Didi didi

Mo Xiaolan opened his eyes. After getting up, he looked at the pop-up light and shadow screen on the investigative report on one of the 820 murder cases, the case of Ruda being strangled to death. The sender was Leng Rui, and It was Billy who set out to investigate, and Gene was also involved.

After watching a video confession, Mo Xiaolan watched with interest as Billy used a unique method to deal with the indirect criminal Song Ying.

Lillian, sent a special supervisor, and after communicating with Section 12, the man Gaite and the woman Song Ying on the list were closely monitored 24 hours a day, and told Section 12 that I would use dual methods of psychological oppression and physical oppression. .

Lilian looked at the video and asked doubtfully.

Is it necessary? Isn't this a waste of time? I think these two guys may not know.

If Jean hadn't caught Pure Color, I might have thought this way. This group of rioters is different from the idiots we dealt with before. They have no restraints as human beings. They can be said to be a group of rational lunatics. Faced with such Our enemies are only ruthless. As long as they are still human and conscious, they will always show their flaws. If they don't show their flaws, we will have to force them to show their flaws. It seems that Leng Rui's actions , it is impossible for them to notice it in a short period of time, several lines have been grasped, and everything is normal in the big world. Next Sunday, the masked woman who calls herself Crystal Lady will pass by, I am looking forward to it.

Lilian nodded and walked out slowly. Mo Xiaolan yawned and got up from the bed.

Asshole Gene, where are you hanging out?

Mo Xiaolan dialed Gene's phone and said with a smile.

Opposite Zou Lin's house.

Mo Xiaolan laughed.

Sure enough, you don't really believe Gait and Song Ying, and everyone around Zou Lin can't be trusted either!

I'm going to go to Frye Mental Hospital tomorrow.

For a moment, Mo Xiaolan showed a helpless look.

My so-called lunatic is not a lunatic. It's better not to go to that place. It's meaningless. The old man is also serious. He doesn't want to go to that kind of place even if he has a great future. As someone from the same period, I actually feel for him. Not worth it.”

Gene smiled on the phone.

“It’s only when some people are willing to take on certain things that this city can have its current glory.”

It's up to you. Do you need help?

The phone was hung up, and Mo Xiaolan leaned back with a look of disgust.

Gene stood quietly on the roof and looked to the north. Billy beside him had already eaten and was lying on the roof to sleep. There was no movement in the house in front of him. Everything about the nanny was normal and she was helping Zou Lin. After scrubbing my body, I went into the house to sleep.

In the dark night, Jean's eyes looked extremely sharp under the dim light, with a touch of sadness.

The wind kept stirring Jean's somewhat scattered white hair, and many things in the past came to mind. After a while, Jean raised his head, took out a cigarette and looked at the dark night sky, with a slightly bitter smile on his face. .

On a starless night, we know clearly that the stars are behind the thick clouds, but there is nothing we can do. Such nights are a bit cold. Nights like this a long time ago were also full of life, but as the night progresses, the city seems like a machine that has just been extinguished. Generally, the remaining warmth gradually recedes and becomes cold and hard.

Whenever you can hear the chirping of bugs again, maybe you can see the stars, right, Ellie!

The moment he lowered his head, Jean's face returned to his usual gentle smile. He continued to sit on the roof and looked at the houses opposite comfortably.

There was a glimmer of light, and Billy woke up. He looked at Gene, who was still sitting on the roof, smiling as gently as the morning sun. Although his face was a little tired, he was staring at the house opposite with great energy.

I'm sorry, Billy. You can go back later and go to the General Affairs Department with Le Xiao and others to submit the motion and account report of Section 13.

Billy hummed, then yawned, his body slowly floated up, and then landed on the ground.

Mr. Jean, I think it's best for you to take a rest.

Gene tilted his head and looked at Billy, who had jumped away. He raised his head helplessly. The early morning sunlight hit Gene's face, which was blood red.

Le Xiao ran so hurriedly that she could already see the steps leading up to the square of the General Affairs Department. Today is the last day of October, the 31st. Last night, she revised the inspection report until 1 a.m., and Le Xiao got up at 4:30 in the morning. , after exercising for a while, he and Alpha ran to the General Affairs Department.

Don't worry, there's still half an hour.

Alpha said, and Le Xiao shook her head. Le Xiao still remembered clearly the morning when she came to the General Affairs Department for the first time. She was one minute late, and Michelle didn't give her any good looks. As a result, she lost her salary this month. .

But at this time, Le Xiao was even more aware of how powerful it was to be a secretary. When she browsed some parliamentary bills last night, she was shocked. Except for the 12 subjects, the secretaries of the other 11 subjects had There are many small proposals going on at the same time, which is something Le Xiao dares not even think about.

Alpha also said that these large and small proposals must be led by the secretary himself. Although they can be left to the director to take charge, if they are not done well, the secretary will still be blamed, so most secretaries are in the department. When the internal affairs are not too complicated, I usually visit several areas a day to check the work progress and hand over other related work.

Le Xiao, who finally stepped onto the stairs, breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the staff coming in and out. Many of them had already started eating breakfast.

Sure enough, Michelle was already standing at the gate of the General Affairs Department, with her hands behind her back, standing up straight and looking at every clerk who came in and out. When the clerk greeted her, she nodded.

Your Excellency Secretary General.

After Le Xiao walked over, she and Alpha stood up straight and shouted.

The handover office is on the second floor.

Le Xiao nodded happily and walked in with Alpha. At this time, Michelle was a little surprised. After a few days, this little girl seemed to have changed a little, less timid and a little more confident.

“Tomorrow’s city meeting at the beginning of the month is the real battlefield.”

As a result, at around 7 o'clock, the flower house was already open. Lin Yuan had just finished taking care of the flowers. At this moment, Gene walked over to the door with a smile.

I want to buy flowers!

Lin Yuan nodded immediately, turned around timidly and walked into the store with a little dodge in his eyes. Everything was seen in Gene's eyes, and he walked in with a smile.

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