

#... you were about to create God?\ 12313;

> > > That's what Rosa said earlier.

─ ─ ─ ─ ……☼

─ ─ ─ ─ Andy: Meisna: Still.... "

> > >...... I still think it's a quick plan.

─ ─ ─ ─ But......

─ ─ ─ If it's true...... I said: push ─ ─ "

The Goddess of Lost Memory,

But I may not have lost that heart.

At least, the spirit of that thought

I think she deserves it.

We are uncertain.

But it's true.

Still moving forward ─ ─ ─.

"> > > Switch your mind."

─ ─ ─ ─ ☼

# …………………………? 12313;

"> > > An old friend was alive.Fufu, are we going to celebrate?

─ ─ ─ ─ ☼

# ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

> > > I know you can't say long things.But... I don't think it's the same to take down a scorch. "

─ ─ ─ ─ Yes ─

> > > No... it was too cool.Finally ─ ─ I felt like drinking...

─ ─ ─ ─ Fufufu.

─ ─ ─ ─ Relationship: Let's do it.

#... Kukuku...Now, let's drink to the god of cherry blossoms and try to be stylish. 12313;

Rather than think, the atmosphere became a bit dramatic.

A broken space station.

The relationship between "kao", "kotoba" and "si".

Somewhere on earth... the Death is sealed.

An indestructible wall above.

The purpose of the Crown once was.

We have a lot of problems.

You don't have to hurry, you just have to untie it.

We're still alive.

\ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+ + + + + + Mom, come on ─ ─ Ahn......!

+ + + + + + Phew ─...... Yikes......!\ 12313;

─ ─ ─ ─ ……☼


#…… ……

[It's time to stop...]

You're so energized, you're poisoning your body ~?


+ + + + + + Uuuuhhh...!

+ + + + + + What's the matter?

+ + + + + It's almost over!!

+ + + + + Junya's idiot ─ ─......!

+ + + + + Hmm...!\ 12313;

[Splash...]Do something about this drunk...]


In other worlds, spirits are

Sometimes it looks like they're pointing their fangs at us.

I can't help it.

You are drunk at the counter,

Sit next to the old goddess of water.

Are you holding a sake bottle...?

The Moon Goddess with the same face as the former Empire Princess,

In my vomited white liquid,

It sinks to the ground.


"> > > Hey, wake up!How many times do you want to sleep on the floor!?

The money was treading without mercy.

I'm sorry that this place has become so busy ~ ♪

[Hah... Hurry up and have a drink!

# ………………………………………;

Actually, it's immersion.

You don't have to say anything.

Dried chilled sake is served.

\ + + + + +..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


The drunk next door... is looking at us.

You've... you've gotten better.

Quickly, grasp the information.

I want you to talk ─ ─......

Who is "Shizuku"?\ 12313;

#……… ………

Why should I?

Situation is being questioned.


─ ─ ─ ─ ─ G: Gyah!?

> > > The slime spits on the slime, it's no longer an attack...Are you okay!? Crown!?Ooh...!

Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.

[Crown]... For now, go take a bath with Dana...]

+ + + + + + Hey.

+ + + + + Sonoah, you look like me...?

+ + + + + Hey!

+ + + + + Heeeeeeeeee ─ ─......!! 12313;

#... Phew. Oh my God, it's...\ 12313;

Gokuri and the spilled liquor

No, it was really hot.

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